Deca dosage levels....help please


New member
May 24, 2005
I'm about to start my cycle of deca and test enanthate. here's my dilema...your supposed to keep the test levels above the deca levels to prevent deca dick syndrome, but on the deca vial, it says that it is a 200mg/2ml vial. If i'm supposed to be using 400mg of deca per week, and 500mg of test per week, does that mean that i am supposed to use the entire vial of deca for just one injection, because if i do that, then there will be 2 cc's filled in the syringe of deca, but when i put the test in, 1 cc of test is equal to roughly 250mg. I guess my biggest concern is if theres twice as much deca as there is test in the vial, am i doing something wrong?? am i taking twice the test levels since theres 1cc of test and 2cc's of deca, or is this normal and is there then supposed to be a total of 3cc's of fluid in the syringe???? sorry if this is confusing guys, but i am totally confused myself with this just because to me it doesn't make sense for twice the amound of fluid of deca to be equal to half the amount of test.

this is what my cycle's supposed to look like

weeks 1-12 test enan...500mg per week
weeks 1-10 deca.........400mg per week


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
oconnor20 said:
I'm about to start my cycle of deca and test enanthate. here's my dilema...your supposed to keep the test levels above the deca levels to prevent deca dick syndrome, but on the deca vial, it says that it is a 200mg/2ml vial. If i'm supposed to be using 400mg of deca per week, and 500mg of test per week, does that mean that i am supposed to use the entire vial of deca for just one injection, because if i do that, then there will be 2 cc's filled in the syringe of deca, but when i put the test in, 1 cc of test is equal to roughly 250mg. I guess my biggest concern is if theres twice as much deca as there is test in the vial, am i doing something wrong?? am i taking twice the test levels since theres 1cc of test and 2cc's of deca, or is this normal and is there then supposed to be a total of 3cc's of fluid in the syringe???? sorry if this is confusing guys, but i am totally confused myself with this just because to me it doesn't make sense for twice the amound of fluid of deca to be equal to half the amount of test.

this is what my cycle's supposed to look like

weeks 1-12 test enan...500mg per week
weeks 1-10 deca.........400mg per week

ya your going to have to do more injections.
sounds like your using norma deca? if so ya its 200 per 2ml. that mean per week you will need to do 4ml or 4ccs of deca total.
and for the test you will need only 2ml or 2ccs a week.
the norma are just diluted lightly. you could have bought deca that was 200 of 300 mg per ml.
oh well just do a fe3w extra injects then you planned
preferable do half the injections on monday and the other on thursday.
so monday 1cc test and 2cc of deca
then repeat it on thursday. you hsould be good to go


you can do glute injections with the deca since your glutes will easly handle 2ml per week per glute, and do the test injections in your quads or delts.
try 1 injection in right glute & delt on monday and 1 injection each in your left glute & delt on thursdays.
this will use more pinz per week since you want a fresh pin for each injection


New member
May 24, 2005
Ok, thats pretty much what i figured, but i just wanted to post the forum and double check to be positive, thanks guys. one more quick question, i thought the glutes can hold up to 3ccs per week??? if this is true, then can't i just do it all in one injection???? thanks much again bro, appreciate ur help


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
oconnor20 said:
Ok, thats pretty much what i figured, but i just wanted to post the forum and double check to be positive, thanks guys. one more quick question, i thought the glutes can hold up to 3ccs per week??? if this is true, then can't i just do it all in one injection???? thanks much again bro, appreciate ur help

Ya could, but if it were me i'd opt 4 the 2x pw, not that its a real big deal with enth and deca, but 2x will keep levels more stable...


oconnor20 said:
Ok, thats pretty much what i figured, but i just wanted to post the forum and double check to be positive, thanks guys. one more quick question, i thought the glutes can hold up to 3ccs per week??? if this is true, then can't i just do it all in one injection???? thanks much again bro, appreciate ur help
they can but i wouldnt recommend as a newbie to do this. keep them down to 2ml per glute per week for now and work your way up to the higher amount on your 2nd or 3rd cycle. it will also depend on how big your glutes are also. same for delts, some go up to 2ml or higher per delt but i go no higher than 1.5ml per delt per week.
one other thing is that 3ml shot all at once will tend to have newbies to injecting, push the plunger down to fast and cause injection site irritation. you need to maintain a nice slow injection which is much easier with 2ml than 3. makes for a much longer time to hold the pin steady while injecting.