deca and winstrol suggested stack


New member
Nov 21, 2004
i have read alot on board. 2nd time using deca, worked well for me. i am wanting to gain some strength and size for martial arts. i have ordered 8 of deca and 6 winstrol. i have some nor diol that i have tried but decided to get back to some gear. i might take them with it anywayz. what would be the best way to use the deca and win? should i start with deca for a week and then add some win? injectibles of course. also should i take the nor diol also. thanks for the help and info.


how did your dick work while on deca??? "deca only" is a big no-no!! How long did you run the deca for and how much did you run per week. Get some test first...everytime you do steroids, tell yourself "do i want to add anything else to this test"...test is a must for every cycle. your nor diol is worthless. you don't sound too educated on juice. I suggest you do research before resorting to gear again.


New member
Nov 21, 2004
i really didnt notice anything different. i was doing it milidly 100 a week. was first cycle and just alittle scared. i want to take 200 per week and add the whinny to cut alitle. should i keep taking the nordiol to keep test levels up? thanks for the help and quick response.


at 100mg a week, I'm almost positive that your gains were from your diet and not the gear. You dont run deca that low...it pretty much had no effect on your body...winny is not gonna make you get cut just by taking it, it helps slightly, but thats up to you and your diet. Deca should be run ideally at 400mg for about 10-11 weeks. Throw away your nordiol as almost all PH's are worthless (with the exception of M1T and a couple others). First a foremost, get some test. Deca is not a drug for "cutting", its a mass steroid. I would suggest, (and most here would) doing a test only cycle.

Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate at 400 or 500mg/week. Depending on diet, you can gain 15-25+ lbs .


New member
Nov 21, 2004
thats just it i am 6 3 and about 225, i really dont want to get alot bigger mostly stronger. i did 100 a week and i felt a great pump when i worked out. i was just starting to lift again it felt like it was doin somethin. maybe that was all in my head. yeah with my work schedule i definately have to get a good diet. i eat irregularly, thanks again for the info. i will check into the test. i think the other is already on its way. hummmm/


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Whether it's test or deca, you need about 400mg a week to see any strength increase. Additionally, you need to run then for 10 to 12 weeks. Strength will equal larger muscles and larger muscles will equal some weight gain. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you want to add strength without adding a lot of muscle, you could try anavar. Anavar is a very expensive steroid to run though and needs to be ran up to 10 to 12 weeks to see any benefits.


May 13, 2004

bhb said:
i have read alot on board. 2nd time using deca, worked well for me. i am wanting to gain some strength and size for martial arts. i have ordered 8 of deca and 6 winstrol. i have some nor diol that i have tried but decided to get back to some gear. i might take them with it anywayz. what would be the best way to use the deca and win? should i start with deca for a week and then add some win? injectibles of course. thanks for the help and info.

bhb how old are you man? I think you need to read up a bit before jumping into cycles. Do you have your PCT planned out? Did you even read any of the sticky's on the main page? If you had you would have known that deca alone is a horrible idea. The sides of taking it alone outweigh the benifits. Holy hell please dont ask, 'can i drink my winny.' Too many vauge questions asked, but i will attempt to answer them..

Also Eating 'regularly' is not even getting close to sufficient. Plan out a diet fit for your goals and stick to it, then think about the use of AAS. While on that rediculously low dose of deca your gains without a doubt came from diet and training. Also deca is not known to give pumps after workout, possibly a mental reaction.

i have ordered 8 of deca and 6 winstrol.
What does this mean? 8 weeks? At the proper dosage of AT LEAST 400mg/wk you should have 3200mg of deca for a 8 wk cycle with 2100mg of winstrol. However even with that amount of deca i would not even go near it without the use of test.

also should i take the nor diol also.
Throw it away, sell it, give it to some kid in hopes of a miracle drug.

i am wanting to gain some strength and size for martial arts
If you want to gain strength with little/no size orals will work. Var, Dbol, Winny are all good choices.

what would be the best way to use the deca and win? should i start with deca for a week and then add some win?
The best way to use the deca and winstrol would be to WAIT. Plan a cycle, order some more gear, for god sakes get some PCT in order, then use the resources here to help with cycle planning. Saying that are thinking about 'waiting a week then starting winny' also shows naivity. A cutting agent should not be used in direct conjuntion with a mass buillding, that seems to defeat the purpose doesnt it? Winstrol should be taken at the very end of a planned out cycle. Please dont attempt to use what you have to start a cycle, it will only do more harm than good in the long run.

As for this post, sorry for any hostility shown, but how could i NOT speak this way. At least read the sticky's, thats what they're there for.


New member
Nov 21, 2004
thanks for all the replies, no offense taken. i am 28 and i have read about it alot. different sources suggest different things. i have been going off what friends have done and are currently doing. they seem to like deca. man it must have been in my head because when i did take it i felt a pump?? i also know that i ate like a horse. hummm. i have read that different aas affect others differently. i guess i will order some test. i have already paid for the other. so if i take test and deca and win, what intervials should i take it? also again im sorry that i am not up to speed on this, there are alot of different sources saying different things so im alittle confused. guess thats why i bought the nor diol. oh well. i just need a personal trainer.. :) thanks guys. my goals are to increase strength and not blow up too huge. i know that muscle out weighs fat, believe me i have some to lose. justwant to look and feel better. thanks again, f$^k those other sites


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
bhb said:
they seem to like deca. man it must have been in my head because when i did take it i felt a pump?? i also know that i ate like a horse. hummm. i have read that different aas affect others differently. i guess i will order some test. i have already paid for the other. so if i take test and deca and win, what intervials should i take it?
Deca is a good steroid, but it is usually used as a bulker and it isn't nearly as effective without testosterone. Additionally, deca by itself can cause the dreaded deca dick. That's where your girlfriend or wife is coming to my house during your cycle because you have lost the ability to take care of business. J/K This is another reason you take test with it. It allows you to to perform normally. If you are going to do this combo. Test 500mg per week 12 weeks, Deca 400mg per week first ten weeks, winnie 50 mg per day last 5 weeks. With your goals in mind EQ would have been a better choice than the deca, but since you already have it, make sure you are eating very clean during your cycle. Keep us updated.
Do you have ancillaries on hand in case of gyno and do you have your PCT lined up?


New member
Nov 21, 2004
no i need to get some stuff just in case gyno or somethin. damn i wish i would have posted earlier, ohwell i guess i will be ordering some more.. what is pct stand for?? thanks again. :cool:


bhb said:
no i need to get some stuff just in case gyno or somethin. damn i wish i would have posted earlier, ohwell i guess i will be ordering some more.. what is pct stand for?? thanks again. :cool:

Post Cycle Therapy


New member
Nov 21, 2004
thanks what do u suggest? also since i am going to order some test. would it be ok to use the deca for the first couple weeks then kick in the test or what ever u think would be good. guess my timing is shitty. guess i am gonna have to order some more gear. i got an email today that it is on its way....


bhb said:
thanks what do u suggest? also since i am going to order some test. would it be ok to use the deca for the first couple weeks then kick in the test or what ever u think would be good. guess my timing is shitty. guess i am gonna have to order some more gear. i got an email today that it is on its way....

dont take the deca...u said you really dont want to get bigger.....its a mass drug...just take test at 400mg/week for 10 weeks straight....


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
wolfyEVH said:
dont take the deca...u said you really dont want to get bigger.....its a mass drug...just take test at 400mg/week for 10 weeks straight....
Agreed. Deca needs to be ran longer to see the effects. If you want to front load something while you're waiting for your test to kick in it should be an oral like Dbol or a fast acting test like Prop or suspension.


New member
Nov 21, 2004
now i have read that i need prov and clomid to help with poss sides. my question is are those legal to where i can get them anywhere or do i need to order off the net. i just hate the union charge and all. thanks again.
last time i just used the deca without any pct. guess it wasnt strong enough to do anything.