Dbol only cycle ?????


Registered User
Nov 27, 2004
was considering a dbol only cycle when I finish the cycle I'm on now. I'm currently on week 7 of a Test Enth. only cycle. I have Nolva. and Clomid for PCT. After my PCT, how long should I wait before starting a dbol only cycle?

I just got my hands on the dbol. Which is the reason I didn't use it on the front end of my current cycle.

I'm wanting to grab some quick extra muscle gain for the summer but don't want the soreness from the injecting. I play in a mens baseball league and can't even imagine trying to play when my ass hurts half the time. (Reason I'm wanting to do the dbol only.)



save your dbol for your next cycle, TEST and DBOL.....do not take dbol alone, you will not like the results as you will lose most, if not all of your gains. Some people do it the last few weeks of the cycle instead of the start, but i say just save the dbol for later. However long you are on cycle for (including PCT) is how long you should take off to do your next cycle.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
Dbol only cycles are gonna get you big...puffy...strong...for a few weeks...then your right back where you started from. Keep taking the testosterone and mix it in with the dbol on your next cycle but start injecting in other body parts that move alot more for example your thighs. That will help to spread the injection faster and plus their are ways to reduce the soreness from the site. I hardly get sore in my thighs anymore on occassion i get that bad inject that gets me sore other than that pain free.


dbol will hinder your performance much worse than a sore ass will for the reasons oracle stated above. with dbol you will hold water so bad that it WILL affect your performance on the ballfield.
what brand of test were you using that it was constantly causing soreness? most long estered test products should be relatively painless so you shouldnt get that sore.


New member
Jan 30, 2005
Actually D-bol will not hinder your performance, in fact it is one of the best, if no the best product for people who compete in anaerobic sports (aka baseball) because of the quick build up of strength and muscle. But it is horrible for aerobic sports because it deminishes cell respiration. D-bol has a rather weak androgenic component and an obviously quite strong and visible anabolic component. Its effects are largely non-AR mediated, which is documented by its rather low influence on the natural endocrine system and the fact that it decreases rather than increases red blood cell content in the blood. Which means that one worry users of Dianabol, especially short term, needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. It also, due to the short half-life, makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone in the early hours of sleep (assuming you use it early in the day). Combined with the already mild effect at the AR, you could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle (although you will lose a good deal of water weight and the extra glycogen will leave your muscles). But unfortunately if you are trying to look good for the summer D-bol probably isn't that great a choice. It makes your body stock up on potassium which is good for performance, but that causes your body to stock up on sodium giving you a horrible bloated look. If you do decide to use dbol only you might try stacking it with primobolan which will provide a mild, lean base as well as a possible diuretic occasionally.


Trd79Bam said:
Actually D-bol will not hinder your performance, in fact it is one of the best, if no the best product for people who compete in anaerobic sports (aka baseball) because of the quick build up of strength and muscle. But it is horrible for aerobic sports because it deminishes cell respiration. D-bol has a rather weak androgenic component and an obviously quite strong and visible anabolic component. Its effects are largely non-AR mediated, which is documented by its rather low influence on the natural endocrine system and the fact that it decreases rather than increases red blood cell content in the blood. Which means that one worry users of Dianabol, especially short term, needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. It also, due to the short half-life, makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone in the early hours of sleep (assuming you use it early in the day). Combined with the already mild effect at the AR, you could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle (although you will lose a good deal of water weight and the extra glycogen will leave your muscles). But unfortunately if you are trying to look good for the summer D-bol probably isn't that great a choice. It makes your body stock up on potassium which is good for performance, but that causes your body to stock up on sodium giving you a horrible bloated look. If you do decide to use dbol only you might try stacking it with primobolan which will provide a mild, lean base as well as a possible diuretic occasionally.


first off, don't cut and paste..if you do, cite the sources.......secondly, big cats profiles are complete shit. He's going by studies and articles done years ago. (stacking dbol w/ deca or primo?? yeah right ) Visit all of the messages boards and you'll notice almost everyone will agree that cycles w/o test are complete shit. The studies are there that every AAS will suppress you to some extent. Testosterone and food are THE most important things there are for muscle growth. If you want to do dbol only, then go ahead, but you will not like your results in the end. The initial weight you gain from taking dbol is nothing but water and glycogen stores and you will lose all of that.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Why would anyone join a bodybuilding board full of people with years of experience if they aren't interested in learning the facts first hand on how to get from point A to point B in the shortest time possible?

If that were the reason you joined, why would you then try to convince those with all those years of experience, why Dbol only will work for you even though it never worked for anyone else?

Listen up guys, I'm in Virginia and I want to drive to California as quick as I can. I know all you experienced guys say you should drive west without deviating, but I think I can get there faster if I take a ship to Europe.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
DragonRider said:
Listen up guys, I'm in Virginia and I want to drive to California as quick as I can. I know all you experienced guys say you should drive west without deviating, but I think I can get there faster if I take a ship to Europe.

Man DR....That's deep.


Trd79Bam said:
Actually D-bol will not hinder your performance, in fact it is one of the best, if no the best product for people who compete in anaerobic sports (aka baseball) because of the quick build up of strength and muscle. But it is horrible for aerobic sports because it deminishes cell respiration. D-bol has a rather weak androgenic component and an obviously quite strong and visible anabolic component. Its effects are largely non-AR mediated, which is documented by its rather low influence on the natural endocrine system and the fact that it decreases rather than increases red blood cell content in the blood. Which means that one worry users of Dianabol, especially short term, needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. It also, due to the short half-life, makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone in the early hours of sleep (assuming you use it early in the day). Combined with the already mild effect at the AR, you could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle (although you will lose a good deal of water weight and the extra glycogen will leave your muscles). But unfortunately if you are trying to look good for the summer D-bol probably isn't that great a choice. It makes your body stock up on potassium which is good for performance, but that causes your body to stock up on sodium giving you a horrible bloated look. If you do decide to use dbol only you might try stacking it with primobolan which will provide a mild, lean base as well as a possible diuretic occasionally.
i will strongly disagree with your statement about dbol being so great for baseball. with all the water retention you get from dbol(which is where most of the size & strength gains come from) how can it possibly make you faster? water bloat slows me down bigtime and also causes me to get out of breath much quicker but you are saying that this is a good thing for baseball? tren, eq, test prop these are all good products to take if trying to increase your performance but i dont think dbol is good.


New member
Jan 30, 2005
OK first off Wolfy your right about siting my source, my bad on that. secondly I have done an only Dianabol cycle before with good gains. And I held on to an acceptable amount of it. Third of all I am a power and speed athlete and it did nothing but help me. Yes Dbol will hinder natural test, but compared to others it is not as bad. Yes Dbol will cause water retention as I said before, and yes water retention will slow you down. But the strength benifits and neurological benefits outweigh the retention. Plus baseball is a purely anaerobic sport. Sprinting as fast as you can from one base to another works mainly Fast twitch type B fibers which is exactly what Dbol increases in strength. And DR... I have used Dbol so I know how it works, Also I spent an entire weekend of personal lectures with this guy named mike stone. The head of the strength dept. at the Olympic Training Center. And even he himself said that Dbol was an amazing drug for strength athletes. Even if it was used by itself. I wasn't trying to say that everyone was wrong. I was just putting in my two cents. That is what this forum is about no? for everyone to put in their opinion. And lastly DR, you don't have to be an Ass about everything. You can make your point without trying to insult people.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Trd79Bam said:
OK first off Wolfy your right about siting my source, my bad on that. secondly I have done an only Dianabol cycle before with good gains. And I held on to an acceptable amount of it. Third of all I am a power and speed athlete and it did nothing but help me. Yes Dbol will hinder natural test, but compared to others it is not as bad. Yes Dbol will cause water retention as I said before, and yes water retention will slow you down. But the strength benifits and neurological benefits outweigh the retention. Plus baseball is a purely anaerobic sport. Sprinting as fast as you can from one base to another works mainly Fast twitch type B fibers which is exactly what Dbol increases in strength. And DR... I have used Dbol so I know how it works, Also I spent an entire weekend of personal lectures with this guy named mike stone. The head of the strength dept. at the Olympic Training Center. And even he himself said that Dbol was an amazing drug for strength athletes. Even if it was used by itself. I wasn't trying to say that everyone was wrong. I was just putting in my two cents. That is what this forum is about no? for everyone to put in their opinion. And lastly DR, you don't have to be an Ass about everything. You can make your point without trying to insult people.

Hey Trd79bam I think you forgot the E in your name that goes between the T and the r. Chill out. What do you expect people to think, you cut and paste an article, don't cite a source and it sure didn't seem like you were putting your two cents worth in, it sounded like you were saying everyone's wrong, I'm right. Also, whether or not you disagree someone, look at some of these guy's join dates and amount of posts they have, show a little respect. :welcome:


if dbol causes water retention which not only slows you down but can also contribute to high bloodpressure and lack of endurance, how will this benefit you unless you take alot of anti-estrogens like arimidex to keep the water retention to a minimum, which would then decrease the amount of performance gains? not trying to argue but am interested in your thoughts on this and some sort of reasurance that the water retention will not slow a person down more than the muscles will gain in performance.


AnaSCI's GridIron God
Jan 30, 2005
umm im not the smartest guy in the world especially when it comes to roids, but my dad took d-bol and one of my old coaches too as a matter of fact, and they both testified that there gains were exccelent, not to mention being that my daddy was a walk on for the falcons, befor he blew his knee out, i think he knows a little about getting strong, and to this day he is still one of the strongest guys i know still being able to rep 315 6 times on bench with a torn rotar cuff. i know its may not be the best thing to take but in his day, it worked for him.


Diesel said:
umm im not the smartest guy in the world especially when it comes to roids, but my dad took d-bol and one of my old coaches too as a matter of fact, and they both testified that there gains were exccelent, not to mention being that my daddy was a walk on for the falcons, befor he blew his knee out, i think he knows a little about getting strong, and to this day he is still one of the strongest guys i know still being able to rep 315 6 times on bench with a torn rotar cuff. i know its may not be the best thing to take but in his day, it worked for him.

you'll get gains of course, but the chances of you keeping them are very very slim. and why would you want to suppress your natural testosterone?? Test is critical to your bodily functions, therefore, test should always be taken during steroid cycles. Yes there are people out there who do deca/dbol or deca only or just eq and winny and they get good gains, but there are very few of them. Test is about the cheapest steroid there is so there is no reason not to take it. You can get cut on test, you can get huge on test. Test will make any steroid work better, and you'll feel better. You feel incredible on test. Its a very good anti-depressent. It makes your sex drive through the roof, it makes you feel energized, i can go on and on. People are still going to do dbol only...all i can say is do what you want. Its your body, its your money, but most would agree to use test as your number 1 priority. Its very simple, there are class I steroids, and class II steroids. Dbol, like most orals, is a class II, meaning it doesnt bind to the androgen receptor (even if it does, very very little). It works by promoting protein synthesis. Every newbie should read my post "what makes a good cycle" its a sticky, and a rather good read.



Registered User
Feb 10, 2005
i found a cool sight, not sure how accurate it is. www.steroidtips.com. There is a chart that lists most gear. Everything is ranked 1 - 10 on gains, side effects, ability to keep gains, etc. dbol is ranked 3 as ability to keep gains, but so is test.