Damn Noobs!


New member
Aug 22, 2007
Thats me... A noob to this site anyways...

Ok heres my deal. I'm 6'3" 185lbs around 7-8%bf. I'm looking to be about 205lbs by 2008. I feel this is doable<<<spelling.. I'm only eatting about 150-200g a day of protein as I dont feel I need anymore for my lifting schedule now and as I'm natural now.. and around 200-220g of carbs a day and fat I have not factored in how many grams yet.. If I do get on a cycle then I will up my protein to 300g and carbs to 300g and fat around 60g(probably) unless educated otherwise.

My general shopping list consists of the following..

Chocolate Milk
Tea black, white, green
Nature Valley Oats n Honey Granola bars
yogurt 2 a day (stomach issues it helps)
green beans
Mixed Fruit Cups
natural peanut butter
Hamburger (somewhat lean)
Olive Oil
Clif bars
Green Bell Peppers
2 doz. eggs
Sliced roast beef, turkey breast
colby jack cheese
cottage cheese
V8 organic
Sapgetti/goolash Stuff

Supplements I take now,
|Orange TRIad|Green MAGnitude|White Flood|Purple Wraath|GlycerGrow|
|RPM|ActivaTe|Flax Seed Oil|
|ON 100% Whey & Casein|
Bulk Beta Alanine, Bulk Citrulline Malate (just bought)
(sorry thats my sig on another site also)

I recently took Anevol(prohormone): took it for a week and got crazy back pumps and didnt' have taurine so I quit and followed up with 6oxo as i didnt order Nolva yet (i'm dumb) anyways I gained about 4 lbs in that week... i've now lost 3lbs total but lost BF also so I kept probably 2lbs of lean mass from it... I lost my libido so I took Libido Max, Forza-T and now I'm on Activate from deisgner supps and My libido is back and I now have acne on my face...

So for my 1st cycle I was thinking of this...(as reffered from another forum..) You ppl seem more knowlegable as i've only red a few threads before I joined and started this one but I feel you guys are the ones that can help me! I was thinking maybe test e or something else... but lets see your suggestions to help me get to my goal! Thanks in advance!

Test Cyp @ 400mg for 12 weeks
D-bol @ 30mg a day for weeks 1-6
Nolvadex @ 40,40,20,20


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
I think you will do ok with this cycle. Is there a reason you dont want to do 500 mgs of cyp a week? Dont get me wrong, I think you should be good at 400 mgs. I was just asking. Make sure you start your nolva pct at week 14 and it wouldnt hurt to throw some hcg in during the cycle. Like 500 i.u. every 3rd - 4th week on M,W,F


Feb 24, 2007
sTaTic said:
I think you will do ok with this cycle. Is there a reason you dont want to do 500 mgs of cyp a week? Dont get me wrong, I think you should be good at 400 mgs. I was just asking. Make sure you start your nolva pct at week 14 and it wouldnt hurt to throw some hcg in during the cycle. Like 500 i.u. every 3rd - 4th week on M,W,F
Bump sTaTic! Looks good to me for a first cycle.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Looks like you've done your homework!! Keep us posted on your results!!


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
WTF??? Someone actually did some research and is going to do something sensable??? Only kidding. This looks pretty good. Nice to see some common sense. And Static's info is, as usual on the money. Def keep us posted with the results on this.!


New member
Aug 22, 2007
sTaTic said:
I think you will do ok with this cycle. Is there a reason you dont want to do 500 mgs of cyp a week? Dont get me wrong, I think you should be good at 400 mgs. I was just asking. Make sure you start your nolva pct at week 14 and it wouldnt hurt to throw some hcg in during the cycle. Like 500 i.u. every 3rd - 4th week on M,W,F

I WILL POST BEFORE, during and after... prolly every week i'll post... then make a GIF out of it for my avatars! GFH!!!!! (get f^ckin huge)

EDIT: as for not doing more than 500mgs a week.... I guess i dont have the answer to that.. should I maybe go like this

Week 1: 400
Week 2-6: 500
week 7-10: 600
week 10-12: 400

I guess what would you suggest for a guy my weight and wants a goal of 205 by the end of this cycle? I will eat eat eat on this cycle aswell! and fat/muscle ratio isn't that big of a factor as I dont belive I will gain that much fat on this but if I do it's no biggy!

I have not even looked into HCG.... 500 i.u. every 3rd - 4th week and on those weeks take it m,w,f is what your saying right... I have read now where some people like to take it every 5-7 days... is there a reason this isn't good to do? also should this be taken in the mornings or night? i will do some research but i will still ask what is the purpose for hcg? should i take a little arimidex at all with this cycle? I have seen some do this j/w thanks! This forum seems to be the best place for information as I am a 'noob' still havent broken my roidcherry! lol I'm still looking around for a good sourse also as i've found alot but still am not quite sure witch ones are legit... I see a board sponsor on here but have read some people having trouble with customs... so i'm still in the hunt... pm if you want to help in my quest! thanks alot guys! i'm trying to make this somewhat easy on you guys by doing research but you can never do to much research!
-whats up with the name TESTOSTERON-E RETARD what is RETARD about?
-Is balkan pharm one of the best makers?

Also thinking maybe I should go with Test E...
Test C - 16-16 days active life
Test E - 8 days active life

Or would it be a good idea to mix them up in my cycle... to get the best possible start and the best possible end to my cycle? any suggestions there? also with test C water retension is very high and I want it as minimal as possible...

Sorry guys... I'm just thinking and reading... it's hard to make up my mind... I want the best of the best for my 1st cycle.... I'm sure you know how that is... I get worried i guess...
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Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
Yes 1500 iu total on those weeks. Also, just keep the test E at 500mgs every week. no need to taper up and down. Keep your levels steady to avoid things like acne


New member
Aug 22, 2007
So would it be a more wise idea to go with Test E over Test C for a first time cycle? So brand wise should i pick TESTOSTERON-E RETARD Balkan Pharmaceuticals or should I go with stealth labs witch is cheaper..... hmmm... Thanks guys!
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New member
Aug 22, 2007
Test E it is.... I'm just down to sources now... I want a domestic source...

I've also heard running winny at the end of my cycle to solidify gains..... maybe do my Test E for 10weeks then do 2 weeks of winny then start PCT...
I'm also thinking of taking 11-oxo along side my pct to keep my cortisol down to try and keep most of my gains... unlesss there is a better thing to take?
whats the best thing you(anyone) has found to keep your gains?

ivitamins and alin are the same thing? the sites are very close in many ways!?
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Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
sTaTic said:
dont make your first cycle too complicated. You dont need to.
Agree with static. Too many guys try to complicate this. keep it simple and you will see good results. Just follow up with pct and you will solidify your gains well enough.