Cycle Questions


New member
Nov 18, 2004
Hey guys , here is my next cycle:
Serostim 4iu/day
Delatestryl 600mg/wk
Trenbolone 100mg/ed
Humilin R 10 units morning, 10 units post w/o
My question is how effective would the test and tren be over about an 8 month period at these doses? Would I have to up my doses? If so how often and how much? I will be taking d bol for first four weeks.


New member
Nov 18, 2004
No definately not a type-o. I am going to run the gh for 8 months. I would like to know how to run the rest of my cycle for that length of time? Should I Go down in my doses about every 10-12 weeks, or should i keep them the same, or should I take an off period while still staying on the gh, or Should I keep upping my doses, if so then how often? Thanks :D


New member
Nov 18, 2004
TexasCreed said:
8 months? sounds VERY risky bro.
Yeah it may be. That is why I chose to use lower doses with my chemicals. I would like a steady growth period for these 8 months. after that I will start a pre contest diet/cycle. I plan to enter a local show


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
8 months is a real long time....have you heard about doing this in the past from others or is this a decision that you made on your own. I hope you did some research before you start because that's real dangerous. You could hurt your bodies own natural test.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Biggin270 said:
Hey guys , here is my next cycle:
Serostim 4iu/day
Delatestryl 600mg/wk
Trenbolone 100mg/ed
Humilin R 10 units morning, 10 units post w/o
My question is how effective would the test and tren be over about an 8 month period at these doses? Would I have to up my doses? If so how often and how much? I will be taking d bol for first four weeks.

You will not need to up the doses since you are running it with GH.

I can't advise about the slin, I'm too scared to try that. Keep us updated on your cycle and the progress you are making.


May 13, 2004
You kidding me? Tren is hardcore, not to mention test at those levels would eventually cause your body to shut down, leaving you on a HRT program the rest of your life.

Even the pro's dont go for 8 mo. periods, if you are really interested in hardcore gains, build up to a higher dose, while running GH.

Also stats could help us give you some answers.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
dugie82 said:
You kidding me? Tren is hardcore, not to mention test at those levels would eventually cause your body to shut down, leaving you on a HRT program the rest of your life.

Even the pro's dont go for 8 mo. periods, if you are really interested in hardcore gains, build up to a higher dose, while running GH.

Also stats could help us give you some answers.
What do you mean that test at those levels will cause your body to shut down?
If you are referring to the Hypothalamul Pituitary Testicular Axis (HPTA) then that shut down about the second week of your cycle. It's like a switch, when it's turned offf, it's turned off.
If you are talking about other bodily functions then I am typing this from the grave because I have ran levels higher than that for longer than that.
Contrary to popular belief, the Pro's never come off.


May 13, 2004
So you're saying that if some one ran test and tren @ 500-600mg every week for the next 32 weeks, their body would resume as normal after you stopped pumping that much into your body? I would THINK your body would adapt to you constantly injecting chemicals, especially after over half a year. Maybe you could bridge the cycles for an 8 mo. period, but even that is getting a bit risky. Playing mad scientist isn't exactly my cup of tea. but thats just me...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
dugie82 said:
So you're saying that if some one ran test and tren @ 500-600mg every week for the next 32 weeks, their body would resume as normal after you stopped pumping that much into your body? I would THINK your body would adapt to you constantly injecting chemicals, especially after over half a year. Maybe you could bridge the cycles for an 8 mo. period, but even that is getting a bit risky. Playing mad scientist isn't exactly my cup of tea. but thats just me...
I agree it's not for everybody.
But, I've been there, done that and have the T-shirt to prove it.
If you surf the boards you will find there are bros who have not come off of steriods for 5 to 10 years straight who are not even competing. It's not new, it's not experimental.
Also, when you take GH, you need to cycle differently.


Jan 2, 2004
Personally I like it depending on your cycle history and stats though ....If this is your 1-5 cycle I wouldn't recommend it IMO just keep the test where its at but I would run the tren@75mg/ed........Just get your blood work done regularly....Fonz ran tren 150mg/eod for 46weeks had blood work done regularly and had no problems....Aslo thats like quite a bit Insulin
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Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
I dont have a problem with an 8 month cycle, or 8 months of GH use. But...I do have a problem with 8 months of tren. Tren will lower your immune system to some extent, and doing that for such an extended period may cause problems. Second, I dont think anyone would be able to take tren that long...if you have ever used it, then u know the side effects can be very harsh. Sleep loss, moodiness, etcetera. Why not cycle the tren 4 weeks on 6 off, or something like that, rather than 8 months on. However, the idea of running test for 8 months seems fine to me. It is the only drug, other than GH that probably wont cause problems using for long periods. But...I can tell u now that u probably will stop gaining around the 12 week mark, and unless u come off or up the dosages you will stop gaining, that has been my experience with long cycles.


May 13, 2004
thats what i was thinking. Unless he switched gears and dosages frequently, his results would stagnate a lot. I would change it up at about wk10.


New member
Nov 18, 2004
Thanks yall. I have taken every one of these compounds, so I know how they affect me and what the sides are. The most slin I have taken is 10 units morning, 10 units pre w/o, 10 units post w/o and never gone hypo on that much. I weigh about 262 right now, about 10 pounds lighter than I was about 5 weeks ago, and I am about 6' so I feel that the slin I posted in my cycle is not that much for me. Of course that would send alot of people into a hypoglycemic coma, but it works for me. I have also used tren for 16 weeks and the only thing I got was acne on my back. This is also my 7th cycle, definately not for newbies, nor would I reccomend it to anyone but a very advanced and serious lifter/bodybuilder. :D


thought i would give my opinion here. i like the long cycle but personally i would change it up a little. run higher dosages like 1 gram of test and 100mg ed of tren for 6 weeks then drop back to a maintanence dosage level of about 400mg test and 50mg eod of tren for 2-3 weeks then raise them both back up to the higher levels again. keep doing this during the entire lenght of time you are on.
when you drop dosages down also change up your workouts somewhat. instead of going all out drop weight a little and go with higher reps during the 2-3 week lower dosage period.
i would also run hcg and clomid during the 2-3 week lower dosage timeframe. run the hcg at 500iu eod and the clomid at 50mg ed. this doesnt seem like it will do anything but trust me it will make your end of cycle pct go alot better and you will be able to recover fully much faster.
this is a similar method that doggcrapp teaches for his advanced students and i have used it successfully. im using this method right now and have been on for almost 1.5 years without any problems at all. i get bloodwork done every 4-6 months and havent seen any big changes in any of my levels.

the baching off for those 2-3 weeks will allow your body to recover so that when you raise the levels and training intensity, you will see more gains. if you keep the levels the same and training the same during the entire 8 months you will be wasting gear cause you will level off after awhile and your gains will become very very slow if you see any at all.

what most of the pro's who are on year round do is they change up the type of aas products they use every few months so in essence they are doing the same thing in a different way, shocking the body constantly.
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Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
thought i would give my opinion here. i like the long cycle but personally i would change it up a little. run higher dosages like 1 gram of test and 100mg ed of tren for 6 weeks then drop back to a maintanence dosage level of about 400mg test and 50mg eod of tren for 2-3 weeks then raise them both back up to the higher levels again. keep doing this during the entire lenght of time you are on.
when you drop dosages down also change up your workouts somewhat. instead of going all out drop weight a little and go with higher reps during the 2-3 week lower dosage period.
i would also run hcg and clomid during the 2-3 week lower dosage timeframe. run the hcg at 500iu eod and the clomid at 50mg ed. this doesnt seem like it will do anything but trust me it will make your end of cycle pct go alot better and you will be able to recover fully much faster.
this is a similar method that doggcrapp teaches for his advanced students and i have used it successfully. im using this method right now and have been on for almost 1.5 years without any problems at all. i get bloodwork done every 4-6 months and havent seen any big changes in any of my levels.

the baching off for those 2-3 weeks will allow your body to recover so that when you raise the levels and training intensity, you will see more gains. if you keep the levels the same and training the same during the entire 8 months you will be wasting gear cause you will level off after awhile and your gains will become very very slow if you see any at all.

what most of the pro's who are on year round do is they change up the type of aas products they use every few months so in essence they are doing the same thing in a different way, shocking the body constantly.

I've read Doggcraps methods and they make sense to me. This is how I try to run my cycles too.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
cbr929 said:
like I said before Fonz ran tren for 46 weeks no problems
I like to push the envelope myself. Too many people can not get it out of their mind that steroids are dangerous. A lot of myths have been perpetuated by the medical community in an attempt to prevent people from using without a doctors blessing. I'm sorry, I don't believe in doctors. If they told me I would never walk again, I would walk into their office on my next visit just to prove them wrong. If they told me I only had 3 weeks to live because of some disease, I would live 6 weeks just to spite them.


New member
Nov 18, 2004
DragonRider said:
I like to push the envelope myself. Too many people can not get it out of their mind that steroids are dangerous. A lot of myths have been perpetuated by the medical community in an attempt to prevent people from using without a doctors blessing. I'm sorry, I don't believe in doctors. If they told me I would never walk again, I would walk into their office on my next visit just to prove them wrong. If they told me I only had 3 weeks to live because of some disease, I would live 6 weeks just to spite them.
A-Men brother :cool: