Cutting Cycle Questions


New member
Dec 9, 2005
A friend asked me to look over his cutting cycle. His stats:35yo 5'10, 245lbs, 24%bf. His ultimate goal is to get below 19% bf at around 200lbs. Despite the high bf% he's acctually worked out a lot and has really freaky huge cut legs. Kind of powerlifter's body with really cut quads and calves.

This is his first cycle. So being conservative here is what I was thinking...

Wks 1-8
Winny 50mg EOD
Primo 100mg ED
Nolva 10mg ED (If onset of gyno symp)

Wks 9-10
Clen cycle 20-80mcgs

Wk 11
Clomid 100mg

Wks 12-13
Clomid 50mg

Questions: Can the clen be run two weeks mid cycle? Would also running 400mgs Cyp P\W be a good idea?

I know the cyp can add some water weight and would alter the PCT a bit, but given the fact this isn't anything like contest prep would it be a good idea just to help in maintaining or building lean mass? Would something else be better?



Sep 19, 2004
I don't know much about cutting cycles but I would suggest losing some of the bodyfat before he even cycles. Maybe have him try clen or an eca stack before even using gear. You have the best results on your first cycle so he should make it count. Also, 5'10'' @ 200lbs with 19%bf sounds like a weird combo.


New member
Dec 9, 2005
I appreciate the feedback Black and yes it is a weird combo if that were to be his final goal. At 200lbs 19% bf would still be 38lbs of fat 15% bf is another 8lbs of fat less. So I don't think it's his final goal, just his immediate goal. One 8wk cycle isn't going to get him there completely. In fact I had suggested that he try a couple of clen cycles before even trying AAS.

But just on the basis of a cutting cycle alone if anyone can add to Black's comments I would appreciate it. Thanks,



Registered User
Jun 11, 2005

I'm afraid I can't help much with advice on a cutting cycle but I have something to say about 24% bodyfat. Most people find it quite difficult to lose much bodyfat in the cold winter with all the bad food temptations and loose, warm clothes. Realistically, I would probably say forget about losing bodyfat now and just save that for early spring after your first cycle. Certainly, I agree that the bodyfat is your #1 priority but as a pragmatist I see that as a difficult task this time of year. After a cycle you might find yourself at 25% or 26% bodyfat and 225 lbs total. Then you will have to attack that fat! Oh, and I don't think he should take orals. Just inject--it's healthier!


Registered User
May 4, 2005
at 24% bodyfat he needs to diet and do cardio, no steroids. Steroids aren't weight loss drugs, they're weight gaining drugs. If he wants to be 19% bf and 200 pounds he'll be losing 21 pounds of fat and 24 pounds of muscle, you don't take steroids to lose 24 pounds of muscle.


Iamlegend said:
A friend asked me to look over his cutting cycle. His stats:35yo 5'10, 245lbs, 24%bf. His ultimate goal is to get below 19% bf at around 200lbs. Despite the high bf% he's acctually worked out a lot and has really freaky huge cut legs. Kind of powerlifter's body with really cut quads and calves.

This is his first cycle. So being conservative here is what I was thinking...

Wks 1-8
Winny 50mg EOD
Primo 100mg ED
Nolva 10mg ED (If onset of gyno symp)

Wks 9-10
Clen cycle 20-80mcgs

Wk 11
Clomid 100mg

Wks 12-13
Clomid 50mg

Questions: Can the clen be run two weeks mid cycle? Would also running 400mgs Cyp P\W be a good idea?

I know the cyp can add some water weight and would alter the PCT a bit, but given the fact this isn't anything like contest prep would it be a good idea just to help in maintaining or building lean mass? Would something else be better?


19% bf is still chubby bro.......one shouldnt even touch steroids till they're about 15 or below........

he shouldnt even be thinking about steroids (regardless that that listed cycle is junk) until he understands proper diet and training. People think steroids can burn fat drastically. certain steroids will burn fat "to some degree" but not to the point of losing a few % bodyfat. thats all in your nutrition and exercise. have him stay away from steroids for now. not what he wants to hear im sure, but he'll thank us later


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
19% bf is still chubby bro.......one shouldnt even touch steroids till they're about 15 or below........

Yeah, Wolfy is right in the ideal world for your health and appearance. But I still think sometimes its just too hard to lose the fat (like during the holidays) and if you know you're the type who probably can't lose the fat in December/January you might as well do something else that takes you closer to your other long-term goals. Losing fat is a bitch! Gaining muscle is much more fun.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
If a person has trouble losing weight during Dec-Jan, then it is a matter of discipline more than anything. You can lose weight any time any place with enough smarts and dedication. I have had trouble with it all my life.

If this guy is clocking in at 24% body fat then strap him onto a motorized life cycle for the next 6 months, nonstop LOL

I do not completely agree with you Wolfy about not doing gear until you reach 15%
BF...everyone is diff...I started mine just under 17% and have fiendishly been fighting to eat clean through out the cycle. Will my results be the same as someone who started with 8% body fat...of course not...but I can assure you that I am approaching the best condition of my adult life. Remember one of the questions we always ask, besides stats is goals.

That being said, doing gear at 24% BF would be a joke



Nitrateman said:
If a person has trouble losing weight during Dec-Jan, then it is a matter of discipline more than anything. You can lose weight any time any place with enough smarts and dedication. I have had trouble with it all my life.

If this guy is clocking in at 24% body fat then strap him onto a motorized life cycle for the next 6 months, nonstop LOL

I do not completely agree with you Wolfy about not doing gear until you reach 15%
BF...everyone is diff...I started mine just under 17% and have fiendishly been fighting to eat clean through out the cycle. Will my results be the same as someone who started with 8% body fat...of course not...but I can assure you that I am approaching the best condition of my adult life. Remember one of the questions we always ask, besides stats is goals.

That being said, doing gear at 24% BF would be a joke


i never said it was absolutely necessary.....i (and many people) recommend that for these reasons.....

1. the higher bodyfat, the higher risk of estrogenic side effects.....a lot easier to get gyno if you're a chubby guy......

2. if you have a high bodyfat percentage and want to do steroids, seems like you're just trying to take the easy way out. That person doesn't have the dedication to diet and do cardio to get his body in shape prior to steroids. Not the kind of person who seems responsible enough to be taking steroids in the first place IMO.


Apr 4, 2005
da ville
wolfyEVH said:
i never said it was absolutely necessary.....i (and many people) recommend that for these reasons.....

1. the higher bodyfat, the higher risk of estrogenic side effects.....a lot easier to get gyno if you're a chubby guy......

2. if you have a high bodyfat percentage and want to do steroids, seems like you're just trying to take the easy way out. That person doesn't have the dedication to diet and do cardio to get his body in shape prior to steroids. Not the kind of person who seems responsible enough to be taking steroids in the first place IMO.

yup. well said.

he needs to diet down to around mid teens, then we can put something together. your looking at primo and winny as majic "cutting" drugs. that they are not. first of all primo is hard to find. i know a lot of UG labs make it, but sometimes its either underdosed or not even primo. when he gets to mid teens, he needs to shoot for a prop/var cycle. that would do him well. but until then, he needs a strict diet, cardio, and HIT training sessions. people don't understand how EASY IT IS TO LOSE WEIGHT! they make it very hard on themselves, when its not hard at all. all it takes is dedication. you have to look in the mirror and say to yourself "i don't like this body, its time for a change." and actually do it.


New member
Dec 9, 2005
Everything said here is exactly the same as I told him. I suggested he clean up his diet, stick with the cardio and if anything try a clen, but not to think about a cycle until he's had the time in training and dedication to a solid diet first.

Good points all around thanks for the feedback