cutting cycle or bulking cycle first?


New member
Oct 12, 2012
Ive heard alot of different opinions on this, i just wanted to see what you guys thought about it. whether to lose some fat and cut first or go for some good gains.
also, what (in your opinion) would be best to cycle with for cutting. I was thinking just Test E since i'm basically a newb. Maybe some Clenbuterol too (if i can handle that intense of a stimulant)

what is your take on it? id be glad to know!

also, my stats are

age: 20
height: 5' 11''
weight: 230lbs
bf%: 21
waist: 38

if you need any other stats, let me know




New member
Sep 24, 2012
Looking at your stats, I'd bulk then cut down. Keep in mind that bulking does not mean 40lbs over trimmed weight. Add some size to your base and cut down.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
I was thinking bulk first too. I've hit a wall in lifting and can't get over it. Bench max 365 squat 505 clean 275 and I have been absolutely stuck for 6 or 7 months now with no size or strength gains. I've changed diet, lifting plan and routine, and just about everyhing else I could do. I've just stopped lifting for the last month...that's why I'm at 21%bf! I was at a decent 18% before that.
I was thinking of just a simple test E and dianabol cycle. 12 weeks with dbol the first 4-6.

And I was thinking for a cutting cycle just test E and maybe some clen or t3 with proper diet/exercise
But I couldn't decide which to go on first


Registered User
Sep 29, 2012
Honestly I would try losing weight and get to around 205 before you start, drop the bodyfat down and fix the diet up first. Once you are showing good control and gains, start a regular cycle of just test e for your first cycle, and eat a bit over maintenance and youll make great gains. No reason you should be bulking up at 21% Bodyfat and 230 pounds. Grab either t3/clen if you want the extra weight loss, or even just ECA stack. Lifts look great btw


New member
Oct 12, 2012
Honestly I would try losing weight and get to around 205 before you start, drop the bodyfat down and fix the diet up first. Once you are showing good control and gains, start a regular cycle of just test e for your first cycle, and eat a bit over maintenance and youll make great gains. No reason you should be bulking up at 21% Bodyfat and 230 pounds. Grab either t3/clen if you want the extra weight loss, or even just ECA stack. Lifts look great btw

thanks man i appreciate the props on the lifts.
and yeah im working hard on getting diet in check right now. ive lost 5 lbs since the post. just doing HIIT training in the morning before breakfast and doing my own version of a crossfit/ isolation/ drop set to failure workout ive made up...its helping alot.
i was thinking about picking up some t3 or clen to help....but i was also debating on doing a test E stack while doing this cutting phase just to help prevent in muscle loss.

any thoughts on that?


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Cut first, you'll get more quality gains and respond better being leaner. Your going to gain some bf with your bulk and already being at 21% its smarter to cut first....


Oct 26, 2012
Well...at 20, I would probably not yet mess around with it (but, thats my public service announcement for the day)...and at 21% BF, you probably have alot to learn regarding diet. If you "bulk"...how much weight do you plan on putting on and how much of this would be fat? It doesnt make much sense to put on more fat...or maybe it does for you?

I would recommend getting your diet in check, dropping the BF (way) down, and then go from there...but, it will probably take the next four or so months to do this (give/take).

Good luck.



AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I agree with everybody else.....21% is on the high side of BF% of where you should be imo. If you bulk, you will add some fat as well, and that will increase even more. Get your diet in line, cut some fat off, then reassess and do some bulking at that point.


Oct 13, 2012
I agree with everybody else.....21% is on the high side of BF% of where you should be imo. If you bulk, you will add some fat as well, and that will increase even more. Get your diet in line, cut some fat off, then reassess and do some bulking at that point.


Diet is VERY important!!!


New member
Oct 12, 2012
im working hard with the diet. ive always been between 15-18% bf until my diet went to shit (i got lazy) and now im up to 21.....
but as of now with going high protein, very low carbs, alot of green leafy foods, beans, fruits and veg, etc. at around 2,000 to 2,500 a day spread through 5 meals a day.
i have cut a good bit down. i am now at 221 and dropping steadily.

i wasnt 100% planning on gear right now....but im the type of person that likes to have everything SET in stone and planned out before i start something.
i still want to lose some more before i start to cut/ bulk....or anything that im adding gear with. but i just want to get my shit straight before i even attempt to start a cycle....i dont wanna be like a lot of bone heads that waist money on gear, start pinnin, mess their body's up, and get no gains out of it. Better to be prepared than to go for it and hope it works.

I really appreciate the advice everyone!!!!!!!
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AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
cotton, you dont seem to be afraid to train so my best advice would be to not view any of these compounds as doing any work for you, if you have had bouts of laziness and honestly this may reoccur then why put your body through the extra stress of using them. try different diets like slow carb or paleo and see which one you have the best success with and keep working then once you get yourself down to 10% BF and you are dead set on using then just keep it simple and do a test only cycle like 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. you can bulk or cut on just about any compound it is all up to you and your diet and training. stay focused train hard eat lots of good food and sleep your ass off and dont get drunk. you are young and have the world by the balls my young friend you can make this happen or just chase it, the choice is yours. stay active here and learn you can achieve your goals bro. everything i have said is said with major respect and only wanting to see you do well and do it right. good luck!



New member
Oct 12, 2012
cotton, you dont seem to be afraid to train so my best advice would be to not view any of these compounds as doing any work for you, if you have had bouts of laziness and honestly this may reoccur then why put your body through the extra stress of using them. try different diets like slow carb or paleo and see which one you have the best success with and keep working then once you get yourself down to 10% BF and you are dead set on using then just keep it simple and do a test only cycle like 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. you can bulk or cut on just about any compound it is all up to you and your diet and training. stay focused train hard eat lots of good food and sleep your ass off and dont get drunk. you are young and have the world by the balls my young friend you can make this happen or just chase it, the choice is yours. stay active here and learn you can achieve your goals bro. everything i have said is said with major respect and only wanting to see you do well and do it right. good luck!


Right on vp!
lol see this is why i picked this forum over all the others. anywhere else....people would have just bashed my ideas or routines or made fun of me for being inexperianced.....:action-smiley-055:
but you guys actually care about everyone on the forum!!!
i appreciate that alot! and it shows me that when/if i actually do start a cycle...i can trust the people here and what they say.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
there is a book called Slow Carb Fat Loss and its only $6.00 at Amazon and if you register for free trial of Amazon Prime shipping is FREE:) the book is simple and easy to follow. i personally have great success with this diet for dropping fat without any added compounds at all and you are never hungry. good luck!



Registered User
Dec 6, 2012
I think you should cut down to as lean as possible. Get some shape formed and you can do a lean bulk with some EQ, Var, Test.
But my honest advice is to lean down sub 10% because you can visually see the difference everyday in the mirror and its a GREAT confidence booster.