Cutting cycle advise


New member
Dec 28, 2016
Hello brother's and sister's. Like some help planning a cutting cycle. I have only done Anavar for 20mg a day to see what kind of results I would get. Did it for 6 weeks. I noticed body fat dropping and strength gains. Want to take it to the next level. Have only done the Anavar to date. I am 50, 5'8 at 220 don't know my b/f. Thanks for any help.


New member
Dec 28, 2016
I am on a moderate protein diet, low carbs, I am working out 5days a week and different body part each day. Doing HIIT, cardio after each workout 20-30 minutes each day.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2016
East side!
Did you you test as a base on your anavar cycle? Also you need to try and find your body fat percentage out. They have digi scales to measure it out.

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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Find out your BF %. Calculate your daily caloric needs, BMI, etc. Get a strategic diet plan and precise work out routine in regards to moderate weight high rep or heavy weight low rep, etc. Reconsider HIIT + weight lifting and look into moderate intensity cardio such as stair climbing and long distant walking.

A precise diet and exercise plan would work wonders and once you know all the information to calculate stuff, then you can work on see what compounds would work best.

Anyone can start offering different compounds at different amounts, etc.. but the real science is in dedication and precise planning then adding compounds to obtain your goal.

What is your exact goal? Just weight loss, gain lean mass while burning fat or being healthier and fitter?

A test only cycle on a good plan would build muscle and burn fat. gw 50156, anavar, winstrol, masterone, trenbolone, npp, etc.. all build muscle and help burn fat. What it comes down to is that adding stuff wont result in you gaining your goal. You gaining your goal comes down to smart planning.

Get the calculations and then im sure you will get great ideas from the members here.

Looking forward to helping properly.


New member
Dec 28, 2016
I will find out my B/F level. I am trying to drop fat and get lean then build muscle. Only did the var by itself. I know it's all about the diet and the AAS are a supplement. Just looking for advise to when I get the fat levels low.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2016
East side!
I will find out my B/F level. I am trying to drop fat and get lean then build muscle. Only did the var by itself. I know it's all about the diet and the AAS are a supplement. Just looking for advise to when I get the fat levels low.

That's the best solution. Atleast drop down to 15%. Then assess from there. But I would highly recommend a test only cycle. Have a good ai on hand, with a proper PCT and you'll be golden my brother

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New member
Dec 28, 2016
That's the best solution. Atleast drop down to 15%. Then assess from there. But I would highly recommend a test only cycle. Have a good ai on hand, with a proper PCT and you'll be golden my brother

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OK. I will. You said Test only. When I do get down to 15%, what type of Test, Test prop, Test Acetate, or what others. Done a lot of reading. They all have there strong points.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I would highly suggest for you to go to the steroid profile section and research dan duchaine and william llewellyn. Gather as much information as possible and come up with your own conclusion. What works for one may not work for another.

Run test e,c or sustanon. Throw in some anavar if you really want to and can afford it. Use nolvadex or arimidex and run a proper pct of hcg and clomid or nolva. You can also use masterone in a cycle to help prevent estrogenic conversion.. thats all getting technical and beyond a novice.

A test and clenbuterol cycle with a caloric deficent diet should work wonders for you. If you can afford real anavar, then that would help to burn fat in the trunk and limb areas. Those three compounds for a novice should be golden.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2016
East side!
OK. I will. You said Test only. When I do get down to 15%, what type of Test, Test prop, Test Acetate, or what others. Done a lot of reading. They all have there strong points.

I started on a test enanthate cycle for 10 weeks. I ran 500mg a week. 1cc Monday, and 1cc Thursday. Two pins a week all done. That way your blood levels will be steady by about two weeks or so. Then add a decently clean diet, lift heavy, moderate cardio and soon you will be making some gains. Best advice ever would be keep up what your doing and research the profiles and the biggest thing, the biggest thing!!!! Is have everything ON HAND before STARTING your cycle.

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New member
Dec 28, 2016
I started on a test enanthate cycle for 10 weeks. I ran 500mg a week. 1cc Monday, and 1cc Thursday. Two pins a week all done. That way your blood levels will be steady by about two weeks or so. Then add a decently clean diet, lift heavy, moderate cardio and soon you will be making some gains. Best advice ever would be keep up what your doing and research the profiles and the biggest thing, the biggest thing!!!! Is have everything ON HAND before STARTING your cycle.

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Thanks for the advice. Looking forward to doing a test cycle and seeing were it takes me. Like everyone says, diet is the key. That's what I hav ed to focus on

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Find out your BF %. Calculate your daily caloric needs, BMI, etc. Get a strategic diet plan and precise work out routine in regards to moderate weight high rep or heavy weight low rep, etc. Reconsider HIIT + weight lifting and look into moderate intensity cardio such as stair climbing and long distant walking.

A precise diet and exercise plan would work wonders and once you know all the information to calculate stuff, then you can work on see what compounds would work best.

Anyone can start offering different compounds at different amounts, etc.. but the real science is in dedication and precise planning then adding compounds to obtain your goal.

What is your exact goal? Just weight loss, gain lean mass while burning fat or being healthier and fitter?

A test only cycle on a good plan would build muscle and burn fat. gw 50156, anavar, winstrol, masterone, trenbolone, npp, etc.. all build muscle and help burn fat. What it comes down to is that adding stuff wont result in you gaining your goal. You gaining your goal comes down to smart planning.

Get the calculations and then im sure you will get great ideas from the members here.

Looking forward to helping properly.

That's all the advice you need. Do this.