Culture of cowards


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I'm sitting watching these folks rejoicing in the streets as they hall this human fucking earthworm to a hospital. The reportors go on to tell about "what nice boys they were","such good students","the younger one was a wrestler", the older one "HE WAS A GREAT BOXER" and give them identities the common moron watching TV can touch base with.
Earlier in the day I had viewed the one scumbag(the tuff guy) on a slab via the internet. Seeing this brought back memories of others I have seen in this state. By the damage that wasn't bleeding I can tell he died quickly. I'm wondering what pain killers they will give this *poor misguided child* they just shot and captured.
I'm watching as they play back a video of the *poor mother* telling of how the FBI has been following her *poor* children for years now and "they have been framed" by the FBI. Watching the mother I can ONLY agree with her. Most framed suspects toss explosives from there car as there being chased. I then watched a clip showing the "tuff guys" muslim, terririst wife and demonseed infant being loaded into the back of a scuad car. The rage in the muslim wrapper was clear to see even if it were just the eyes.

Then once again the networks make good use of there time. They go on to make a point of PLUGGing the bastard that got his boat damaged and spoke about getting a pool together to fix it. Poor old guy with a sick wife had to call the cops because his boat was covered with blood. Who the fuck wouldn't? But he's a hero.

HEY FOLKS COWARDS KILLED WOMEN and CHILDREN as well as general citezens. These victims had NO part in our government or anything that effects there beliefs.
Think maybe we could pass the hat for some fucking victims of terror? No lets fix a boat........
Whats even worse is these motherfuckers are here on OUR FUCKING DIME!!!!!!! These fucking cowardly, soaless, immoral, earthworms are living and procreating in the safty of our free country and enjoying everything oboma can throw at them while they commit these cowardly acts.

I had to take something to colm down the other night.

As fare as my views on this? We should (with wire snips) remove fingers and toes from the *poor misguided child* until we are satisfied he has said what ever cowardly things he can say to help us kill more of these cowards.
Then both brothers should be fed to farm pigs. The pig shit should be boxed and returned to the country they came from. This would give a new meaning to goverment pork wouldn't it?
The trash MUST be taken to the curb at ANY cost. We can't have these terrorists walking among us as if they are Americans. THEY AREN'T and they make no bones about it.
This is an enemy without reason. When a missile misses and hits in a village. They condem us yet it's OK to do this?

It's so cliche to say "how many have to die?" But it is SO true.



AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
Only in America. The immigration policy which helped build the country, unfortunately is weakening it beyond repair. These people have no business here and never become 'Americanized'.

The only answer is to seal off the boarders, filter out what's here and have an air tight immigration policy after. Unfortunately I doubt this well ever happen, but if it does, it would only be 'after' a catastrophe far worse than 911.

I know it sounds a little 1930's German and Russian, but there's a delicate balance to open boarders and what we have now obviously doesn't work.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yeah..I'm loaded for idiots
.im always always aware of my surrounding its something natural I got
Many people have zero..its not something i focus on I just subconsciously do it
..I think that's the word..lol. glad the ratt was caught.now have him hold pressure cooker with c 4 ..leter rip


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006

They should stand next to the Direct family of the 8 yr old boy he killed and say these great things.

Id say truth be known... Ole boy is going to be tortured.
Sent to the Island of no laws for questioning.


Oct 13, 2012

I AM NOT RACIST what so ever!!...but i DO HATE illegals comin here and not respecting OUR country and OUR laws.

ok..well i talked to my dr. about this shit tht goes on in this world....and he stated that "foreigners"/"immigrants" DO NOT need "papers" if they are Medical students(or whatever they are....residents/interns/whatever) they are allowed into our country as long as theyre in the medical field...per say. he said alot/most of these terrorists...are in medical field for that reason...to get in u.s.a easily!
i dont know much about this...so dont yell if im wrong.

thats just what my doctor told me.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Great post CG and I couldnt agree with you more! They need to take these motherfuckers and commit the most vile acts of torture possible to them to get any information they can from them and once their all used up as far as info pour bacon grease all over them so they know in their mind ahead of time they will be unclean and unable to enter their "heaven" set em on fire and listen to em scream....video tape the whole fucking ordeal and post it up for all their cowardly "brotherhood" to see with a message that their next and we're coming for em.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012

I AM NOT RACIST what so ever!!...but i DO HATE illegals comin here and not respecting OUR country and OUR laws.

ok..well i talked to my dr. about this shit tht goes on in this world....and he stated that "foreigners"/"immigrants" DO NOT need "papers" if they are Medical students(or whatever they are....residents/interns/whatever) they are allowed into our country as long as theyre in the medical field...per say. he said alot/most of these terrorists...are in medical field for that reason...to get in u.s.a easily!
i dont know much about this...so dont yell if im wrong.

thats just what my doctor told me.
Well I know quite a few guys that are from areas in the mid east regions and similar. They would like to see these radical terrorist mfers disposed of as much as we would. Guys just like you and I from somewhere else.
You know unabated immigration is irritating . Mass murder/ grievous harm is a whole different story. Still there are many good folks in the medical field or whatever field from other countries that are good peeps trying to live a good life. This kind of shit really sucks for them too. Not like the victims . But in a few idiots making it harder on the rest. T


Registered User
Jan 8, 2013

I AM NOT RACIST what so ever!!...but i DO HATE illegals comin here and not respecting OUR country and OUR laws.

ok..well i talked to my dr. about this shit tht goes on in this world....and he stated that "foreigners"/"immigrants" DO NOT need "papers" if they are Medical students(or whatever they are....residents/interns/whatever) they are allowed into our country as long as theyre in the medical field...per say. he said alot/most of these terrorists...are in medical field for that reason...to get in u.s.a easily!
i dont know much about this...so dont yell if im wrong.

thats just what my doctor told me.

I hate foreigners who come here and don't respect our laws or our country also. But you know what I hate even more. People who were born here who don't respect our laws or our country. I work with allot of illegals, and you know what. They bust their ass and they are very happy to be here. So my solution is to trade out every lazy SOB who won't lift a finger to support their own family and replace them with someone who will. I know that we are talking about terrorists, but I think we have allot of internal terrorists who are worse.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2013
If I were the swat team that found him in the boat I would have put two in his forehead but the high ups want to know if he knows anybody else planning anything. They want info. This country was built on immigrants. Im sure at one time there were people here cussing out our ancestors for coming here. Hell the Indians were cussing the whiteman for coming here. Just like we cuss out illegals for coming here. This country is a melting pot big and small and no matter you will always have people like this in life.

They need to made an example of to deter future attacks but that isn't the USA style.