
New member
Mar 16, 2005
First off let me say hello, I am new memeber to this board but not a new member to the scene. I am 24, Have stacked all types of gear for the last four years. My stats are 6'2 185lbs. I haven`t touched any gear for last 7 months. I am looking to go up to around 205 to 210 of lean muscle mass.

My last cycle Conssited of:

750mg Test Cypionate / Weekly
50mg eod Finaplex
400mg Deca weekly

I also used after the cycle clomid,HCG, and nolvadex (only when neccessary)

I am looking to do the following now:

750mg/weekly Sustanon
50mg Winstrol 3 times a week ?
40 to 60cc Finaplex
2 kits of growth
6 Clembuterols a day
1 half a pill of cytomil a day.

Like i said earlier this was recommended to me, The way it was recommended is exactly how I wrote it. Please critique it and also take note That I will use hcg,clomid,and nolvadex after the stack is finished.

Also this Stack Is a ten week Stack.

Please feel free to give me your opinions on a stack working wiht basically what I have listed. Thankyou


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
bullet said:
750mg/weekly Sustanon
50mg Winstrol 3 times a week ?
40 to 60cc Finaplex
2 kits of growth
6 Clembuterols a day
1 half a pill of cytomil a day.

:welcome: I personally like looking at stacks with actual breakdowns on how someone is planning to do their cycle. Shows me that you've done the research and that you've planned everything out. Show us how you plan on doing this stack week by week. IE 750 mg sustanon [weeks 1-10] ...and so on.
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New member
Mar 16, 2005
ok ,thats not aproblem but my questions is basically how would you take this. See someone told me this is what I should do, I have never done GH,Cytomil,or Clems before so i cannot really include them in this.

I would do ::

750 mg weeks 1-10
50 to 75mgs EOD Fina
50mg EOD Winstrol

Where would you put the GH,Cytomil,and clems??


New member
Mar 16, 2005
see my last cycle was as follows:

750mg/week Test cypionate Weeks 1-6
400mgs/Deca Weeks 1-6
50mg Fina EOD Weeks 1-6
50mg Test Prop Eod Weeks 1-6

PCT Clomid,HCG


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
bullet said:
ok ,thats not aproblem but my questions is basically how would you take this. See someone told me this is what I should do, I have never done GH,Cytomil,or Clems before so i cannot really include them in this.

Ok i don't want to sound harsh or anything but....If you never messed with cytomel then i wouldn't even consider it at all until you do alot more research. Playing with your thyroid isn't exactly smart.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
I understand completely what u are saying about cytomil, And this is all research that is why i posted this "Like i said earlier this was recommended to me, The way it was recommended is exactly how I wrote it" I am just looking for some advice on What I should do.


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
bullet said:
I understand completely what u are saying about cytomil, And this is all research that is why i posted this "Like i said earlier this was recommended to me, The way it was recommended is exactly how I wrote it" I am just looking for some advice on What I should do.

Ok you want advice...then here's my 2cc's. Just because it was recommended doesn't mean it's always right. If you want to add anything in there do the clenbuterol. For one it helps burn the fat and for 2 it's great for keeping your gains. But if you still want to do both...then run it for 4-6 weeks. I would alternate the two. Only because running cytomel for long periods of time run the risk of doing permanant injury to the thyroid. But also so that your thryoid doesn't go into shock you need to taper the dosages on and off.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2005
Oracle is right about the Cytomel, its a pretty big risk for the payoff. With that said, if you are determined to take it keep your doses low. Max. doses for a 4 wk cycle would be 20 umg for 3 days followed by 40 for 10 days - reduced to 20 for 3 days - then 40 for 5 days - 2 days off - 20 for 3 days - 10 for 3 days - and off for a minimun of 6 weeks. THIS WOULD BE MAX. DOSAGES. you will have to cut up the tabs to administer these doses. You should also divide the dosage over 4 times a day. This is the correct procedure to minimize negative response....remember when medicating a healthy thyroid you are falsely sending it a signal that it is sick and it is then going to cause an imbalance in the "negative feedback system" causing a switch in TSH and TRF which if carried out too long will alter actual T3/T4 binding capabilities. This is where you run the highest risk of permanent damage. Just food for thought...
Clen is a much safer option.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
Thankyou for your help, I have decided not to take the cytomil, i will just take the clenbuterol. What do you suggest the dosage for HGH is per day ???


Registered User
Feb 1, 2005
I typically run clen during the cutting phase of any cycle and sometimes with a lean mass growth cycle. It tends to give me more energy when calories are lower. I typically dose from 60-120 umg/day (starting low and working my way up) I usually run it on 3 days off 2 days for 6 weeks then off 6 weeks. Repeat as necessary. Some prefer to take it for longer periods of time but it has been my experience that the longer you run it the more used to it your body gets so on 3 off 2 keeps the results better at lower (safer) doses. I have also taken it on 1 week off 1 week for 10-12 weeks but still prefer the above method. Everyones make up is different though so see what works best for you. For me Clen has a tendency to shed fat better than Cytomel anyway. Gotta get the diet right first though and plenty of cardio. Hope this helps.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Mojo that is good advice.

Bullet, what were your gain from your last cycle? If you ran this last cycle, you should already be at 205. If not then your diet needs some serious adjustments before you do anything else.
750mg Test Cypionate / Weekly
50mg eod Finaplex
400mg Deca weekly

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but your questions suggests someone who wants the answers with doing any research (not willing to earn it).
At a bodyweight of 185, the last things you need are T-3 or clenbuterol. What are you hoping to gain? At a height of 6'2" you will need to get up to the 225 to 240 lb range before anyone accuses you of working out.

Heres the best answer I can give to your question.
750mg/weekly Sustanon
50mg Winstrol 3 times a week ?
40 to 60cc Finaplex
2 kits of growth
6 Clembuterols a day
1 half a pill of cytomil a day.

I don't know how far 2 kits of growth will take you but if it isn't enough to run 4 to 6 months, it isn't enough. This cycle would be good for someone who already weighs 225 or better. It's too much for your weight.
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New member
Mar 16, 2005
I understand what u are saying Dragon and believe me I am doing as much research as possible. Basically the way I feel about it is this. I have completly changed my mind about cytomil and even growth to a certain extent. I believe that right now cytomil isn`t for me. I also Believe that it won`t hurt taking 2 to 4 ius a day of growth. My goal is to pack on as much lean muscle mass safely as I can by june. understand that I do not want to be 240 to 255 as you state but rather 210 to 215 Competly Shredded. This is not easy for me to gain that much lean muscle mass due to the fact that I have a VERY fast metabolism, And also I am a very HARD gainer. I understand how you might think i am not willing to do the research but the truth of the matter is I have. I researched everything that could possibly work for me i nthe basic sense. Deca/Test/Dbol cycles etc... These are beginners cycles. Now that I feel I am willing to move ahead I have ventured into asking questions like "critique my cycle". I am not asking you to do all the wrok for me and basically right out a schedule on what i should do day to day. But tell me your opinion. I also realize that what u say might not work for me. Just because It has worked for you. Everyone is different i know exaclty what my body will react to better than others. I am sorry if you perceived this Post as that. The truth is as I stated in the original post, This was all suggested to me by a friend, I posted this to see what experts would say about it.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
I too am a hard gainer. It took me 29 years to go from 155 at 19 to 240lbs. I understand hard gainer. Because of your fast metabolism you are going to be able to get by with eating a little sloppier without putting on fat. I would still suggest you stay with bulking steroids like test and deca. For now stay away from winstol and tren. If you add the GH to it that should help with as much fat burning as you will need. You still need to eat till you puke or at least you feel like it.


May 13, 2004
DragonRider said:
I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but your questions suggests someone who wants the answers with doing any research (not willing to earn it).
At a bodyweight of 185, the last things you need are T-3 or clenbuterol. What are you hoping to gain? At a height of 6'2" you will need to get up to the 225 to 240 lb range before anyone accuses you of working out.

I'm with DR.

At a weight of 185@6'2 after a HUGE cycle like that. Something isn't right.

Why not stick to an easy cycle instead of 4-5 compounds at once? If your dosages for your first cycle are 700mg/w, what will be your 4th cycle?? 2G's/week?? For a second cycle i would say the amount of gear you're willing to take is boarderline abuse of AS.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
I have decided to do the follwoing after some research and listening to your opinions.

750mg Sustanon Weeks 1-10 (might change to 500mg/week)
300mg Deca 1-9 (might go to 400mg/Week)
35mg DBOL 1-5
75mg Tren 1-10

PCT afterwards :
Clomid Day 1 300mg
Clomid Days 2-11 100mg
Clomid Days 12-21 50mg

Nolva on hand.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
I have decided to do the follwoing after some research and listening to your opinions.

750mg Sustanon Weeks 1-10 (might change to 500mg/week)
300mg Deca 1-9 (might go to 400mg/Week)
35mg DBOL 1-5
75mg Tren 1-10

PCT afterwards :
Clomid Day 1 300mg
Clomid Days 2-11 100mg
Clomid Days 12-21 50mg

Nolva on hand.


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
DragonRider said:
At a height of 6'2" you will need to get up to the 225 to 240 lb range before anyone accuses you of working out.

I just love that snipet from DR - truly priceless (and very true - I just hit 232 at 6' 2")


Registered User
Mar 24, 2005
It seems Bullet your already set in your ways your just looking for a Map. One thing to remind and always keep on your noggin is that-T3,cynomel,synthroid,levothyroxine and all THYROID pills taken by a healthy person with no thyroid disease only speeds your metabolism faster than the norm. So you would be just adding gas to the fire. I will jump the gun and tell you that your not eating or training enough probably both. I am not trying to take anything from you but. I have been around the scene for awhile and When I see stats and heavy cycle posts like this I know the main ingredients are missing. "DIET & TRAINING" Sometimes you can overtrain and it's just as bad. But if you noticed dragon,duggie,oracle, have all said something isn't right! They are Right! I want to give an analogy whether it applies to you or not. It's not how much gas you give the race car or how fast you drive it, it's who crosses the finish line 1st. If you want results you can't just have half the equation. Don't rely on the gear. At 6'2 185 you shoul have no problem getting to 215 by sticking with a good Test, Deca, and Fina Cyle. Look 10 week cycle Start Test 500mg for the first 2 weeks then weeks 3-6 bump to your 750mg then weeks 7-10 drop down to 500mg. As far as the Deca weeks 1-8 400mg weeks 9-10 200mgs. Fina 150mg every third day you will have better strength, less water and better lean gains. Clenbuterol is okay for PCT to keep gains up and cortisol levels down. I would also run 5000iu HCG weeks 8,9,10. As far as the Growth I would wait until you learn more about insulin and glucophage and how to spike both. Good luck either way keep posted.