couple misc steroid questions


New member
Oct 5, 2004
Ok, tomorrow i take my last shot of sust 250. On friday I start Deca, how much do I inject and how often of deca durabolin? Also, I am trying to diet and gain lean mass at the same time, i want to lose some weight in my waist, but gain muscle everywhere else, how do I do this, i eat a couple times a day, but i drink about 150-200 grams of protein a day,plus im taking Ripped fuel Extreme cut for a fat burner, and Twin labs Amino Fuel to get all the amino acids. Can anyone help me, i have taken 7-1 cc shots of sust 250 and have gotten no real results. I work out hard, and i dont over work my muscles.Im just lost.Was it just weak sust? It was the mexican version(tornel). Anyways, how can i diet and burn off these love handles and gain muscle at the same time. thanks for the help.


Mar 31, 2004
Damn bro - you are lost. How about doing some research then trying again? You don't need to start using deca if you've ran out of test.


New member
Oct 5, 2004
I never did test. I did sustanon 250. It was junk, i moved up 10 lbs on bench, thats it. i gain maybe 10 lbs..MAYBE 10. Thats be generous. I ate protein, drank protein,and did everything like i was told. Im thinking the guy i got it from ripped me off,i dont know how, but I never did trust the guy, but he owed me money so I told him gimme this shit. he owed me 210$, and this is what i got. I had a friend that took this he gained a lot off of it..I got more gains when i took creatine by itself, i bulked up enough, then i figured i would move to the stronger stuff. but it didn;t work.anyways, thanks for all the info guys, i think instead of asking all the questions, i should just find some real shit and then worry about why im not getting any gains. thanks


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
sustanon 250 is test bro. What you need to do is hold on to the deca do some research and find out how to run a cycle and then buy what you need. Just an example u said you took 7 shots total of the sust and you think its crap. you should have been taking 2 shots a week for atleat 10 weeks. Research and if you have any questions feel free to ask the only stupid question is the one unasked.


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
good point, never do expirement cycles unless you have all questions answered, and surely not from someone you did not trust in the first place. Thats how people get fucked up and fucked over. :spank:


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Your question indicates you don't know enough about steroids to take them yet.
Do you know how many different esters of test there are?
Have you ever heard of deca dick?
Do you know what PCT is?

Most importantly, do you have a girlfriend? She is going to want to talk to me while you are on your deca cycle.


New member
Oct 5, 2004
Haha. Extremely funny. deca dick. I have never heard of such a thing. I have heard from all the people that I know that have taken deca that your dick only gets bigger with deca. But i dont care about this, all I want is the best result and have heard that deca gives the best. I dont care about knowing anything about steroids, you can be the dumbest mother fucker in the world and still be able to stick a needle in your ass. lift weights up down up down. All i asked was a couple questions, i dont need anyone trying to make me look like an ass.sorry maybe i came to the wrong board to ask questions..


Sep 17, 2003
nos these people are making good points to you. not trying to make you look like an ass, there only trying to help you and prevent you from making mistakes thats all.

yepp your right you can be the dumbest motherfucker in the world and stick a needle in your ass and lift weights up and down and get big but you know what happens to that dumb motherfucker?
this is what happends to him bitch tits, a limp dick for 8 weeks , severe acne fuck up your liver.. lose your gains.. hurt your testicals.. basically the dumb fucker gets :eek:wned: by the steroid side effects cause he didnt know what he was doing! and ends up looking like a shit house.

:welcome: to anasci

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Very true Anasci...No Nozjunkiez28, i am a newbie with this shit myself and only received good advice from these guys on this board....Believe me...they know what they'r doing....Also, Dragonrider as well as all the other guys, i believe, was only joking....They are just trying to tell you, that THIS steroid stuff, is nothing to play with, or using "unexperiencely"...At our gym, i know about a guy, only 20, who used this stuff WRONGLY, and his tit was getting like a woman's...also, his nipples was started pointing UPWARDS......not a good thing bro.....knowlege is power...Believe in these guys on this board...they have been through ALL that weird experienses....that's why i trust them.....Also i must add on, by taking their advise ( as well as researching the net ). i gained 8lbs in 3 weeks......I am 43 at the mo, and all my life i could NEVER gain a fuckin ounce...lol........keep pump'in


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Nos, I am only joking, but to make a point.
Deca taken without testosterone can cause a condition bodybuilders call deca dick. Imagine having the girl of your dreams standing naked in front of you begging for your manhood and you can't get it up.
Most people would think this is important information to have BEFORE starting a deca cycle.

Most people would want to know that steroids can convert to estrogen and cause men to develop breasts like a woman BEFORE the breasts show up and there is a way to prevent that.

No one is trying to make you look stupid. We are trying to protect you from most men's worse nightmare.

Taking steroids is about a LOT more than sticking a needle in your ass and pushing some weight up and down. This is actually a thinking mans sport. Planning workouts, knowing when and how often and what exercise works what muscle, planning meals to get the right combination of protein, fats and carbs, knowing which supplements to take and in what combination and knowing which gear does what. You actually have to be pretty smart to do this and not kill yourself or wreck your body and health.
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