Coming off-Physique is drastically different


Registered User
Jun 3, 2013
So I had been steadily on gear for the past 2 years. I came off almost a year ago simply because I have other priorities. Trying to start a family, have kids, work a new job, build a house. It’s definitely a solid decision, and I will be back one day. Now is just not the time for gear.

I built up a pretty good physique. I trained with a bodybuilding style and put on quite a bit of size. Benching 405 for 5 reps; deadlifting 585 for 8 reps while staying fairly lean. Not to brag, but I was one of the biggest guys in the city. Being big was basically my identity; the first thing people noticed about me.

After coming off; I have maintained a decent physique. I still diet- only with a lot more flexibility. I still hit the gym very hard – although I do it quickly as I don’t have a whole lot of spare time. The problem is that I am nowhere near as big as I used to be. It depresses me a bit, haha, but I still look very solid and lean.

The annoying part is people’s comments. It seems like everybody I deal with comments on how small I got. Family/friends/coworkers/cashiers at stores I frequent. I can't think of any acquaintances who haven't commented. I get questions like
“did you get sick?”
“are you okay? You lost all your muscle?.”
“Man I didn’t even recognize you. What happened”
I don’t know why I made this thread. Just wondering if anybody else came off and had everybody and their brother notice/comment on it.

As an afterthought, I could detail my PCT and my experience with coming off if anybody is interested. It was rocky, but I got my sperm back ;)


Registered User
Oct 27, 2012
Your only as big as your dose.. What were you expecting? Have you got your test levels checked?

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I came off, got really sick for 5-6 months over the winter and got really fat. Not exactly the same thing, but similar. People don't tend to point out how fat you got, though. At least not to your face.

I wouldn't sweat it, man. You actually have a really good opportunity. Now they can get to know you as the really nice guy, or the funny guy, or the guy that really loves his kids, or the guy that tips really well, instead of just being the big guy. It's a good chance to show people that there's more to you and your character than just your muscles. And then later on, after you get your size back, people will know you for who you are and not just as "the big guy."


Mar 27, 2014
Fuck that
Get back on
It sucks shit
It is so fucking hard to get it back
Now that I want it back I can't
I went down 60 lbs.
Did my last show- took my show deit and uped every thing 80 grams pr meal- I was a freak shredded big and strong
Got 700 lbs for 6 on squats easy as hell
Bench 365 for a set of 32- I was getting good
Got a wife - bought house- knocked up wife while on juice
One day said fuck this and went from
Juice and 8 meals a day to nothing
Lost 60 lbs like nothing -( really more)
Now - I want it all back and I am a bag of shit - small and weak and old
Was at beach the other day feeling like a monster- till I saw a picture that night of my sorry skinny crippled ass- looked like one of those dark guys with the skin to big and all depleted-
Quick story of that shit ty ass day - worst day of my life
My family was in the water having fun (before I looked at the pics)
Look over and this guy out there flexing and staring at my fucking wife. And she looked like she was digging it big time.
I should have went out there and crushed him-
Not good
Point in hand - Don't let it all go to shit- hold on to it.
I cried my ass off-(sorry I did) still am
Would have never happened when I was her super man
Juice is part of us
Just take it a little easy
Get it back while you can and while you are injury free
Your kids will love there super human dad.
With these guys on this board I am working to get it back and more
Glad you posted this and great to have you back here- always like your posts man
Please let us know what you do
Hope this helps a little
Hard for me to talk about
Been threw a lot these past 2 years
Last edited:


Mar 27, 2014
Sorry man- wasn't trying to steel your thred - just wanted to share how bad life gets fast as all hell after you have done what we have done.
Go from an incredable to a little pcs of shit not worthy of shit.
You think you are fine then you hit bottom then one day you find out you weren't even close to the. Fucking bottom.
Don't let it happen man
Or just maintain a comfortable place


Registered User
Jun 3, 2013
Hey Squatster... no need to worry about a thread hijack. I really didn't have a reason to make this thread in the first place.

I see where you're coming from. It seems like you were really dam big before you dropped the juice. Like really dam big. I was never that big, so I think i'll have a much easier time getting it back than you did. I like your point that it would be nice to have a really awesome put-together physique if everything else comes crashing down. At least one thing would still be in order!

I just found it amazing how much people identified me by my physique... i mean I do alot of other stuff too. engineer with a masters degree... I work on cars and tune cars in most of my free time. I mean... i think i'm fairly cool; but I guess my physique was more a part of my percieved identity than I realized


Aug 28, 2005
So I had been steadily on gear for the past 2 years. I came off almost a year ago simply because I have other priorities. Trying to start a family, have kids, work a new job, build a house. It’s definitely a solid decision, and I will be back one day. Now is just not the time for gear.

I built up a pretty good physique. I trained with a bodybuilding style and put on quite a bit of size. Benching 405 for 5 reps; deadlifting 585 for 8 reps while staying fairly lean. Not to brag, but I was one of the biggest guys in the city. Being big was basically my identity; the first thing people noticed about me.

After coming off; I have maintained a decent physique. I still diet- only with a lot more flexibility. I still hit the gym very hard – although I do it quickly as I don’t have a whole lot of spare time. The problem is that I am nowhere near as big as I used to be. It depresses me a bit, haha, but I still look very solid and lean.

The annoying part is people’s comments. It seems like everybody I deal with comments on how small I got. Family/friends/coworkers/cashiers at stores I frequent. I can't think of any acquaintances who haven't commented. I get questions like
“did you get sick?”
“are you okay? You lost all your muscle?.”
“Man I didn’t even recognize you. What happened”
I don’t know why I made this thread. Just wondering if anybody else came off and had everybody and their brother notice/comment on it.

As an afterthought, I could detail my PCT and my experience with coming off if anybody is interested. It was rocky, but I got my sperm back ;)

Most of those people are just hating on you because you still look better than them without and gear. Coming off and not crashing with a proper PCT can go a LONG way to not having a drastic loss of muscle. Its fun to mess with people too,,,tell them you have been doing more cardio for your ninja training that you have been secretly taking :action-smiley-044:


New member
Apr 24, 2014
I'd like to see the details of your PCT and experiences coming off gear.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2013
I'd like to see the details of your PCT and experiences coming off gear.

I was using about a gram of test-e, so I figured it would take about 7-8 weeks after the last shot for my test to be lower than natty levels.

5 weeks after last shot: 500iu's HCG ED for 3 weeks
7 weeks after last shot: Nolva/clomid for 5 weeks - dosed 40/40/20/20/20 and 100/100/50/50/50
9 weeks after last shot: Shot one vial triptorellin

15 weeks after last shot: 500iu's HCG ED for 2 weeks
15 weeks after last shot: Clomid for 8 weeks dosed 100/50/25/25/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 ED