captain canuck in a coma



just wanted to let everyone here know about what has happened to captain canuck. his wife notified us late last night that he fell off the roof of their house and hit is head and is now in a coma. here is her post on MMX about it.

Captain Canuck is in a Coma


My name is Mei ling I’m William’s wife and I know that he’s always on this forum talking to all of you. This forum that he loved so much I felt it was necessary for all of you to know what happened to him, who you call Captain Canuck.
This forum was a part of his life and I don’t know where to begin so I will just come out and say it William Who you know as Captain Canuck fell off the roof of our house yesterday night. He is now in critical condition at Taw yen Hospital in Taiwan. They told us that he has a 40% chance to come out of this with no Brain loss and even if he will wake up he will most likely not remember a lot of things that has gone on in the past or that he may not have his motor response and or verbal responses. Right now there is a lot of swelling in the brain and they will do more test. One of the test will be the CAT and MRI scan also I think there going to do the ICP monitor.
I know William always talk about how he enjoys being on this forum I know how much he loved to be a part of your community and I hope that you will all pray for his recovery.

Thank you for your time and may god bless all of you Mei Ling
i know alot of the old members here know him well and i ask that you please for the sake of his family, say a prayer for them. we at musclemaniax are devestated by this sad event and hope for a fast and complete recovery as he was the life of the site and went out of his way to make every new member feel at home....pin

MaSTa LifTa

Registered User
Apr 29, 2005
That sucks. CC is a great guy. I really hope that he pulls through. Is there anything we can do to help out?


update on the captain:
he went critical yesterday due to increasing swelling of the brain so today they are operating on him to try and releave some of the pressure.
his family has informed me that in the unfortunate case that he does not pull through, he had taken steps in the past to ensure his family would not be in need financially so at this time that have asked that we do not collect any donations. best thing to do is to keep praying for him and his family.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
pincrusher said:
update on the captain:
he went critical yesterday due to increasing swelling of the brain so today they are operating on him to try and releave some of the pressure.
his family has informed me that in the unfortunate case that he does not pull through, he had taken steps in the past to ensure his family would not be in need financially so at this time that have asked that we do not collect any donations. best thing to do is to keep praying for him and his family.

thanks for the heads up pin. I hope he pulls through.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Im wishing the best for your friend PIN....
Sounds Like is One hellof a good guy in a bad situation right now.
If theres anything we can do to help,say the word.