can I make a baby while on Winstrol?


New member
Mar 13, 2008
It sounds like a dumb question to most of you guys, I reckon. But I am a lay person with regard to this stuff and that is why I am looking for advice in the first place.

Here it is.

I've taken Winstrol tablets last summer for a month and a half/10 mg per day. It's a small dosage but I am not a professional athlete and I used it just to loose a few pounds, tone up my muscles and generally look and feel better. It worked wonders and the effect were visible on me (I was on a low-carb diet) for a couple of months after I stopped it taking. This means I looked the best in my life of 37 years after having ten pounds (in the right places) and weighted like in high school 20 years ago!

I would like to take winstrol again this summer, but I understood from what I've been reading it may lead to olygospermia? My wife and me (I am 37) could envisage to try to make another baby and I am interested to know whether it is incompatible with taking 10 mg of Winstrol per day.

The problem is, my window of opportunity is not too great for two reasons:

1. I'm not telling my wife (or anyone for that matter) that I'm taking Winstrol, she would go nuts;
2. I don't exactly have her consent for enlarging our family of four, but in case I manage to convince her, I have to be ready... You know what I mean.

And Winny has been so incredible even in this small dosage that I wouldn't want to skip it this summer.

Thanks for the advice.


New member
Feb 29, 2008
yes you can I had a baby last year when I was on my cycle

1000mg test e week
400 mg deca week
100mg winstrol eod
anadrol 50mg ed

and she got pregnat


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This is a debatable subject. AAS do greatly effect your chance of having a baby. But that is just whilst you are on cycle and just after. But as the above proves you can have a healthy baby even when on a huge cycle. But your dose is very small so that will have less difference (if none) to your chances.

To be honest if I was gonna try for a baby I would make sure I had had some time off when she wanted to conceive and plan my cycle around that. Simply because I wouldn't want to have my baby when my body is under such unnatural influenece. But if I was doing your cycle that wouldn't be considered - more something like the typical test, other injectable and oral cycle.

So don't worry and you will be fine. Even if you do a 'big' cycle it will only effect your chances whilst on but afterwards you will be back to normal.

So you can take your winny and you will be fine. I hope you get the same results second time round.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
bpetrov said:
It sounds like a dumb question to most of you guys, I reckon. But I am a lay person with regard to this stuff and that is why I am looking for advice in the first place.

Here it is.

I've taken Winstrol tablets last summer for a month and a half/10 mg per day. It's a small dosage but I am not a professional athlete and I used it just to loose a few pounds, tone up my muscles and generally look and feel better. It worked wonders and the effect were visible on me (I was on a low-carb diet) for a couple of months after I stopped it taking. This means I looked the best in my life of 37 years after having ten pounds (in the right places) and weighted like in high school 20 years ago!

I would like to take winstrol again this summer, but I understood from what I've been reading it may lead to olygospermia? My wife and me (I am 37) could envisage to try to make another baby and I am interested to know whether it is incompatible with taking 10 mg of Winstrol per day.

The problem is, my window of opportunity is not too great for two reasons:

1. I'm not telling my wife (or anyone for that matter) that I'm taking Winstrol, she would go nuts;
2. I don't exactly have her consent for enlarging our family of four, but in case I manage to convince her, I have to be ready... You know what I mean.

And Winny has been so incredible even in this small dosage that I wouldn't want to skip it this summer.

Thanks for the advice.

If your serious, your diet and lifting can take care of 10 or 20 lbs easy.


Registered User
Feb 17, 2005
I've more or less been on for five years. My wife and I conceived two children in that time period. Even though both of my kids look amazingly like the milk man, hmmm.