Buy Home-Made Roids??


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I'm 21 Yrs Old / 187lbs.....I've ordered some D-bol, Winni-V Tabs, and Masterbolan online. They were from a legal site so i know they weren't that potent and I took them for four weeks. I'm interested in going on my first cycle and the threads here are awesome..but I met this guy at my gym who says he makes some of the same stuff at his house. Would it be safe if I got it off him, or would you only advise from a lab? Because its my first time, i know almost anything i take will blow me up. All advice welcome.



Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
GetSwullll said:
I'm 21 Yrs Old / 187lbs.....I've ordered some D-bol, Winni-V Tabs, and Masterbolan online. They were from a legal site so i know they weren't that potent and I took them for four weeks. I'm interested in going on my first cycle and the threads here are awesome..but I met this guy at my gym who says he makes some of the same stuff at his house. Would it be safe if I got it off him, or would you only advise from a lab? Because its my first time, i know almost anything i take will blow me up. All advice welcome.


sounds like you wasted your money in one of those gimmicks. yah all that legalgear or legalanabolics, sdi labs stuff is fake and wont help you much at all if any. If your looking to start a first cycle. look into doing a test only cycle of test E for 10-12 weeks at 500mg EW. you could even throw in some real d-bol for the first 4 weeks as a kickstarter.


Registered User
May 30, 2006
If I were you and buying from a basement lab first thing is get REFRENCES. Then go and buy some sterile vials, .2 filter and some BA. THen filter the gear into the sterile vile then add 1% BA. Then let it sit for 4-6 days to make sure the BA kills everything then you would be good to go. But deffiantly filter it and add B.A for safety reasons. I say this becouse you dont want a intramuscular infecton and having to get that shit cut out. Its better safe then sorry, when you go on the gear research know the injection sites and how to rotate aspirate etc. Then dont go around the gym bragging about it or anything else instead work hard, rest, eat right. Sorry about that rant but it pisses me off becouse of people using basement labs getting infections and bring a bad name to responsible AAS users or idiots that go around talking about it with the 50 year old bench monkey and wonder why they get caught. Sorry about that rant


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
mn_fighter said:
If I were you and buying from a basement lab first thing is get REFRENCES. Then go and buy some sterile vials, .2 filter and some BA. THen filter the gear into the sterile vile then add 1% BA. Then let it sit for 4-6 days to make sure the BA kills everything then you would be good to go. But deffiantly filter it and add B.A for safety reasons. I say this becouse you dont want a intramuscular infecton and having to get that shit cut out. Its better safe then sorry, when you go on the gear research know the injection sites and how to rotate aspirate etc. Then dont go around the gym bragging about it or anything else instead work hard, rest, eat right. Sorry about that rant but it pisses me off becouse of people using basement labs getting infections and bring a bad name to responsible AAS users or idiots that go around talking about it with the 50 year old bench monkey and wonder why they get caught. Sorry about that rant

Good advice here....take it serious...IMO id rather pay more and get quality product that has a good rep than take chances of someone else home brew..


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks for all the info. and don't worry, none of it is "rant". It's all good advice for myself. What are you talking about by BA..a type of alcohol? I'm a nube, I admit. Also, I've tried hard to find legit roids out of good labs, but everyone BS me. They say "I can get this and that" and now that I'm ready, no one can get it for me. Please point me in the right direction if there's a smarter way to go about purchasing the good stuff?!?!?

ATTN: HealthFreak = Yea man, I didn't know better and thought it would help. I got little gains and pumps but nothing good at all, expecially off of only 4 weeks. But I'm ready now for the good stuff.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks Cryptasm...I'll def. take a look but I'm so sketchy about ordering off online that I'm not sure what to think. I guess if there were anymore more advice on how to go about finding good stuff I could def. use it. If not then i'll check the site and see. Thanks, and I'll keep you updated on everything.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
K..i checked the sites of iVitamins and professinoalmuscle.com

Seems like good stuff and i'll probably order soon. Looks like Test-E for me and i wouldn't mind shooting out a little more for the D-bol if it's worth it, suggestions on that?! Is it worth it, or is the experience of just the Test-e needed to take alone to get the feel? Also, now that im going to order through a site, can someone whose done some shopping tell me where i may find the best deal for my beginners cycle? I didnt' know if there was a good price going on somewhere. Meanwhile, i'll keep looking.



Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I belive alin has a banner somewhere you can click on.[/QUOTE said:
Thanks, i checked his place out and I'll probably go with him. How many viles(sp) of this stuff do i need to by to take it. I'm guessing by 500mg a week you mean two shots since his strength says 250mg. So how many do I need to by, looks like its $57 a vile?!?!


New member
Dec 19, 2005
In the Gym
Swulll, just do the arithmetic.

If your substance is 250mg/ml and you want to run 500mg/week, that's 2ml/week. A cycle of 12 weeks therefore requires 24ml's, total. Most sources offer 10ml vials (some offer 20 ml vials), so 2 vials won't be enough, and 3 vials will give you more than you need.

Def go with the 3 vial order. If you read a little more you may get to thinking a cycle of just 10 weeks would make all the arithmetic work out nice and neat for a 2 vial order, but don't give in to that temptation.

Even experienced users will tell you they don't get 10 draws of 1 ml each from a 10 ml vial, 9 is more likely, 8 is not unheard of. Not talking here about you getting cheated by a source who underfills his vials, either. Remember that part of proper injection technique is to get any air out of the syringe before you inject, you will push a little of your aas out when you do this, and some people do it willingly to lube the pin a bit so it glides thru the muscle. And,when the vial gets down to those last few ml's it isn't as easy to draw as when it was near-full. As a beginner, your technique may be a little sloppy and waste a little greater, so buying a total of 30 ml's of substance for a planned 24 ml cycle is not being too extravagant.

You cannot overdo pre-cycle study of proper injection/sterility techniques, take your time. You may have to over-buy your pins too. "Wasting" one of them to practice injecting water into an orange is not as silly as it sounds, just trash that pin before you begin sticking you.


BiggerISBetter said:
Swulll, just do the arithmetic.

If your substance is 250mg/ml and you want to run 500mg/week, that's 2ml/week. A cycle of 12 weeks therefore requires 24ml's, total. Most sources offer 10ml vials (some offer 20 ml vials), so 2 vials won't be enough, and 3 vials will give you more than you need.

Def go with the 3 vial order. If you read a little more you may get to thinking a cycle of just 10 weeks would make all the arithmetic work out nice and neat for a 2 vial order, but don't give in to that temptation.

Even experienced users will tell you they don't get 10 draws of 1 ml each from a 10 ml vial, 9 is more likely, 8 is not unheard of. Not talking here about you getting cheated by a source who underfills his vials, either. Remember that part of proper injection technique is to get any air out of the syringe before you inject, you will push a little of your aas out when you do this, and some people do it willingly to lube the pin a bit so it glides thru the muscle. And,when the vial gets down to those last few ml's it isn't as easy to draw as when it was near-full. As a beginner, your technique may be a little sloppy and waste a little greater, so buying a total of 30 ml's of substance for a planned 24 ml cycle is not being too extravagant.

You cannot overdo pre-cycle study of proper injection/sterility techniques, take your time. You may have to over-buy your pins too. "Wasting" one of them to practice injecting water into an orange is not as silly as it sounds, just trash that pin before you begin sticking you.
excellent advice here:)
on average most experienced users will get about 9.5ml out of a 10ml vial so you should always order more than the numbers add up to.
make sure you order plenty of pinz also. the site i order mine from offers lots of specials that i take advantage of. when ordering the pinz make sure you order pinz with 20guage needles attached and seperate 23g or 25g needles. what you will do is withdraw the product from the vial with the 20g needle then switch to the 23 or 25g needle for injecting. this method has worked great for me.