Bumblebee tuna...


New member
Aug 3, 2016
Greetings gents,

In the interest of keeping things relevant, I'll briefly state my history with AAS and forums of such.

Around sixteen or so years ago, when I was 19 (I'm 35 now) I was a member of a forum, The Anabolic World. Did tons of research there around 1999-2000ish, and at the time decided to heed the advice of many, holding off on the juice due to age and such. Joined military in 2002.

Fast forward about 10 years to 2009 (still in service), finally ran my first (and only, so far) cycle. Still wasn't at natural max, and workout and diet had still been relatively hit or miss all along, but I had been consistent for about a year or so. Ran 400mg Test Cyp for 10 weeks, with great results.

Fast forward another seven years to now, training and dieting still somewhat inconsistent over the years. Although I used proper PCT that cycle, it could be a combo of that and/or the inconsistent dieting and training that has eventually led to.....Low T!! Have been doing crossfit for awhile, with stretches of paleo dieting, with little if any results (which led me to pursue some cause).

This is where my board membership will be focused in the short term, I'm sure (TRT forum). Surprisingly, I was able to start therapy through military healthcare (still active, almost 15 years now). Of course, started with the gels for a few weeks, convinced doc to switch to Test Cyp injections, and now I'm on a mission to increase frequency from every two weeks to every ten days, or less (200mg). Also desire to switch back to "traditional" lifting vs. crossfit, although I'm sure that has it's place here and there.

If I can keep everything consistent, I desire to "blast and cruise" one day, but won't fully explore that option until I know I'm doing everything else right.

Thanks for the read, hope to learn a lot more now than I did years ago!

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Welcome. You will find valuable info here and the experienced guys will chime in sooner or later.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Greetings gents,

In the interest of keeping things relevant, I'll briefly state my history with AAS and forums of such.

Around sixteen or so years ago, when I was 19 (I'm 35 now) I was a member of a forum, The Anabolic World. Did tons of research there around 1999-2000ish, and at the time decided to heed the advice of many, holding off on the juice due to age and such. Joined military in 2002.

Fast forward about 10 years to 2009 (still in service), finally ran my first (and only, so far) cycle. Still wasn't at natural max, and workout and diet had still been relatively hit or miss all along, but I had been consistent for about a year or so. Ran 400mg Test Cyp for 10 weeks, with great results.

Fast forward another seven years to now, training and dieting still somewhat inconsistent over the years. Although I used proper PCT that cycle, it could be a combo of that and/or the inconsistent dieting and training that has eventually led to.....Low T!! Have been doing crossfit for awhile, with stretches of paleo dieting, with little if any results (which led me to pursue some cause).

This is where my board membership will be focused in the short term, I'm sure (TRT forum). Surprisingly, I was able to start therapy through military healthcare (still active, almost 15 years now). Of course, started with the gels for a few weeks, convinced doc to switch to Test Cyp injections, and now I'm on a mission to increase frequency from every two weeks to every ten days, or less (200mg). Also desire to switch back to "traditional" lifting vs. crossfit, although I'm sure that has it's place here and there.

If I can keep everything consistent, I desire to "blast and cruise" one day, but won't fully explore that option until I know I'm doing everything else right.

Thanks for the read, hope to learn a lot more now than I did years ago!

Cool, welcome to the forum. Lots of really experienced vets here with a no nonsense approach to anabolics, as well as a focus on overall health and longevity. If you stick around, research, and listen to the advice you can get here you'll have years of solid gains ahead of you.

And WTF is up with the title of this thread? I'm seriously confused about that.


New member
Aug 3, 2016
Thanks guys... I know that first post was a bit all over the place, but I was too late on my edit attempt to try and clean it up.

Lil Sully... LOL, bumblebee tuna is from Ace Ventura. Just assumed everyone has seen that ��


Jan 5, 2013
First of all, Thank You for your service. This forum respects everyone who serves their Country! Secondly....OK, I'll bite.....Why Bumblebee tuna????