Bodybuilding Slang, Abbreviations & Terms


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
AAS = Anabolic Androgen Steroids
AS = Anabolic Steroids
BA = Benzyl Alcohol
BB = Benzyl Benzoate
Bro: You and me
Drol, A-bombs, A-50: Anadrol 50
ED: Every Day
EOD: Every Other Day
EW: EVery Week
EOW = every other week
Gear: Steroids
GH: Growth Hormone
PEG = Polyethylene glycol
Pins: Syringes
Slin: Insulin

drol = Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
dbol = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
var = Anavar (Oxandrolone)
tren = Fina (Trenbolone)
deca = Nandrolone Decanoate
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
test = Testosterone
sus = Sustanon
UG lab = Underground Lab

PCT = post cycle therapy
IM = intramuscular , an [injection into the muscle]
SUB Q = subcutaneous [an injection under the skin]
SLIN = insulin , humilin , humalog
HGH = human growth hormone
HCG = human chorionic gongadrophin
ETH = enanthate , testosterone enanthate
CYP = cypionate , testosterone cypionate
PROP = propoinate , testosterone propoinate
SUSPENSION = testosterone suspension
OMNAS = omnadren [ testosterone blend]
SUS 250 = sustanon , sus ,[ testosterone blend ]
T400 = test 400 , [ combo of 187.5 mg of cypionate and enanthate along with 25 mg of prop propinate ]
PRIMOS = primobolan , methenolone enanthate
FINA = tren , trenbolone , finaplex , implants
ABOMBS = anadrol , a-50s , oxymetholone , green giants ,drol
DBOL = anabol , dianabol , thais , russians , naps , methandrostenolone
VAR = anavar , oxandrolone , spa , btg
HALOS = halotestiin , fluoxymesterone
WINNIE = winstrol , stanozolol , zambons
CLEN = clenbuterol
T3 = cytomel , cynomel [ thyroid hormone ]

Anabolism= constructive metabolism characterized by the building of tissue into more complex living matter, mainly muscle.
Anabolic= promoting anabolism
Anabolic steroid= any one of several compounds derived from testosterone or prepared synthetically to promote general body growth, to oppose the effects of endogenous estrogen, or to promote masculinization effects. They have a chemical structure similar to cholesterol.
Androgen= any steroid hormone that promotes male characteristics.
Aromatize= the on take of feminine characteristics or feminization.
Atrophy= refers to a state of deterioration usually within the muscle or bodily organ due to a lack of use or health.
Catabolism= a complex metabolic process in which energy is liberated for use in work, energy storage, or heat production by the destruction of complex substances. Basically muscle tissue is broken down when a person is in a catabolic state and the use of anabolic steroids will change this.
Cholesterol= a fatty substance found in animals that performs many vital functions and is synthesized by the liver and the adrenal cortex.
Bitch Tits= a slang term for gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia= an abnormal enlargement of one or both breasts in men. This condition is usually temporary due to a hormonal imbalance brought on by the use of steroids, however, can occur naturally as well.
Freaky= A bodybuilding term used to describe a person who is huge and obviously on steroids.
Fakes or basement drug= refers to counterfeit or fake steroids.
Virilization= the process in which a person takes on the characteristics of a mature male. Masculinization.
Gear= slang for steroids, syringes, anything associated with the use of steroids
Juice= slang term for injectable steroids
Dart, poke, ned, pin= slang terms for syringes.
Thermogenisis= the production of heat. Raises metabolism making it easier to burn fat.
Trade name= the name given to a particular substance by each company that manufactures it.
Cycle= the time in which a certain supplement is taken. If you take a supplement for 6 weeks it is a 6-week cycle. Usually the time on a cycle is followed by the same amount of time off of the cycle.
Libido= a persons sex drive.
Steroid= any of a large number of hormonal substances with the same basic chemical structure produced mainly in the adrenal cortex and gonads.
Lean mass= the amount of muscle on a persons body
Immune system= the system in a persons body that wards off infection and responds to illness.
Testosterone= an androgenic hormone which is used to produce anabolic steroids.
Estrogen= natural hormone that promotes the growth and development of female characteristics.
Creatine= a nitrogenous compound that when combined with phosphate produces ATP
ATP= adenosine triphosphate is a molecule used to store and release energy in the muscle.
Diuretic= a substance that increases the amount of urine which is released by the kidneys.