body building dilemma, need advice


Registered User
May 5, 2005
first let me explain my situation,im 27 and ive been working out for 3 years now and seldom miss a day at the gym. at first I trained hard and gained a lot of musslethe first 2 years but never got rid of my extra weight (I have always been husky). mainly my "beer belly " was a problem. so I dieted "low carb" and lost the weight but also lost the mussle, I can feel the lack of strenth. I want to get big but not fat, I can't seem to get both.

im considering trying steroids, but I don't even know what to get or where, or if its even worth it. I want to look good, but not if it means ill have uncontrolled anger like Ive heard about.
I don't think I would have a problem injecting, and ironicly my cats diabedic so I have an endless supply of needles.

what should I do?


Feb 6, 2004
Welcome to Anasci! First off, Roid Rage is another fallacy about steroids brought to you by the biased media. Steroids wont make you a dick, you have to be a dick first, and they can help to make you a bigger dick if you use high doses of androgenic steroids (which I don't recommend). I personally am a better person on steroids. I am stronger, more relaxed and in control of my emotions, and just feel better about myself when I am on them.

Second, your cat shouldn't be using the same size needle that you would need for steroids. You need to research for some time before you decide if steroids are for you or not. You need to know about the esters, cycle lengths, what you can combine together, PCT, anti-estrogens, minimum age to take them, etc. Until you know this and more, I wouldn't recommend you take anything. You can learn all you need by reading the stickies here and the past osts. If you have questions, feel free to ask. :)


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
PLEASE friend do your research before you try any type of Roid. I was in the same boat you were about a year ago and I found this place and several more and educated myself. There are some great resources here is you decide to utilize them. We will answer any question you have but be sure to do all the reading you can.

Roids can be dangerous in the hands of an irresponsible person , but so can kitchen knives, guns, baseball bats, ........... just research, research, research, have a written game plan, have all your products in hand before you start, and be sure to have a good PCT plan also. Just some beginner pointers.

Any questions let us know.....and welcome


Registered User
May 5, 2005
ok ill do some reading. but as a beginer what did you guys use to get your first significant gains, and how did you feel on those? have you tried oral vrs injectable? would you recomend either?

btw the needles for my cat are intended for human use, they are 1/2 cc, kind of tiny.probley not large enough .smallest cvs carries.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
mr.nitrofish said:
ok ill do some reading. but as a beginer what did you guys use to get your first significant gains, and how did you feel on those? have you tried oral vrs injectable? would you recomend either?

btw the needles for my cat are intended for human use, they are 1/2 cc, kind of tiny.probley not large enough .smallest cvs carries.

Bro all the answers to all the questions you can ask have been provided here at Anasci. This is a large community of great guys and gals who are here to help each other. We prefer to assist "newbies" by not making recomendations to early in their "steriod career's". That being said, I will tell you one thing that you should have found out alread by reading the stickys. The first cycle for ANYONE should be simple (no stacking) and should always be TESTOSTERONE followed by proper PCT (Post Cycle Therapy.) Confused yet? Good....now do some reasearch, and ask some more questions. Learn the terminology, steroid profiles, risks vs. benefits, and then decide. Cheers!


for starters, the needles you have are insulin needles and would not work for you unless you were using, gh, igf, or insulin, none of which i would recommend for ya to use this early in your juicing career.
2nd thing is that if you seem to be having such a problem gaining size without getting fat or you cut up with low carbs but lose muscle size also, your main problem is your diet. unless you fine tune it to where you can learn to gain without getting to fat and also to cut fat without loosing to much muscle, you will not succeed at taking steroids.
steroids will only enhance the diet & training you have in place already. they will not make up for deficiencies in your current programs.
learn all you can about proper dieting while on & off juice and also how best to train when on & off juice. these are the area's you need to focus most because without you gaining some knowledge in these area's, no mater what kind of first cycle we set ya up on, you will ultimately have the same things happen to you that already do.


Registered User
May 5, 2005
Freejay said:
Bro all the answers to all the questions you can ask have been provided here at Anasci. This is a large community of great guys and gals who are here to help each other. We prefer to assist "newbies" by not making recomendations to early in their "steriod career's". That being said, I will tell you one thing that you should have found out alread by reading the stickys. The first cycle for ANYONE should be simple (no stacking) and should always be TESTOSTERONE followed by proper PCT (Post Cycle Therapy.) Confused yet? Good....now do some reasearch, and ask some more questions. Learn the terminology, steroid profiles, risks vs. benefits, and then decide. Cheers!

thank you. going to reasearch testosterone and take it one step at a time.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
I'd read Pin's post again, cause he has hit it on the head. The nutritional aspect of bodybuilding/weightlifting is as important if not more important than the actual lifting itself. This becomes even more important once gear is introduced. Why, because were using a substance that pushes the body beyond what it is naturally capable of doing. Without the overabundance of fuel necessary to produce the effects one is attempting to achieve, ones gains will be minimal. Years ago i used to have trouble gaining size, when i started looking into diet and nutrition, i found the weak link. The gear is not a magic wand, if you can't or are unwilling to put alot of calories in your body every few hours. Then you are just wasting your time and money. Clint