big shoulders

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
i need a new shoulder workout, i want nice, big shoulders and what im doing is not working the way i want it to. i warm up with some military and front dumbbell raises....to start i do heavy military 3 sets of 10-12, single arm military 3 sets heavy, then i do 3 sets of straight bar shrugs 3 sets of ?? heavy, then some drop sets for side and front of shoulders as well as for the delts, then one more set of dumbbell shrugs and i finish off with a burnout on military. any help would be appriciated. i want cantalope lookin balls on the ends of my shoulders...


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
sounds like it may be the rep range. 10-12. go with 6-10 rep range heavy weights.
and try supersetting. It worked well for me


ben johnson said:
i need a new shoulder workout, i want nice, big shoulders and what im doing is not working the way i want it to. i warm up with some military and front dumbbell raises....to start i do heavy military 3 sets of 10-12, single arm military 3 sets heavy, then i do 3 sets of straight bar shrugs 3 sets of ?? heavy, then some drop sets for side and front of shoulders as well as for the delts, then one more set of dumbbell shrugs and i finish off with a burnout on military. any help would be appriciated. i want cantalope lookin balls on the ends of my shoulders...

i only do 2 exercises for shoulders (besides the fact i'm working shoulders on my chest day)

Miltary press for 4 sets (4-6 rep range)
lateral raises for 3 or 4 sets (6-8 range)

thats it. sometimes i'll do lateral raises first to pre-exhaust my delts. are you doing all the compound movements like squats, rows, and deads??? all 3 crucial for TOTAL body develop IMO.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2004
[email protected]
You need to drop your reps, like healthfreak said, and go heavy. I find 4-8 reps is where its at, when going to failure, in getting delts to grow. Just make sure your forcing yourself to get stronger each week while doing this. Here is a good routine; if your eating like a horse, and getting proper rest, your delts WILL grow.

Seated DB military press - 4 to 5 sets- 4-8 reps, with one set, either your first or last, 10-14 reps.

Dumbell Front Raise - 3 sets- Keep your rep range between 4-8, but have one set with higher reps in the range of 10-14, either for your first set or last, to really get a deep burn.

Dumbell Side Lateral Raises - 3 sets-

Rear Delt Machine, or Rear Dumbell Lateral Raise - 3 sets-

I assume your bulking, so this routine will work well on a high calorie diet. It is high in volume, but works really well. Make sure to take as many sets to failure as you can, and track your workouts to improve every time you step foot in the gym. I guarantee this will get your delts to grow. Do your shrugs on another day, or you will over-train. Keep your shoulder workout seperate from your other muscle groups
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Registered User
May 18, 2005
wolfyEVH said:
i only do 2 exercises for shoulders (besides the fact i'm working shoulders on my chest day)

Miltary press for 4 sets (4-6 rep range)
lateral raises for 3 or 4 sets (6-8 range)

thats it. sometimes i'll do lateral raises first to pre-exhaust my delts. are you doing all the compound movements like squats, rows, and deads??? all 3 crucial for TOTAL body develop IMO.
I agree with wolfy on this one........most peeps overtrain their shoulders, that's why u hardly ever see well developed shoulders on guys.

wide grip military presses and side lateral raises work wonders for me...

good luck bro...

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
sweet...i love this site...ive only been here for a month or two but the help everyone gives kicks ass....thanks for all your input guys. i will try heavys routine first, next wednesday.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
minority view

I agree that going heavier and fewer reps will probably benefit you, but also lighter and higher reps can benefit you. I do 10-week routines. Every ten weeks I change to a higher rep/lower weight or lower rep/higher weight regimen. Currently all my sets are trying to get 15-20 reps. Next week I will start a new 10-week routine that will aim for 5-10 reps.


Macstanton said:
they can also fuck up your rotator cuff.....

agree.......and i dont hit every head on the same shoulder exercise......i hit the rear delts on my back day from rows, i do lateral raises, as well as shoulder press (not to mention the shoulder workout you get from benching).


Registered User
Feb 19, 2005
IF you do them with good form and go real slow they will not hurt you , also you shouldn't goe all the way down , leave a few inches left in your range of motion


needsomeinfo said:
IF you do them with good form and go real slow they will not hurt you , also you shouldn't goe all the way down , leave a few inches left in your range of motion

its not a natural movement...the same with lat pulldown behind the neck...why risk injury???


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
seated front presses for me, i aim for 6 reps which means i'm getting 3-5 rep range till i can hit that sixth rep and bump up the weight. My shouldars have never liked behind the neck presses, that lift has never felt right for me. Inclines, flats, close grip presses. I do shrugs as well but consider that more of a traps workout. Pretty much what everyone else has said. Up the weight drop the reps. Clint


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
I know that you all don't approve of rear presses, but they have worked wonders for me. I have literally no side delt development whatsoever and for years I have lacked finding a workout program that will stimulate them. Recently I started adding two things in my delt regimen. Smith machine behind the neck presses, and "arnold" side laterals. When doing these two excersices along with dumbell presses, I leave the gym with a super pump that I've never had, and a good soreness the next day. I do the presses with light enough weight for me to handle 10-12 reps very carefully and don't go below my lower arms parallel to the ground (I actually have sprained my AC in both shoulders a few years ago, and do this with no pain). Then the "ARNOLD" side laterals, lay on an incline bench on your side with arm hanging to the side, and lift straight up. It works wonders for me, and hopefully I can start building my side delt now. I don't do front delts anymore cause of the amount of work they get during chest workouts, I do however do rear delts after side delts on shoulder day. Behind the neck presses can be done safely with great care and concentration. For me they are necessary for growth, just my 2cc.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
I've noticed that I have gotten serious shoulder gains in the past few months from doing "arnold" should press - twisting the weight on the concentric motion of the repetition.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
This whole preference to presses to the front or behind the neck comes down to genetics. Upright rows is another lift that just does not feel right, so i do shrugs instead. As far as the overtraining issue is concerned, which is a very common mistake. People think take a routine out of some book/magazine and try to employ it to gain. When in fact its more then there body is ready for, they see little to no gain and figure "i'll add a set". Wrong. I have my routine pretty well dialed in, meaning i gain either reps or poundage from one week to the next. My workouts are 20-30 mins. on average. One bodypart a day seven days a week, if i'm feeling burnt out i'll take a day. If i'm not gaining strength/reps/poundage i tend to drop a set on a lift vs. adding more sets or another lift for the given bodypart. Less is more for me if done with sifficient intensity. Clint


Registered User
Nov 21, 2005
I agree Clint. Genetics do play a huge rule. I can shoulder press 225 and I have descently(sp) big shoulders, but when it comes to calves, I can't get them to grow at all. It just boils down to doing what's right for you.