best buying method


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I am ready to start a cycle. I ve done alll my homework on what gear to use and how to stack and how much and all my post cycle needs. Now I need to do my homework on how to buy. I was wondering if anyone new how to get the best and up to date info. Or maybe if someone had a link to send people to read up on such ino. anything I can read would be helpfull. I know this is on the minds of alot of people.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
I am ready to start a cycle. I ve done alll my homework on what gear to use and how to stack and how much and all my post cycle needs. Now I need to do my homework on how to buy. I was wondering if anyone new how to get the best and up to date info. Or maybe if someone had a link to send people to read up on such ino. anything I can read would be helpfull. I know this is on the minds of alot of people.

I don't really get what you mean because it is a very easy process. Basically you can't use your credit card on sites at all now. In the past you could on certain sites but it was best not to. You are best using western union money transfer (there are many similar companies). If you use Alinshop it goes through it step by step so anyone will be able to understand. Just follow the instructions and how to pay etc. Other companies such as Moneygram use the same processes and when you buy you will be provided with all the details.

Incidentally if this is your first cycle what do you plan to do? Including your protection and PCT.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Its not my first cycle it is just my first cycle in about 25 years. Im much older now and I have alot to loose if the law should want to be nosey. As far as buying I found a few lagit online sources. It is pretty cut and dry buying but recieving it scares the hell out me. I could loose every thing if i should get a drug rap in my career. Im planning a test e - winstrol oral - clen with a clomid and nolvadex post.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2007
Get a private "mailbox" firm to receive your goods. You'll have to show identification to do so, but you can use a "company" name for shipping info when you buy. You can sign a release form, and the mailbox firm can sign for any packages that require it. This should remove you far enough from harm if the worst happens. Mine costs $45 for three months.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Are you ever drug tested as part of your job? Or it is solely being caught with the stuff and of course that will only be bad for your employment. Yeah PO boxes are a great suggestion (in your name). I have friends who get their stuff sent in other names but to their address (not that I rec that). If your just worried about having it seized etc you should be fine (they won't inform law enforcement and have people knocking at your door if it is). But of course it is better to be safe then sorry. I should add those same friends even use a bro's/mates card to order so it can never be tracked back to them. Before you say that is unfair on the bro/mate nothing happens if you are caught with a personal supply of gear. It is usually just the people who are tested or have certain jobs (good career) that have to ensure it can never be tracked to them. Hope it works out for you.
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Thanks for the replies. No Im not drug tested. but lets say not only am I in the public eye but Im also supposed to be held to a higher standard. So any kind of drug arrest; Steroid or illicet drugs its all the same to them. DRUGS!!!
Its a drug arrest that would cost me more than my job. Im in the same boat with most of the people on this board. I believe if it is done with knowledge and caution it will not hurt you. As I age (51 now) I need a little help from the juice. Im not compeating in body building nor am I in pro sports but I need to stay in shape; and I like the way it can help my looks. Keep the replies comming and thanks so far with what has come.:D


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
It is up to you to decide whether or not the gains outweigh the risks...You have to reassess your situation, is what you have worth taking the chance in losing?! No matter how you order or obtain delivery, there will always be that chance on getting snagged...It may never happen, but it only takes once...PO Box, family name/addy, your home name/addy, work name/addy, etc. are all option when ordering, but through any means of ordering comes the chance on a flagged address or controlled delivery...Ultimately it's your choice and no matter what people tell you ("Oh, don't worry, they won't bust a small fish" OR "I've ordered thousands of times with no problems" OR "I've done this and I've done that...", etc, etc.), at the end of the day it's only your life and "materialistic freedoms" that YOU have to weigh against the risks, and no one else on the internet can help you do that.....

If you're looking to do homework on the ordering/legal process, get yourself Legal Muscle by Rick Collins...If nothing else it's great reading.....


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
you are so very right kawasaki. I am going to except responsibility for my actions if I should have to. There is a risk involved in this but it is best to minumize the risks. This is why I am here; to minumize the risks and Im sure this is on the minds of other people. I cant be the only one thinking about this. If I can get people talking about it and bring it to the floor we can all learnbenifit from it. The more we learn the better off we all are. An exchange of ideas is what Im trying to get going. I brought this up on another forum and it got delated before the first post or reply. I tried again and again the same thing happened. Stupid me finally got the message.
In the past I done like other people got a p.o. box and had it shiped to me in another name. that trip to pick it up scares the hell out of me. I got to thinking there has got to be a better way. The anxiety is almost enough to make me not do th and is.So lets exchange ideas!:D


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
The reason that it probably got deleted is because no one should ever post up order discussion questions on the open boards (including when/what they ordered, where/how they have it shipped to them, etc.)...Too many LE lurking on the boards, if everyone starts posting the best/safest ways to purchase illegal gear online, then wouldn't LE also know what is being done?! Some things are better left unsaid.....

Further more, wouldn't using a PO box in a different name go from being a possession of gear charge to a federal charge of mail fraud (hint, hint)??! Gotta think about what we say and type on the open boards.....
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's hard to comment cos I don't know your situation. You say your in the public eye and want to keep in shape and look good but it's not sports. I guess I have a fair idea but it doesn't really change anything. You have to weigh up the risks with how much you want to use and how much you really need to use against the possibility of being caught. A friend of mine has a wife who is terrible and opens all parcels etc. I don't understand why he deals with it because if you don't have trust what do you have. Anyway I just ordered for him. I don't know your circumstance. Cos I think the fewer people who know the better. Like you said drugs are known as drugs and it doesn't matter what they are... coke, pills, steroids. That is not just in the eyes of the media because it is the people who read/see the media so I imagine most of your closest friends couldn't be trusted either.

If you really want to use them then like you said you have to weigh up the options and decide. You could get a PO Box but you still have to use ID to obtain one. So I would just use your own name. I am not rec any methods because it is up to you. But to be honest if I was in your boat and wanted them enough to risk it I would get them to my door and ensure I was there to sign for them. But no one online can tell you because only you know if you want them so much to risk it. Because even if 1000s get them everyday there are many who get caught. I will say though if a parcel is seized it usually isn't even followed up. But if you was very well known to mail workers then that is a different matter... like I said I don't know the full circumstances. Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck and I am sure it will turn out fine. But personally if you have so much to lose then I don't think it is worth it but only you can decide.

It is different for me because in the UK (don't know about the US) buying steroids is not illegal. They are classed as a class c drug so if I was caught with them I might have them taken away but nothing else would happen. Thats why I don't really mind if some parcels are seized. It is different if you intend to supply though! But they could never prove that and I only order a personal amount so it would never be mentioned. But I am not in the public eye and although I have a very good job they would never know even if they were seized. Goodluck


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
thanks for the input guys. It would probebly be best if we droped the subject now. thanks again:smoker: :smoker: