Beginners Advice


New member
Mar 14, 2004
Hi, you're probably well fed up of reading posts like this, sorry to bore you, but I would be interested in any comments.

I'm 35, been working out for 18 months, but only seriously for the last 12 months. I lost 7lbs of bodyfat and have put on a stone in lean mass during that time. I am clued up about diet and lifting weights and I want to try a short course of steroids. Done a bit of reading, but was recommended the following by a friend who's done it.

Sustanon 250 1ml. Inject once per week
Deca Durabolin 100 1ml Inject once per week
Dianabol 1 tab four times daily
All for 7 weeks.

Nobody ever mentioned anything about post use therapy, I keep seeing references to Nolvadex. Should I definately be looking to take this a few weeks after finishing my course?

Does it matter where I inject? Friend said not to do the sust into the leg as it was very painful, I was thinking of in the backside?

Does it matter what days I inject on? Do I do both on the same day or split them over the week? Can you suggest what would be best?

Also, one thing I am worried about is that I have a minor heart arrthymia which actually has been a lot better since I started working out. Is any of this stuff likely to affect my hearts normal rhythms?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
First of all, tell your friend that he could use some knowledge in AAS also, not trying to be a smart ass but that is one worthless cycle he designed you. 100mg of deca a wk is worthless, and sustanon is not a good beginner steroid due to the various short and long esters in it. The heart thing I'm not too sure on, I thionk you would be fine but I would ask a doctor that is honest and not simply against AAS. A good beginner for you assuming your bodyweight is somewhere in the 175-200+ range would be.....

wks 1-10 test enan or cyp 400mg or 500mg a wk
wks 1-5 dbol 30mg ed

You do not need to use deca this time, the test will be plenty and the dbol will start your gains out strong until the test kicks in which is about 5 wks. PCT or post cycle therapy is needed to boodt your natural test levels back up after it has been shut down. Nolvadex is great for this. 2 wks after your last test shot take 60mg 1 day, 40mg ed for 2 wks and 20mg ed for 2 wks. Also, keep plenty of nolv on hand in case gyno symptoms appear. As far as injection sites go, the glutes, quads, and delts are fine. Go to www.spotinjections.com to find out how.

lord Humongous

Registered User
Jan 22, 2004
I agree with jsjs keep it simple test at 500mg/wk for 10wks. That would be fine for a first cycle alone but seeing that you have the d-bol use it starting at 20mg ed for 4wks. You could up the bol if you were not getting good results, but 20mg the first time I tried them worked great.


New member
Mar 14, 2004
Hi, thanks for your help, I kinda guessed I'd been given duff info when I found out about the PCT from here.

I'm not that heavy, just 151lbs. Would I inject all 500mg in one go or split it up?

Any more advice on starter cycles from others would be great.

The D.bol that I have are the little hexagonal pink ones, I have no idea how many mg's is in each tab?

The gyno symptoms, are they just limited to itching nipples? What else do I need to look out for?

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Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
At your bodyweight I would do 400mg test or 375, whichever is easier to measure. You can do it once a wk or split it into 2 shots (mon and thurs). Your dbol are probably the pink pentagon (5 sided) 5mg tabs made in tailand. If they have a snake stamped into them the yes you could get away with 20 or 25mg ed. If they do not have a snake then I would do 30mg ed because I believe they are sometimes underdosed.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
lord Humongous said:
I agree with jsjs keep it simple test at 500mg/wk for 10wks. That would be fine for a first cycle alone but seeing that you have the d-bol use it starting at 20mg ed for 4wks. You could up the bol if you were not getting good results, but 20mg the first time I tried them worked great.

20mg works fine for some but it really is better to do 30-35mg ed imo. I have done it both waays too. First time ever taking dbol I did 20mg ed and it was not near good as taking 35mg ed. But some good quality russian or british disp. dbol would probably be fine at 20mg ed.


i would do 30mg a day....no more or less....that seems to be the most followed when it is stacked w/ test....listen to jsjs24....at your body weight, 400mg/week should be plenty....200mg on monday, and 200mg on thursday....test alone, or test/dbol is probably the best first cycle one could do.....you will get some nice mass with that...dont forget your PCT...i'm sure you'll wanna keep your gains and not get any BT's!!