Bacteriostatic Water


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am using bac water for diluting my MT2. The first 10mg (after mixed) should be fine for a few weeks. But I was wondering how long the actual bac water can be stored in the fridge as I have 50mg of MT2 and want to use the same 30ml bottle of bac water for the whole 50mg.

By the way Rajjin I got some which stated 99.99% purity. And the fact I turned the colour of a tomatoe after 3 mins is a good sign it is what it stated. I am on my 4th day but no sun at all so will try a few sunbeds to get the most of it.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Deffinatley Get out in the Sun And or Tan!
Did it make you sick Feeling?

I Think the Water should have an Exp date on it?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Deffinatley Get out in the Sun And or Tan!
Did it make you sick Feeling?

I Think the Water should have an Exp date on it?

Oh so it is just like most goods. I wasn't sure if it might go bad but the more I think about it thats abit silly cos it is only a mixer.

Yeah I read it's best to wait a few days so I am gonna make the most of it starting 2moro. The weather just went bad here. The weather is crap in the UK. It should get hot soon. I am gonna get more so I have it for Jul/Aug. I am not working in the next week so it's a shame the sun has gone away. I will hit the beds 2moro and a few times more in the week.

The good thing is I have no sick feeling. Maybe alittle bit but nothing major. I haven't got the 6 hour wood but my libido has definately increased. The only bad thing which most would think is great when cutting (which I am doing now) is my appetite has gone. I struggle to eat lots as usual. So all in all it's been good so I will just have to wait and see how the tan goes.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ALIN said:
still have some MT2 have yet to try.

Many find it makes them feel really sick. But I have been ok with it. Saying that I had a bad virus a while back so now when I feel abit sick nothing compares to what I felt with the virus so I don't let it bother me.

I have been on it about 1 week and am made up. There hasn't been much sun and I have only been on a sunbed once. I didn't think I would burn but I did (quite badly). But I have gone a great colour so I am made up. Next time I will only do 6 mins and build it up. My libido has shot up and I do get erections from it. But nothing like 6 hours what some people say.

All in all it's been great so I would defo rec it. I would rec something like-

Day 1- 0.3mg
Day 2- 0.4mg
Day 3- 0.5mg
Day 4- 0.75mg
Day 5- 1.0mg
Day 6- 1.0mg

I started on about 0.5mg and was fine. But I hear gradually going up is the best cos for most it makes them feel sick. I would wait about 5 days if you are gonna use a sunbed and just let it build up in your body.

The only bad thing about the MT2 for me is it suppressing my appetite. I wouldn't mind if that was alittle. But I struggle to eat almost anything. After 1 chicken meal I struggle to eay anything for atleast 4 hours afterwards. Thats why protein powder is useful for me cos I can't eat as much solid food. So I would defo rec you trying it out if you want a great tan for summer.