Attention Alpa Male!


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Alpha I talked to you awhile back about some blood work I was having done was hoping you could make some sense of these numbers to say if there normal or not? I am a 35 year old male.
Testosterone total serum/ results 659 / units ng/dl Range/241-827

HCG /results <2 /units miu/ml range 0-4

Estradiol/ results 45 / units pg/ml range 0-54

Estrogen total serum/ 175.6 units pg/ml

Hormone (LH) results 4.6 Units miu/ml range 1.5-9.3

TSH w/reflex FT4 results 0.91 units uIU/ml range .35- 5.50

Are these numbers within healthy ranges or not so if anyone can make sense of these I would be greatful. Thanks
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Registered User
Nov 1, 2006
mac762339 said:
Alpha I talked to you awhile back about some blood work I was having done was hoping you could make some sense of these numbers to say if there normal or not? I am a 35 year old male.
Testosterone total serum/ results 659 / units ng/dl Range/241-827

HCG /results <2 /units miu/ml range 0-4

Estradiol/ results 45 / units pg/ml range 0-54

Estrogen total serum/ 175.6 units pg/ml

Hormone (LH) results 4.6 Units miu/ml range 1.5-9.3

TSH w/reflex FT4 results 0.91 units uIU/ml range .35- 5.50

Are these numbers within healthy ranges or not so if anyone can make sense of these I would be greatful. Thanks
Yey Brother copy this URL into your browser maybe this is what your looking for, its info off of this web site.



Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks wood I checked it out and it gave the ranges but could'nt navigate to find out what a good test level for a 35 year old male who has'nt cycled in two years should be.Or what my Estogen levels should be under these circumstances. Can't get my doctor to call me back and discuss these numbers. So was hoping that some of the people on this site who are versed in these figures could put it in lamens terms for me. But thanks man.Oh and wood is that a cattle dog.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2006
Its a 70 pound chow and pit mix. Its a rescue dog we have three of them. I'm house trained there in the bed with the wife I'm in a chair but only sometimes.
about finding the proper counts in your blood look on the internet on a med site. I just got my blood work done my doctor only checks cholesterol, PST and liver enzymes.

Good luck


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
I asked cause I got an Australlian Cattle .They look alot alike.Thats cool you rescued him ,good karma.I tried web md but could'nt get the info I was looking for.I'll keep trying.Thanks man


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Bro, those are pretty good numbers on everything. Your estrogen is on the high side, but should be able to be controlled into the lower side of normal with diet and exercise. Zma (the zinc in particular) should help drop that down a bit. You shouldn't need drugs to lower it, and you don't neccassarily need to lower it anyway, I just prefer a number closer to 100 for total and 20 for estradiol (most endo's say 32 is the magic E2 number, I find 20 to be).

Don't know exactly what you'd like to know, refresh my memory about what we we're talking about. I'll give a brief discussion on some on the results for you though:

Testosterone: Your test levels are actually a bit on the high-normal side as HRT shoots for around 500ng/ml

Estradiol: Again your levels are a bit on the high side, but still fall within normal readings. I find issues with sex drive and my "hung" state when levels get too high or too low.

LH: Your levels are within the normal range right in the middle, but anything over 5 tends to show higher estrogen levels and aromatase enzyme, hence the estrogen. When testosterone and DHT are high enough (your test is) then LH low. Higher levels of LH increase the production of aromatase and thus estradiol. I really don't know much regarding keeping levels low other than I recall Red Wine and Zinc helping to increase DHT and Testosterone which keeps LH low and estradiol low as well. Try some Red Wine or a product called REZ by Biotest with your ZMA and see how that effects your estrogen if you are noticing anything now.

TSH: Your levels are low - which is very good. Anything below 1.6 is awesome. By it being low, it shows that your thyroid is producing just fine and on the high side of normal (I would assume)

If I were to take a Completely Blind guess about your numbers I would guess that your estrogen might be on the high side due to your diet ((maybe fast food more than once or twice a week) - Sorry if I'm off here, I'm really just guessing and showing how some of this stuff works.)) and that your Estradiol (E2) is high because of low DHT or your LH score, or another possiblility that links with your TSH levels (your numbers imply that you have high-normal thyroid, but if you don't feel that way I might be on to something) which is that your SHBG might be high. SHBG tends to raise in men as we age and the results tend to be lower free testosterone (maybe lending to feeling hypogonadal), higher estrogen levels, higher thyroid but lower active thyroid, lower GH and just a general feeling of blah.

Overall your levels look good. I'd try some diet changes towards cleaner foods, not saying they're bad; just that bad fats (trans & extremely high) can interfair with the clearance of estrogen at the liver thus allowing more in the system. Plus a clean healthy diet is good for anyone. Might also try increasing your Zinc whether through diet or supplements and consider some Red Wine (or grape juice) on a habit or a supplemental form. You might also wish to consider having your DHT, Free Testosterone, SHBG, Thyroid (t3,ft3,t4,ft4,tsh,rt3), Dhea, Progesterone. Depending on what you are feeling now adn what led to getting your work done to begin with, it might be a very simple solution of taking 25mg of Dhea or any number of things.

Sorry I don't remember exactly what we were talking about before, and I should have just searched before typing all of this as much might be nonsense. I'll give it a search, and you get back with us as well.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Man thank you so much for taking the time to explain all those numbers.The reason I had talk to you origionally was a problem I was having with gyno. I have had two surgerys over the past couple years to have masses removed from my chest.The first time it happened was 3 weeks into a cycle and when it happened I imedeatly stop the cycle.I had that mass removed and stayed off for over a year and a half. Then one day I woke up with a mass under my other nipple. I have since had that removed . So the reason I was looking for the infomation was to see why that last gyno incident may have accured. I am afraid to even use any supplements because I am afraid of the masses coming back if my test levels are effected as well as my estrogen. So that was it .And mabey if you could suggest some good supplements that you don't think I will have any problem with. Im just so nervous to have anything like what formed in my chest to form again so therefor I have stayed away from everything.I so appreciate you taking the time to help me man. Are you a doctor? If not your a very well informed individual.But man thanks again for your help.