are you only as big as your dose?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
ive been up to 235 2 years ago, i was on a gram total. came off everything but my trt dose, keeps me around 650 test level.
my question is, can i only be so big now on my 100mg test dose?
does hard training, diet, and rest, will it only get me so far now in regards to regaining muscle mass? am i just gonna spin my wheels after awhile, is what im asking, and the only way to actually get bigger is to up my dose? im down to 205 now, but when i started this i was 185.


Registered User
Sep 16, 2018
Did you train less when you dropped 35 lbs? I'm genuinely interested to see how much gains are keepable while continue training hard at trt dose also.

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Donating Member
Jul 31, 2018
The dose certainly plays a role but as with most things you will reach a point of diminishing returns and all the other variables you mentioned are important and will contribute greatly to making and maintaining gains. Majority of your weight loss is probably water anyway.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2018
The dose certainly plays a role but as with most things you will reach a point of diminishing returns and all the other variables you mentioned are important and will contribute greatly to making and maintaining gains. Majority of your weight loss is probably water anyway.
True. Genetics play a big role in what your saturation point is. Some guys will get great gains at 600mgs; some guys will need 1500mgs.
All the other variables, especially food, training, and rest will come into play as well.

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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
It all depends on your diet and training. The half lives of the aas will keep those gains for a while if you quit cold turkey. The issue is loosing the strength and keeping your mind set on full intensity and never being complacent. Depending on what you ran and the length it could have been water retention that you lost (some dude bloat like crazy). Obviously the reality is you wont keep all the gains you made on a high dose if you drastically drop it, but you can determine the end result (how you look in the mirror) by keeping your training and diet in check... meaning you are not going to gorge or starve yourself as you normally would when on AAS if you are in your "off" phase. Keep things balanced and the fastest way to ensure you keep gains longer is by having a good PCT at the correct timing (consider half lives). Just my opinion, im not an amatuer npc, pro ifbb competitor or trainer... just a dude that listens to old timers and learns from their mistakes. Ever person's bidy is different but you can use a general idea and tailor it to fit you.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
235 was 2 years ago, since then ive biked, hiked, been injured, dropped to trt, and gradually lost the weight over that time.
since going on trt i havent been below 200 pounds, so there's a permanent 15 pound new set point.
my thinking is, if muscle gain after ive reached my natural limit is dose-based, i can gain weight but it will be fat, not muscle.
which means pushing it hard will eventually be pointless, that diminishing returns mentioned above.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
235 was 2 years ago, since then ive biked, hiked, been injured, dropped to trt, and gradually lost the weight over that time.
since going on trt i havent been below 200 pounds, so there's a permanent 15 pound new set point.
my thinking is, if muscle gain after ive reached my natural limit is dose-based, i can gain weight but it will be fat, not muscle.
which means pushing it hard will eventually be pointless, that diminishing returns mentioned above.

This is true. BUT there are more variables, like diminished returns for one person who has been doing it longer are different than a person who hasn't. It won't all be fat, but more than 50% is. It's not tren :headbang:

People can gain just find at certain dosages and clean but they have so many things dialed in and 80%(not a real stat) of the time they are genetics freaks to start with. Rocket fuel is better in rockets than a basic Honda Civic...


Registered User
Sep 28, 2018
Did you train less when you dropped 35 lbs? I'm genuinely interested to see how much gains are keepable while continue training hard at trt dose also.

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I'll keep you posted. I trained less about 6 months when I lost 20lbs. I started trt about 4 weeks ago i'll be monitoring my progress.

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Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
Did you train less when you dropped 35 lbs? I'm genuinely interested to see how much gains are keepable while continue training hard at trt dose also.

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not really. still went at it hard, but did alot of hard hit cardio. after awhile i measured and i dropped an inch on all my measurents everywhere, i think 2 inches around chest, 52 to 50.
but there's where it stayed for the most part. lost more upper body size but only another inch. then this year, biking and hiking, stopping all leg work in the gym, i dropped from 26 to 25 inches. now for some reason im back to 26in, neck 18, chest 50.
im upping my trt dose now, gonna stay around 850 total, up from 650 where i am now.
another thing thats different now is, indeed, i eat less cals and do alot more walking. every day. back then i didnt do any. but even so i still cant get rid of the tummy fat around me, which i thought was from high e2, but my adex dose keeps me in a normal/low end.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
not really. still went at it hard, but did alot of hard hit cardio. after awhile i measured and i dropped an inch on all my measurents everywhere, i think 2 inches around chest, 52 to 50.
but there's where it stayed for the most part. lost more upper body size but only another inch. then this year, biking and hiking, stopping all leg work in the gym, i dropped from 26 to 25 inches. now for some reason im back to 26in, neck 18, chest 50.
im upping my trt dose now, gonna stay around 850 total, up from 650 where i am now.
another thing thats different now is, indeed, i eat less cals and do alot more walking. every day. back then i didnt do any. but even so i still cant get rid of the tummy fat around me, which i thought was from high e2, but my adex dose keeps me in a normal/low end.

that's total test level btw, 850, not my weekly dose. that would def make a difference if i did that much a week!


Registered User
Dec 27, 2018
I think this is mostly true for me. I go down to TRT dose and I lose some mass. Until recently I added MK and IGF-LR3 and I think just by adding these to the TRT dose of Test has helped me keep my mass. Especially the MK (which is basically GH). I have not tried HGH yet.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
It's true to an extent but training and diet are huge factors. You can still grow on 100mg test but after a certain point it will be more fat and water. The higher the dose the higher that set point could be. Your genetics is the main factor and some guys can get really big at 12% bf whilst others may weigh 50 pounds less. You could add hgh and slin to your trt and that would help.


Feb 2, 2007
It definitely helps but I don't think you are only as big as your dose. Although for you the difference between 100mg, 200mg and 400mg can be a lot for what weight and condition you can maintain.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2018
ive been up to 235 2 years ago, i was on a gram total. came off everything but my trt dose, keeps me around 650 test level.
my question is, can i only be so big now on my 100mg test dose?
does hard training, diet, and rest, will it only get me so far now in regards to regaining muscle mass? am i just gonna spin my wheels after awhile, is what im asking, and the only way to actually get bigger is to up my dose? im down to 205 now, but when i started this i was 185.

I don't think so. To a certain degree sure. I can only speak on my personal experience. I had better strength and size gains by using less. My usual routine and test and tren. I try to keep things simple. I went from a gram of test and 700 tren and drop the test down to 300 a week and tren to 300. Believe it or not I felt better, got stronger and put on better size. Maybe its just me and its different for each person.


Feb 2, 2007
I don't think so. To a certain degree sure. I can only speak on my personal experience. I had better strength and size gains by using less. My usual routine and test and tren. I try to keep things simple. I went from a gram of test and 700 tren and drop the test down to 300 a week and tren to 300. Believe it or not I felt better, got stronger and put on better size. Maybe its just me and its different for each person.

I believe this as I have experienced the same.

Higher doses = more side effects

I used to think the more the better but later realized there has to be balance. Although there can be a big difference between lower doses. By that the difference between 100mg test and 400mg test could be 20 pounds of muscle for some people.