

New member
May 28, 2007
Anybody has been up to one year on test? I am thinking of running test for 12 months on a dose of 400 mg / w . I will have blood test every 6 weeks and I am going to use 50 mg of clomid to keep the testes at normal size.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
I never run such a long cycle. I am curious to find out how this is going to work for you.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
Why dont you stack with test and do a couple cycles (8-15 weeks) through out the year. I bet you'd see better results that way. I agree, you'd think your body would start to adapt by doing such a long cycle. Good luck pal!


New member
May 14, 2007
fast&furious said:
Anybody has been up to one year on test? I am thinking of running test for 12 months on a dose of 400 mg / w . I will have blood test every 6 weeks and I am going to use 50 mg of clomid to keep the testes at normal size.
Are you sure that your nuts are not going to disapear?


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Good luck with the Clomid keeping your nuts up. I'd use HCG.

I run all year round myself, but I do a blast and cruise type-thing, and I'm also on HRT. So I blast for about 6 weeks with 350-700mg (test) per week and cruise for about 4 with 175-210mg per week. Your body does get somewhat accustumed to the higher doses and you should lower then for a little while in my opinion to maximize gains and health.

If you aren't on HRT (AND DON'T WANT TO BE) I'd really recommend a protocol that a guy named Cy Wilson came up with which is a blast&cruise/taper/PCT hybred:

weeks 1-6
your planned cycled
HCG at 500iu twice a week up to 200iu/day

weeks 7-9
your Serm of choice (20mg Nolvadex or 100mg Clomid)
1/4mg Arimidex EOD
1 packet of Androgel/day or 100mg of test/week
Beta-2 antagonist like Ephedrine at 50-75mg/day

weeks 10-12
Continue the Serm and Beta-2 Antagonist
Drop the Arimidex and Test

weeks 13
off completely

Start again - exactly 4 cycles per year.

here's what he has to say on it:

"When it comes to maintaining gains, what you do at the end of your cycle is most crucial. First, we have to find a way to restore endogenous Testosterone production while fighting the catabolic effects of being in a hypogonadal state (which is the end result of sudden cessation of steroids).

It's been demonstrated in normal, healthy young men that suppression of endogenous Testosterone production leads to a marked decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass, and this is the reason why we experience the "loss of gains" after cessation of use in addition to the "shitty" feeling in general. It has nothing to do with the body having a mind of its own and dictating exactly how much muscle mass it will and will not allow you to have. (18)

So, what do we do? Simple, we must first get T levels up to normal, while at the same time not suppressing endogenous Testosterone production. How can this be accomplished? Well, the best choice is Androgel since its pharmacokinetic properties allow for an increase in Testosterone yet no suppression of LH and endogenous Testosterone production.

The next best thing would be to use around 100 mg of Testosterone enanthate weekly as the peak seen is still very close to remaining within the physiological range. (19) In addition to this, you should be taking 50 to 100 mg/day of clomiphene so that you can restore endogenous Testosterone production quickly and thus wean yourself off of the Androgel.

While that will take care of steroid-induced low endogenous Testosterone levels, you'll still lose some muscle. After all, you weren't simply in normal physiological state while using androgens. We've lost the great nutrient-partitioning effects of androgens and thus need to make some quick adjustments.

Here's one way to think about it: If you were to be ranked on a 1-10 scale in terms of lipolysis and protein synthesis, 5 would be your average physiological state, 3 would be when you're hypogonadal (post cycle), and anything in the 6-10 range would be where you're at when using supraphysiological doses of Testosterone or other androgens. So, using Androgel and clomiphene will ensure that we at least get back to a 5 and thus minimize loss of gains, but the next step is necessary in order to keep us at a higher range and thus further minimize loss of gains.

We need to pick some compounds which also have nutrient partitioning effects yet don't affect hormonal levels. Biotest's Methoxy-7 and a beta-2 agonist like ephedrine are the perfect combination. Both compounds will allow for an increase in nitrogen retention, as well as an increase in lipolysis and/or inhibition of lipogenesis.

When these two compounds are added in, we're much closer to the range in which our gains were made and thus, we greatly minimize or completely prevent any loss of gains and prevent any fat gain. Similarly, you could also use forksolin along with Methoxy-7 and leave the ephedrine out. (20-23)"

If you really want to just stay on then I'd drop everything but test and maybe Masteron or Proviron for 3-4 weeks every 6-9 weeks if using short-esters; and 8-11 weeks every 12-21 weeks if using long-esters. (just rough numbers to get the idea) and unless you plan on remaining on a cruise/hrt then make sure to run a quite lengthy time-off when you are done - I'd suggest 3-4+ months after a year.


New member
Jun 15, 2007
fast&furious said:
Anybody has been up to one year on test? I am thinking of running test for 12 months on a dose of 400 mg / w . I will have blood test every 6 weeks and I am going to use 50 mg of clomid to keep the testes at normal size.
what is your age bro?


New member
May 28, 2007
I am 27. I have done many cycles before, and not , my nuts are going to survive with clomid , trust me.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
I would never run this cycle , never ever. I don't think your body is ever going to produce any test after this year.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2007
You will be surprise to find out that I am an survivor of this kind of cycle. 16 months of test 300mg/w. Not just survivor but I didn't have any kind of side effects, I steady gainded 30lbs of muscle which never melted after finishing the cycle. If you are doing it proper, I don't see any dangers. Good luck! By the way there are many pro's around which advocates for long cycles.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
AlphaMale said:
...So, what do we do? Simple, we must first get T levels up to normal, while at the same time not suppressing endogenous Testosterone production. How can this be accomplished? Well, the best choice is Androgel since its pharmacokinetic properties allow for an increase in Testosterone yet no suppression of LH and endogenous Testosterone production.

The next best thing would be to use around 100 mg of Testosterone enanthate weekly as the peak seen is still very close to remaining within the physiological range. (19) In addition to this, you should be taking 50 to 100 mg/day of clomiphene so that you can restore endogenous Testosterone production quickly and thus wean yourself off of the Androgel...

Androgel like ANY other exo testosterone still supress HPTA so no recovery.

Take a look here, Nandi himself explains why:



New member
May 28, 2007
body_m said:
What are you expecting to achieve out of this cycle?

Look, being sick of on and off cycles I decide to run this long one, not trying to achieve nothing out of common, just to stay happy , healthy, to have an constant high level of test. The idea came to me after I read Big A sticky thread on professional muslce, growth principles for begginers.