Anxious to start new cycle!


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
dude....its been about a month since my last injection. I just finished my PCT yesterday. I know people are saying time on = time off.... but im so anxious right now....is it really necessay to wait 12 weeks after a 12 week cycle?

my first cycle consisted of 500mg/wk test e and 300mg/wk deca. i gained 10lbs after losing all the water weight. If its safe to do so...can i start my new cycle on say about 2 weeks?? :confused:

my new cycle will consist of 500mg/wk test e and 400mg/wk deca.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Bro, although i might not be so long in the BB business, i would rather STICK to the time on = time off.....just to be on the safe side..If you think about it, remember, it was 12 weeks that your testis became aware of test comming from another place, which means they were going DOWN manufacturing at a 12 week period.....so basicly, it's going to take them 12 weeks to get where they use to be...if you know what i mean..:(


shamrock10 said:
dude....its been about a month since my last injection. I just finished my PCT yesterday. I know people are saying time on = time off.... but im so anxious right now....is it really necessay to wait 12 weeks after a 12 week cycle?

my first cycle consisted of 500mg/wk test e and 300mg/wk deca. i gained 10lbs after losing all the water weight. If its safe to do so...can i start my new cycle on say about 2 weeks?? :confused:

my new cycle will consist of 500mg/wk test e and 400mg/wk deca.

wait at least 2 months bro........work out naturally till then......you'll thank yourself when the day finally comes


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
wolfyEVH said:
wait at least 2 months bro........work out naturally till then......you'll thank yourself when the day finally comes

That seems like such an eternity.....i dread the day when this cycle ends


Feb 6, 2004
shamrock10 said:
dude....its been about a month since my last injection. I just finished my PCT yesterday. I know people are saying time on = time off.... but im so anxious right now....is it really necessay to wait 12 weeks after a 12 week cycle?

my first cycle consisted of 500mg/wk test e and 300mg/wk deca. i gained 10lbs after losing all the water weight. If its safe to do so...can i start my new cycle on say about 2 weeks?? :confused:

my new cycle will consist of 500mg/wk test e and 400mg/wk deca.

Actually, it would be more like 17 weeks off. 12 weeks on, 2 weeks to wait before PCT, and at least a 3 week PCT window. Thats 17 weeks you would need to be off. If you dont like that rule of thumb, you can always go to the doctor and get a blood test. Thats the best and only way to know for sure if your body has returned to normal.

Each time I have had a blood test after a cycle, my blood levels are a mess. I take small cycles and fairly short too. Its your body, but if you mess yourself up by not playing by the rules, just dont blame the steroids!
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Sep 19, 2004
Chris, you stay on all year yet you admitt to not making any gains rather you bounce 10 lbs around all year. Don't you think this has something to do with the fact that you are always on.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
I cant wait that long, doing pct now, and taking 3wks off after Im done. Going to see a doctor when the 3wks are done and if everythings seems normal after then Im good to go again.


NorthQ said:
I cant wait that long, doing pct now, and taking 3wks off after Im done. Going to see a doctor when the 3wks are done and if everythings seems normal after then Im good to go again.

after all of the shit thats been happening in your life....STDs, heart problems, etc, I would definitely wait it out to start something again. I hate to see people getting in the habit of staying on forever. You guys may say, well Chris does it....but Chris is a lot older than shamrock and you. You're still young and can still make some gains naturally. They have that saying time on= time off for a reason. If you are not going to follow that, then why would you follow everyones advice about doing only 500-600mg of test a week. Why not do a gram a week for 20 weeks?? It would be very possible that you test would not come back to normal after being on so long, and not letting the natural levels come back a bit. The longer you cycle, the harder it is the restore your natty levels.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2004
Oslo, Norway
Thats why Im going to my doctor take a full check before I eventually start again. If my doctor aint satisfied with the bloodlevels and my health in general ill off course wait untill Im all cleared.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2005
I always add on my PCT some Sam-E, it will help you liver to recover plus it's a antidepressent, so basically you help your liver values to go to normal and feel good, It's not prescription I bought it at Wal-mart or Target....GNC also has it but is more expensive..........I used to get it from Mexican Pharmacie but also expensive.........


as a basic rule of thumb, if you are just doing this to get big but not to compete they yes you should do the time off = time on method. if you have a burning desire to compete they time off would not be an issue and i would suggest you talk to someone who is currently competing to find out their methods. do you think the pro's can come off yet still maintain their size? hell no!!!!!! it was stated about chris 1 only throwing around 10lbs yet he doesnt come off but part of the reason he is maintaining his current size is because he doesnt come off completely. once you push your body well past the normal size it wants to be for your height and natural build, if you want to maintain that size it is very hard to do without steroids constantly in your system cause your bodies natural levels cannot maintain the higher amount of size you acheived through steroid usage. have you not noticed how much size arnold lost once he stopped juicing?


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
pincrusher said:
if you want to maintain that size it is very hard to do without steroids constantly in your system cause your bodies natural levels cannot maintain the higher amount of size you acheived through steroid usage.

Ok so let's say that i've gained alot of muscle during my cycle pushing my body past it's natural limit. During the time off my bodies own natural levels can't maintain gains effectively enough. Won't i lose some of what i gained, therefore once going back on cycle i have to work not only to get back what i lost but to go past that as well? It's like going 1 step forward to go 2 steps back. :confused:


oracle said:
Ok so let's say that i've gained alot of muscle during my cycle pushing my body past it's natural limit. During the time off my bodies own natural levels can't maintain gains effectively enough. Won't i lose some of what i gained, therefore once going back on cycle i have to work not only to get back what i lost but to go past that as well? It's like going 1 step forward to go 2 steps back. :confused:
im talking about extreme amounts of gains over years not from 1 cycle. for you to hit levels that your body cant maintain without gear constantly in your system, you would need to run quite a few cycles and go many many lbs over your natural weight.
example: i am 5'6" i could probably acheive about 200-220lbs bodyweight at a 5-7% bodyfat tops after many years of lifting. if i use steroids to push well past that limit to say 250+ then once i came off permanently, or even for long periods of time like 12 weeks or more, then i would most definately loose size even with a proper pct. my natural test levels just cant sustain that much extra weight in muscle size.
the other issue is that if you kep eating at the same levels you did while juicing, your body would start to get fat because steroids help increase the amount of protein your body can assimilate(use). because of this you may be able to maintain the weight but you would more than likely convert some areas from muscle through hypertrophy, to fatty deposits.

age also has alot to do with it cause since i am 39 my natural test levels are low anyway so even doing a proper pct that works perfectly, it would still be nearly impossible to maintain a very large muscle mass on me. for a younger guy in his 20's or early 30's he would maintain it easier and longer but even he would eventually start to loose it, till your body adjusts itself to a more managable size naturally.
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