AnaSCI Interview: Big A (Raw & Uncensored)


Sep 17, 2003
Part 1 of 3
Interview by: AnaSCI Members

Massthetics: How did you balance your bodybuilding career with family and business?
What challenges did you face, in each aspect? (If I'm being to personal my apologies) Most bodybuilders usually
get divorced as well as successful businessmen who put this in front of family.

BIG A: I am all or nothing kind of person. I cannot do things by halves.
So what I found best for me is to work non stop at my office in one side of
the country for 9 days straight and then I spend time with the family and
zero work for 5 days, on the other side of the country.

TeknoViking: Was there a point when you wanted to quit before you made it big
professionally/financially? What made you want to keep going?

BIG A: I have never felt like quitting in anything before I reach my goal,
unless I get bored with the process. I have always had clear goals in my
life of what I want to achieve and not getting there is simply not an
option. Sometimes I get "angry" with the universe and I say "just give me
everything now, because I WILL have it anyway, so why make me wait?". There
has never been any doubt in my mind about what I want and I have this
constant "desperation" inside myself to get there.

feeshoils: What is one of the toughest lessons you've learnt in regards to bodybuilding and life in general?
Did that lesson change your approach to training and outlook on life at the time? Thankyou!

BIG A: You can't rely on anyone. Noone will have the desire to stand
beside you as much as you do. At the end of it, it's just you against the

thethinker: What is something you wish you would've known before embarking on your long bodybuilding journey?

BIG A: That I should have concentrated more on thing at a time, not jump
from one to another. I would have achieved more in bodybuilding and life if
I would have done one thing at a time, then move onto the next one, rather
than try to do multiple things at once.

*Bio*: Thanks for doing this Big A!Is there anything you would have approached or done differently
in regards to competitive bodybuilding? Drugs, dosages, food, training, etc?

BIG A: Everything I was doing was correct, just not consistent enough.

tenny: at what point did you realize you just couldn't be competitive in the IFBB...???
and what pro shows have you competed in, where did you place...??? who else was in the show that you were impressed with at that time..??
going back to the first question.....maybe it was a certain show...maybe seeing a certain person backstage...or wasn't willing to do the
drugs involved...what was the factor where you decided..... FUCK THIS...???

BIG A: I could have been extremely competitive. I had the perfect
genetics. I could put on muscle at will, get ripped at will and I was shaped
like a larger Bob Paris. However, I did not have the mental conviction for it.
From the day I started training, I had a clear goal in mind - to turn pro.
The problem was that I never envisioned anything past that point. At all. So
when I turned pro, all of a sudden, I was like "What now?". I had zero
mental fortitude to go any further.

As soon as I turned pro, I signed up for a string of shows. But, I couldn't
train, diet or even inject myself. I simply had no desire for it.

After 6 months of no training, no gear and junk diet, 1 month out from the
first show, I was informed by the IFBB that if I didn't attend, I would get
fined US$5,000 and banned from competing. So, one month out, I thought I
could make it. I started training again, taking aas again, but since I
looked untrained bodyfat %, I did a crash course of DNP. However, it was
middle of summer, in the desert. For the whole 4 weeks, I was basically
living on watermelon and the occasional protein shake just trying to stay
alive from the heat.

You can imagine the end result. The promoter of the show commented that I
looked better as a teen..

The night before, in the middle of an injection, I thought to myself "What
the fuck are you doing??" I pulled the needle out half way through and went
to a cake shop.

Anyway, I walked on stage 30lbs below my usual weight and just FAT. Not
watery or flat (actually I was that too) but FAT. With no muscle. I did the
first round, met the contractual obligations and walked away. The IFBB put
down that I retired "due to injury".

I did not step foot in a gym for years afterwards.

That show had in it Chris Cormier, Dennis James, Melvin Anthony and so on.

anon1: I would be interested in knowing what your diet looked like on your larger cycles.

BIG A: Off season, it was whatever I wanted, as long as it was every 2
hours and I was having a 50g protein shake with every meal.

AnaSCI: What are some of your accomplishments on/off the internet within the bodybuilding community.
As in what are you directly responsible for by way of being the first to achieve something (ex. You were the first online personal trainer
for the forums back in the early/mid 90's. Things like that)? Dig out some of those notebooks and let the people know what you take
credit for in the evolution of the online bodybuilding community :)

BIG A: We spoke about this in the past. I'm sure I'll forget some, but
from the top of my head:
- I introduced the concept of generic HGH to the boards/bodybuilding
- I told Alin to call his products postcards and dvds and that
spread around the entire community with all sources and entered general talk
- I introduced the concept of sponsors to the forums
- I organised the first PROPER, Government licenced and legal, GMP
standard pharmaceutical factory designed primarily to sell gear to
bodybuilders. Now facilities like that are everywhere in multiple countries
- I was the first online trainer, doing live chat sessions
- I was the first pro to my knowledge to openly talk on the internet
about everything
- I had the first forum on the net where you could interact with
IFBB Pros - professionalbodybuilding.com, the precursor to
I know there are many more but answered these questions quickly while
I was in between flights. So no real time to give it major thought and the
above was just off the top of my head.

Mr. BMJ: Did you ever read the Q&A article MM2K did in the 90's of the bodybuilder from Australia?
If so, who was it? What 90's bodybuilder do you wish you would have gotten the chance to train with? Who was the craziest
IFBB pro you ever met? (both mentally and dosage-wise)? How well did you know Sonny Schmidt? What is the most you ever:

BIG A: I read that article. It wasn't real. If you had an intimate
knowledge of the bodybuilding and drug scene at the time, you could tell
that it was written by someone that was well read on the scene but did not
actually experience it.
Dorian, for sure.
Pros have never been as crazy as some amateurs are.
I only knew Sonny in passing.
I am very weak for my size - very bad leverage. My highest lifts were 2 x
315 on the incline press, 495 x 8 rock bottom on the squats and I have no
idea on the deadlift.

Marky boy: What training split did you achieve the most size with? What 2 exercises per body part
would you say added the most size?

BIG A: 3 day a week split, exactly as detailed in my Beginners article.
Rock bottom squats and that's it!
Bent-over rows and pull downs
Millitary press and lateral raises
D-bell curls and hammer curls
Skull crushers and tricep dips
Incline presses and pec dek where the bench is all the way to the bottom, so
your elbows are at your ear level, chest inflated, back arched, chin in your
chest - 2 sec contraction, 3 second negative.

MightyJohn: It might have already been asked but any regrets?(either pushing the envelop or
leaving the sport)?

BIG A: Massive regret from not achieving my potential as I could have been
quite good. I quit at 26.

K1: Concreteguy started a thread discussing caloric intake. We have various views on the topic.
Would like to know which way you lean on the subject:
1) Do you believe in the 'eat only when hungry' idea
2) Do you believe in the 'eat by time and by the numbers' idea
Example: CG states eat massive amounts of food (using drugs to push the nutrients where they need to go) - Bboy states eat
when hungry (your body is anabolic when you are hungry and you will grow in that anabolic state).

BIG A: I am very methodical in everything I do in my life, so for me, 2)

Mr. BMJ: Who is your favorite bodybuilder of all-time? What is your
favorite cultural food to eat?

BIG A: Bob Paris for sure. Dorian Yates a far second. Italian.


Sep 17, 2003
Part 2 of 3
Interview by: AnaSCI Members

IRONFIST: How old were you when you first started doing steroids?
What was your first cycle and where did you get it from?

BIG A: I had my first cycle at 17yo and 9 months. 200mg/week Upjohn Test
Cyp, 100mg/week Deca Durabolin and 20mg/day d-bol. I used that for 10 weeks
all the way into two teenage shows that I won.
I got them from the local steroid dealer at the time.

kilsong: All over the internet there are people that post what they say are
1000% real and honest professional bodybuilder steroid cycles. I'd much
rather hear it from you. So come on....spill it.

BIG A: All that is detailed in the "Truth" thread on ProfessionalMuscle.
**Original post quoted below:

So sick of this - HERE'S THE TRUTH!

This is the truth:

If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the
more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It's as simple as that.

Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up
to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size
they are due to the drugs they take. Don't beleive the crap from anyone,
that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this
board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely
higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages?
- various personal agendas.

Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the
'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed
cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll
grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as
mentioned previously).

Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to
2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year
round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and
generally not get sick on it.

And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht
blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions,
they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat
from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily
hair, acne, etc are ALL existant in virtually all of them.

It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to
preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.

BTW, Synthetek's books have on them who's who of current pros ordering
Syntherol constantly. They ALL use it extensively. It is pathetic though,
when one orders a bottle and their credit card gets declined due to not
enough funds. You think a 30+ yo would have his life in order more than

thethinker: What drug do you think is the most overused nowadays?

BIG A: None. Every person is different. One might use what is right for him
and another might think that's overusing it.

Mrhat40: What's the biggest cycle you have ever run? dosages,drugs,how long
did you run them,amount of GH?

BIG A: 3g/week test, 1g/week anabolic or tren, 150mg/day a-50, 30IU/day GH
and insulin.

bg091593: In your experience, is there a difference between generic GH and
pharm? If so, is it worth the extra $?

BIG A: I have never used generic GH so I cannot comment. I always have an
endless supply to prescription GH.

kscowboy: The list of professional bodybuilders and pro wrestlers of the
2000's that have died is staggering. The list has been posted several times,
but i think the comparisons between the number of deaths in our sport vs
other spots is crazy. Can you elaborate on why that number is so high. The
bodybuilders of the 60's-early 90's, seem to be, for the most part,
healthier. Something snapped along the way.

BIG A: I wouldn't know a direct correlation apart from the fact that the
numbers now are much larger, so as a result, there are more deaths. Most
likely, you will find % of deaths are the same.

Jblack: If you could do gh whether pharma or generic how much would you do
and how would do it? Assuming funds are not a problem. As recent testing has
shown the generics are coming out equal to pharma as far as blood work goes.

BIG A: I've used up to 30IU in the past and it was amazing.

Millineum Man: What First Cycle would you recommend for someone who's in
their 30's-40's in pretty good shape and low bodyfat? No plans on competing,
but still want to look good. Could you give us both a conservative cycle and
an aggressive cycle example, please?
Thanks in advance for everything that you doing, sir!

BIG A: I detail everything to the smallest detail in the "Growth Principles
for Beginners" Sticky thread in the Articles forum on ProfessionalMuscle.
**Original post quoted below:

Growth principles for beginners
This is a general guide for beginning and intermediate bodybuilders that
don't know the principles behind muscle growth yet or are not happy with
the results that they are currently getting.

We will go through training, diet and gear. I will
tell you the principles behind everything that I
recommend for you to do, so you can understand why
certain things happen, so in the future you can fix
problems yourself.
Bodybuilding is a very simple and logical endeavor.
Everything that you do has to be logical. Only logical
actions will give you results. Every time that you
come across a new principle, always ask yourself it it
makes logical sense. If it does not, dump it!

Why does a muscle grow? Because it has to adapt. When
does it have to adapt? When you expose it to something
that it has not done before. When is something that it
has not done before? When the muscle is taxed 100%.
That's 100% effort. What's 100% effort? When you train
to 100% PHYSICAL, not mental failure. So, to make the
muscle grow, you have to train with 100% effort
otherwise, the muscle will not adapt/grow.
Now, using the above logic, for a set to be beneficial
to your growth, it needs to be 100% effort. So, a 100%
effort set of an exercise, will make you grow. Then,
what is the point to do a second set of that exercise?
You cannot go more than 100%. The muscle already has
been taxed by 100% from the first set, so why should
you do a second one? You will just eat into your
recovery ability.
So, you should only do one set to failure per
exercise. Later on, I will describe the training
program and how exercises and warm-ups are involved.

A muscle will not grow until it's recovered. The
muscle will not begin to recover until the nervous
system is recovered. It takes roughly 24hours for the
nervous system to recover from a workout. Only then
will the muscle begin to recover and grow. So, you
should never train 2 days in a row. Even if you train
different bodyparts, you still use the same nervous
system. You train 2 days in a row, your nervous system
recovers, but by the time the muscles begin to, you
train again, so the body has to concentrate again on
recovering the nervous system.
A training frequency of 3 days per week (Mon, Wed,
Fri) is more than enough. Numerous pros, including
myself, train like this offseason for maximum growth.
Even if you use streroids, you still have to train
like this. Steroids increase your recovery ability,
but they also make you stronger at a quicker rate. The
extra strength will give you the ability to train
harder/tear more muscle tissue, so you will need the
extra recovery that the steroids will give you.

The following is a great training program that I

Mon - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
* Incline press - warm-up sets, 1 work set
* Flat flyes - 1 work set
* Millitary press - 1 warm-up, 1 work set
* Lateral flyes - 1 work set
* Rear delt machine - 1 work set
* Tricep pushdowns - 1 warm-up, 1 work set
* Lying tricep extensions - 1 work-set

Wed - Quads, Hams, Calves
* Squats - warm-ups, 1 work set
* Leg press - work set
* Leg extension - work set
* Leg curl - warm-up, work set
* Stiff leg deadlift - work set
* Standing calf raise - work set

Fri - Abs, Back, Bis
* Rope crunches - warm up, work set
* Lat pull down - warm-ups, work set
* Deadlift - warm-up, work set
* Bent-over rows - work set
* Shrugs - work set
* Standing BB curls - warm up, work set
* Concentration curl - work set

You do a lot of warm-ups for your first exercise of
the day. You do one warm-up for the first exercise of
each bodypart, only to optimise the firing of te
Let's use chest as an example - if for example your
max (work set) in the incline press is 3 plates, then
you do 2 warm-ups with the bar, 2 warm-ups with one
plate, 1 warm-up with 2 plates and then your work set
with 3 plates. The work set is a set where you fail at
about 6 reps. Every workout, you have to do more reps
or increase the weight in that work set (remember, the
muscle has to do something that it has not done
before). So if one work out you fail with 6 reps, the
following nothing less than 7. When you reach 8 reps,
the following workout you should do (increase) a
weight where you can do minimum 4 reps. Then increase
your reps again every workout until you reach 8 again,
and so on. Each rep has a tempo of 2-1-1. That is 2
seconds in the negative, one second in the contraction
and 1 second in the positive.
Then, after you fail in the incline press, you move
straight to flat flyes. You do not need a warmp now
because your chest is more than warm after you failed
on presses.
And that's it for chest. The basic routine stays the
same. If you want variety, small changes as using DB's
instead of BB or doing flat presse and incline flyes
for example, is mor ethan enough variety to keep the
muscle 'confused'.

VERY simple. Very important that you try to get as
close to 500g of protein per day. Easiest way to do
that is to have a whey protein shake in water with
every meal. Fats and carbs don't matter. Calories
don't count, macro nutrients (protein, fat, carb) do.
If you get to add fat on, just cut out the fats and
keep your carbs bellow 300g/day. That's all it is!
Very simple, but hard to stick to, so not many people
get results. On gear, the more protein you eat, the
more you grow. Is as simple as that. Gear maximises
protein synthesis.

You need a testosterone base. 750mg/week is plenty.
You need an anabolic - deca or Eq at 400mg/week is
plenty. You need for optimum growth, a good oral like
d-bol at 30mg/d or A-50 50mg/d.
You use the test and the anabolic non stop. The oral
is 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. Every 6th week (the half
way point between the off oral period - so 2 weeks
after you finish the oral) you have a blood test. If
the blood test is OK, then you can begin your next 4
weeks on oral. There is no reason for you to come off.
The only 2 reasons are health or your receptors are
saturated. If the regular blood test is OK, your
health is OK. If you are still making progress, your
receptors are OK. Coming off, will just sabotage your
gains. That's why I do not believe in set time frames
for cycles. Listen to your body. When you use the
oral, you need to use all the liver aids available - Synthergine,
Milk Thistle, L-methionine, Liv-52, etc. Of course you
cannot drink or do rec drugs during that time. Using
these precautions, your blood tests will be OK.
You also need to use an anti estrogen like Nolvadex at
10mg/d throughout the whole time. Also, you have a
choice between HCG every 4 weeks at 5000IU or Clomid
at 50mg EOD. These will make sure that your balls will
stay at a decent size and they will not forget how to
The blood tests that you need are: full blood count,
liver and kidney function tests, FSH, LH, TSH,
If the Total protein test in the liver tests is high,
that is because of your diet. You need to keep an eye
on the Billirubin and Urea test results. Your FSH and
LH will be suppressed - that's normal because of the
gear. If the TSH is low, add 20mcg/d T3. If the kidney
function is off, then drink more. Protein stresses the
kidneys, so you need more fluids.
When you eventually come off the gear, you make sure
that you are off the orals. Then cut out the anabolic
over 2 weeks. Then the testosterone over 3 weeks. One
week after that, you need to add primo tabs or anavar
(oxandrin) for 3 weeks. That will ensure that you will
keep your gains.
Ideally do a gainkeeper's formula that is outlined in another article.

These are the basic principles behind muscle growth. You do the above you
will GROW, no matter what.

squatster: What was the cycle that you think made the major difference in
your physic? The one that was the game changer? I think every bodybuilder
has always searched for or dreamed of the secret cycle most pro's won't

BIG A: GH and insulin together. Total game changer.

Mr. BMJ: What steroids did you like the least? Which gave you the most
sides? For size, is it better to just do a large dosage of test and some HGH
(keeping it simple), or do multiple compounds at lower doses that equal the
same dosage as Test? (Let's assume diet, training, and consistency is
fulfilled). Tren Acetate (Finajet) or Parabolan?

BIG A: I don't have a least favourite. They all worked for me. I never got
sides that worried me. Both options work equally well. Definetely Finajet.

Aggro: What side effects do you have to deal with constantly now due to the
amount of drugs you have used over the years? What drugs do you use now to
off set those side effects?

BIG A: The drugs did not leave me with any lasting sides. The lifestyle has
- psychological addiction to food, distended stomach, etc.

Marky boy: Do you know any of the current IFBBs pros cycle stacks while they
were up and coming and pushing for size?

BIG A: No different than amateurs. Basically, just whatever they could get
their hands on, and as high dosage as they could afford/find. I don't know
any pro that had a meticulous detailed cycle plan like you see guys post on
the boards.

K1: There was a thread started by Concreteguy regarding Lantus being the
"game changer" and being the "untold secret" to the Pro's freakish size. I
know there have been many times I have seen you and several other Pros speak
of Insulin use in the sport and how it will transform you if done properly.
What are your thoughts on Lantus vs HumulinR vs Humalog. What do you feel that these
middle-eastern guys are using to put on their off season mass?

BIG A: I've always advocated Humulin R use. I never liked Humalog as it was
too unpredictable. I never used Lantus but the protocol has merit.

AnaSCI: What advise would you give to those looking to use steroids (guys
that have come to you over the years on the streets that you knew did not
have the genetics to compete in the sport but still wanted to use steroids).
What would you tell those guys to use as far as safety precautions (liver
protectants, AI's, etc).

BIG A: If you cannot afford the supps/drugs to keep you healthy, you cannot
afford to do steroids, period.


Sep 17, 2003
Part 3 of 3
Interview by: AnaSCI Members

pesty4077: My question is from a business standpoint. I like to know how you
started out in business and if you had money to start or just self made. I
already know you're well off. Just curious how you became successful. You
can generalize it without giving out too much details.

BIG A: I started off with $120. I had no help. One of my first businesses
was a security firm. I quickly learnt that it was just as hard and just as
much work to win an 8hr/week contract at a pub as it was a 336hr/week
contract at a commercial building. So from that point on, in all my business
ventures, I only went for the big contracts and deals. Never wasted time on
the small ones. A lot of bullshitting is involved, but as long as your
approach is airtight and your confidence level is beyond reproach, you can
make it work.

K1: I'm going to be a little more blunt then pesty...You would look at me
strange if I weren't :p
When did you make your first million...How old and from what:
1) steroids
2) supplements
3) internet forums
4) real estate
5) other

BIG A: I am not exactly sure about the exact date of the first mil$, but
by the time I was 25yo I had 4 houses and $200k worth of cars. I was earning
$20k/week when I was 23yo. All this was from various businesses.

get it in ya: what is your net worth? :D

BIG A: Multiple 8 figures.

Racepicks: Is there still a possibility you will run that expensive luxury
automobile raffle? I'm thinking there must have been some unforeseen
circumstances that made you change your mind! That idea was KILLER!! I had
already made plans to join the South Florida Lamborghini Club!

BIG A: The forums are a hobby for me. The car raffles were part of that.
It progressed all the way to getting licenced to hold them, website 90%
finished, etc. I just got caught up with other projects. One day, I might
just do it :)

rippedyearround: What impact do you think digital currencies will have on
the global economy? What role do politics play in competitive bodybuilding?
What's your favorite lift?

BIG A: Digital currencies will be huge. A lot of countries are recognising
them now as currency for taxation purposes. There's a worldwide movement for
retirement fund regulations to allow investment in digital currencies. When
that happens, you will have institutional money pouring in the digital
currency market as opposed to personal money that it is right now.
Politics do not play a role as much as you think. I've judged many shows and
I've been accused for political favour, which I did not do. It's just that
shows run on personal opinion, and more often than not, that opinion is
wrong, but it's a personal reason, not political.
I love rock bottom squats.

irish_sd: How much do you make from the proceeds from PM?
The monthly income has got to be amazing with sponsors paying.

BIG A: All the fees are public. Multiply them with the type of banners
that are displayed, substract some discounts for sponsors that have multiple
ad options, and you can work out the amount.

AGGRO: Have you had any run-ins with the "law"? If you have what for
(steroid related?), how much time/probation/fines did you get hit with?

BIG A: I was sentenced to a 2 year prison term for assisting (providing
material evidence) corporate fraud. After 7 months, I was out on appeal,
where I self-represented in front of the full bench of the Supreme Court
(all 3 judges) where I argued law with them for 90 minutes, basically
arguing that the sentencing judge broke the law the way he sentenced me. I
won unanimously, the verdict was "the sentencing judge gravely erred in the
way he applied the sentence" and I set a new precedent that has been used in
court judgements since.

Elvia1023: What are your 5 favourite destinations to travel to for pleasure?
Who is your favourite mod?

BIG A: I am hard to please, so I don't really have 5. To me, Portofino is
the ultimate paradise. I love Dubai and most of Italy. I like London, NY,
Fiji and Australia. I don't mind most of Europe (except France).
I am my favourite mod, obviously!

Dusty Ray: Do you have any regrets leading up to today,from childhood to
now.And what would you change if anything about any regrets you have had in
life.This is in general,open category.

BIG A: Not really. I have generally lived life to my own drum, never
listening to anyone. That also got in me in trouble, but I don't regret it.
Surely, I could have had more money, happier times, and so on if I wouldn't
have done so much stupid shit in my life, but by the same token, I have
lived all my fantasies and I am very content. If I'd die right now, I would
not have any regrets at what I accomplished/experienced.

1) Did you setup Alin in Romania and Balkan in Moldova and put friends and
family to run these businesses?
2) Is everything Alin sells made in Moldova by Balkan?
3) Are you associated with IP?
4) Are most of PM sponsors branches of IP and Balkan and selling pretty much
the same products relabeled?
5) If you were to start today with little money, how would you approach
making good money?

BIG A: 1. There are 4 questions there - yes (mostly), yes (helped), yes, no.
2. No. Alin sells a variety of brands from various factories.
3. Not at all.
4. Definetely not. IP's involvement in the industry is now tiny (there are
massive players in the game now). Balkan's involvement in bodybuilding is
quickly voluntarily diminishing as the legitimate side has totally eclipsed
anything else.
5. Find a niche in a service industry. The quickest way to make money with
minimal outlay.

Concreteguy: What mod turned out to be your greatest disappointment?
Doesany one member stand out to you as being a raging asshole and why.

BIG A: BBA, obviously. I was in prison, when he contacted my wife (then
fiancee) and asked if he can be mod. He put a lot of good bullshit forward,
but I was in prison, had other things to worry about, and when she asked me
about him, I told her, yeah , why not, especially when other mods knew him
in real life. My only mistake. All other mods are the most principled,
honest people I ever met, whom I would trust with anything.
Too many members have been like that, so to be honest, not one stands out in
my mind.

ProFIT: Do you have a college degree and do you come from a family of

BIG A: I finished high school with a 98%+ average in physics, advanced
calculus and spatial geometry. But I wanted to make money, so I went to
business university. I quickly dropped out because I realised that if the
lecturers truly knew what they were talking about, they would have been rich
not teaching students for peanuts. Same thing as a skinny trainer that has
his PT certificate or a massive competitive bodybuilder that knows how to
get big and shredded.
My family is centuries old blue bloods from old communist Europe. When we
were exiled, they left everything behind. That was from my mother's side. It
was a bit of a shock for her to come from a house with servants to a small 2
bedroom flat in the west. My father was a professor in robotics, from middle
class. My financial success is fully self made. I have an IQ of 184, so that

Mr. BMJ: How many languages do you speak? Outside of your businesses,
cars, family, watches, and bodybuilding stuff...what else do you like to
do? What hobbies do you like to do for fun?

BIG A: I speak fluent 2 languages. I get by with 3 more.
I honestly don't have time for much. Every chance I have, I spend it with my
kids. If I am stressed, I jump in one of the cars or in the helicopter and
go for a drive/flight and I am all relaxed again. I love just being out in
nature. Sitting down and watching it for hours on end. I like to observe.
Every time in am in NY, I spend the first evening in Times Square just
sitting on the concrete blocks there and watching everyone for hours. I find
it relaxing.

Jammin: What's the biggest stress in your life today? What keeps you
awake at night?

BIG A: The mother of my children!

Lene28: I would really like to hear about your business success. Did you
go to college? What all business have you worked in or owned? What do
you currently do business wise?

BIG A: I answered the college question a bit further up.
When I was a teen (18,19) I did every kind of job that I thought would be
fun - bouncer, cook, pizza maker, stripper, dancer, I even toured the
country as part of a male review show.
Business wise, I have had a lot of varied things - security firms,
veterinary exporters, shipping companies, clothing stores, etc.
I get opportunities presented to me all the time. I simply don't have the
money and the time to do everything that is available. I currently own a
supplement company, a pharmaceutical factory, pharmacies, medical equipment
(I supply entire chains of hospitals and nursing homes around the world),
more than 10 forums like ProMuscle in various industries and I have a
financial interest in a lot of the bodybuilding/fitness forums, my resort in
Fiji will be finished next year, I own old growth forest logging rights in
the South Pacific, last year "I" was on the front page of all the relevant
newspapers as I signed the biggest deal in the health industry between China
and another country worth $3 billion (the company IPO will be in December),
I have real estate developments and investments, etc. Basically, wherever
there's money, I get involved if I can. Right now I am finalising a deal
that will revolutionise the gaming industry. You guys would wet your pants
if you would see what it is - it's definitely the future. I am just $20mil
short of what I need so I am working on financing that right now.

PitbullTank: if you had to start again today with 10-20k.... what would
be the 1st thing you do to multiply it?

BIG A: Find a service industry that has a glaring hole in it.

RamboStallone: What do you do to get away from it all and unwind? I know
you mentioned your family and kids before, how do you make sure to
balance work and home with the 1001 things you are doing?

BIG A: As I mentioned previously, going for a drive or flight makes me
happy again very quickly.
I switch off work completely when I am with the family. 100% family.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I like it:)

Thanks for taking the time to answer the few questions I threw up at ya, BigA:cool:


New member
May 16, 2017
Thank you Big A! I am looking forward to the other parts too.



Sep 17, 2003
Second group of questions have been sent over to Big A. So we will be posting those soon. Stayed tuned!

Part 2 of 3
Interview by: AnaSCI Members


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
Nice read, nothing you haven't said before for the most part over your countless years on these boards. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the additional parts touching on things that have never been asked openly!


New member
Jun 30, 2017
It feels good to hear someone tell the truth.


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