Anabolic Research Update July 2004


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
Black Market Update
This month we’re going to take another close look at some of the recent happenings on the steroid black market. This can be an extremely volatile and uncertain place to purchase drug products. Fakes and “basement-made products” are everywhere and purchasing from “real” drug companies doesn’t always guarantee a safe purchase. Now, more than ever, it’s important to educate yourself before shopping. Black Market Update is a semi-regular piece focused on exactly that, educating consumers about the trends in the global steroid market. This month we’re looking closely at the popular European underground laboratory Generic Supplements, as well as highlighting the recent Thai oxandrolone product, Bonavar.

Generic Supplements
The underground laboratory business has simply exploded in the United States. There are so many private groups producing anabolic steroids for the black market these days that it’s difficult, nearly impossible, in fact, to keep up with them all. Whenever you turn your back, a new one pops up. If this were not enough to frustrate someone like me, who makes it his job to stay in tune with the steroid world, the trend has continued to expand abroad, as well. Europe, especially, seems to be taking note of this cottage industry and is strongly following suit, if not for legal reasons (they do not need underground companies to feed the back market demand the way we do here in the U.S.), for financial ones. There’s a lot of money being made in the global steroid market, especially as a drug manufacturer. When you crunch the numbers, it is not hard to see the dollar signs (or Euros, is this case). After all, when you do not have a multimillion-dollar lab and a big crew of employees to pay for, or all the government red tape to sort though, your profit margins can be enormous. You probably know that I usually recommend avoiding underground drug manufacturers, as there are too many uncertainties with sterility, ingredients, dosage, etc. for me to ever feel 100 percent comfortable with these drugs. Even if you have been consistently happy with a particular underground company for some time, there’s always that little doubt in the back of your mind: What if this time the product is not up to par? We all know that no government agency is monitoring the products made by this type of company for purity and accurate dosing. Hell, I wouldn’t eat at the local McDonald’s if I didn’t know health inspectors were all over them like flies on shit. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to inject something into my body that was made by some unregulated and illegal company, possibly in a dirty warehouse or basement somewhere. Feels more like being in the movie “Trainspotting” to me, than safe and sane steroid use. But that is my take. For others, the value these steroids typically provide (in many cases they’re far less expensive than the pharmaceutical brands) is enough motivation to take the risk. And even I must admit that with most “reputable” underground companies, few problems are ever reported.

When it comes to conversations about the “Who’s Who” of new Euro underground operations, the name Generic Supplements keeps coming up. GS has grown over the past couple of years to produce a very full line of products, reaching far beyond a core line of anabolic steroids. This includes clenbuterol, ancillaries like Nolvadex and Clomid, a Synthol-type spot enhancement agent and a localized fat loss injection called HELIOS (a formulation originally pioneered by Dan Duchaine), to name just a few.

GS is even professing to be working on a rIGF-1, which if released would far exceed the resources of your typical “basement” lab. The sheer popularity and good feedback I’ve been hearing about this company so far has got me very interested. Bodybuilders I speak with usually seem very comfortable ignoring my good advice about staying away from such types of companies, and buy regularly from this clandestine manufacturer. I know of several who claim to use them almost exclusively now, raving about the good value and quality products the company provides. GS is earning a solid reputation as a trustworthy label and many feel they are quickly on the way to becoming an “established” underground lab like International Pharmaceuticals. With all the talk I decided to take a close look myself. I didn’t want to take any guesses and decided to find out for certain what they were putting in their products. This month, I really put GS to the test and sent several samples of their products in for analysis. The drugs were obtained by a trusted black market contact that works with me in Europe and were sent directly to the lab. These included their methandrostenolone, clenbuterol and trenbolone acetate products. All vials were sealed, so the lot numbers could be validly reported on the result sheets. The lab conducting my tests, as always, was San Rafael Chemical Services, based in Salt Lake City, Utah. For those unfamiliar with this company, you should know that when it comes to anabolic steroid compounds, they are one of the most trusted analytical labs in the country. The results for the tests are displayed below and are extremely favorable across the board. However, I cannot give you a recommendation to go out and buy GS products, as you know how I feel about sourcing from real pharmaceutical manufacturers vs. underground ones. I can say for sure that as a UG lab, they’d come as close to getting a full endorsement as any. If you consider these products an option, as many do, the results will most certainly speak for themselves.

Drug Name - Lot Number - Labeled Dose - Actual Dose - % of Claim
Clenbuterol #261323 50mcg 47mcg 94%
Removed test enanthate result
Methandrostenolone #261323 10mg 9.75mg 98%
Trenbolone Acetate #261323 100mg 91.9mg 92% Average: 94.6 % of label claim

Thai Bonavar
I also want to take a look at one of the newer Anavar products to hit the market. Anavar, as you probably know, is one of the most expensive anabolic steroids available. As a raw pharmaceutical material, the steroid can be several, even 10 times, more expensive than other steroid compounds. High cost is one of the key reasons we rarely see “underground” Anavar products test out to contain real oxandrolone. It’s much easier, and more profitable in the short term, for a company to simply substitute for the ingredient with something less costly like stanozolol or methandrostenolone.

Real pharmaceutical Anavar is a rarity on the black market, even today, when global steroid manufacturing is strongly on the rise. This makes finding real product of great interest to me and always worth an examination. This month, I’ve included a photograph of Bonavar, a relatively new oxandrolone being made by Body Research in Thailand. Body Research is one of the newer legitimate anabolic steroid manufacturing companies, but has rapidly built a pretty impressive line including products such as testosterone cypionate (Cypionax), oxymetholone (Bonalone), methandrostenolone (Danabol), stanozolol (Stanol) and testosterone propionate (Testolic). Previous test results on this line have fared extremely well, and feedback on their products, even Bonavar specifically, has been overwhelmingly positive. Body Research is definitely among the new crop of reputable operations and worth looking into.