Anabolic Research Update Apr 2005


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
Boldenone Acetate?

Q: I have come across a new form of Equipoise lately. It’s called boldenone acetate. Can you tell me anything about this? Is it a good steroid? Why would I want to use this instead of regular EQ?

Answer: Boldenone acetate is a relatively new steroid, but one that makes use of very old and well-understood technology. The focus here is the acetate ester, which is commonly used with such steroids as trenbolone and methenolone. In this case, it has simply been applied to the boldenone molecule instead of the normal undecylenate ester. Using the acetate ester alters the release pattern of this injectable drug considerably. Acetate and undecylenate are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to esters. Acetate is the shortest ester we have, and one of the least oil soluble. This makes it one of the fastest-acting esters used with steroids, necessitating that injections be given every two or three days if sustained blood levels are desired. On the other hand, undecylenate is a very long ester, carrying a chain of 10 carbon atoms. It’s highly oil-soluble and one of the slowest-acting esters used in a commercial steroid preparation. A case could be made for advantages being inherent in either form of boldenone. The high oil solubility of boldenone undecylenate allows one to dissolve more steroid per milliliter, and 200mg/mL preparations are common today. It’s also very slow acting, so injections once every week to10 days will be sufficient. It will be difficult to dissolve more than 100 milligrams of boldenone acetate in one milliliter of oil without adding an uncomfortable amount of alcohol to the solution. Not only will you need to inject more of it in terms of total volume with boldenone acetate, you will need to inject the drug more often to keep blood levels even. But at the same time, boldenone acetate is going to start working a lot faster for you, so you’re likely to feel like it just “works better.” Acetates can sometimes be uncomfortable to inject, however, so there may be residual soreness to deal with for some users. Aside from that, they both deliver boldenone, so don’t expect one to act appreciably different than the other in terms of results vs. side effects. Ultimately, someone else really can’t answer which choice will be better in your case. You’ll need to look at all the variables and decide which traits are most appealing to you. There is one other thing to take into account when we discuss boldenone acetate. I believe the reason many companies are starting to use this (both underground and legitimate) has to do with the purity of boldenone undecylenate more than the unique traits of boldenone acetate. The trouble arises in the purification process used to manufacture boldenone undecylenate. This steroid, due to the very long nature of the undecylenate fatty acid ester, is essentially liquid (oil) at room temperature. This makes separation and purification very difficult. Most other steroids, including such esters as enanthate and cypionate, remain solid (powder) at room temperature. Their raw materials tend to be a lot more consistent in quality than boldenone undecylenate. Although not impossible, it’s considerably more expensive to produce a 98 percent+ material than it is to make a 50-75 percent one. Most companies making EQ are not manufacturing their product for human use, nor do they manufacture in markets with tight government oversight. Quite often, this type of material must be used (purchased from bulk suppliers) if one wants to remain price-competitive, and therefore it reaches the end consumer. I don’t think it’s much of a safety issue, as we’re probably talking about a mix of free fatty acids that are making up the rest. But in the random lab testing I had been doing for Anabolics 2005, I did notice that under-dosing among EQ products is fairly common now. The fact that some companies are moving over to this new ester is a good sign. It probably means they’re independently testing purity and want to work with better materials. I’d place odds that new boldenone acetate products are going to be of better quality than the EQ clones they replace, but time will tell.

Animal Power Anadrol?

Question: I sent this box in hoping you could tell me about it. I did not see anything about Animal Power in your last book. Can you tell me if this product is real?

Answer: Animal Power is indeed a real company. They are new to the scene in Mexico, but have developed quite a line already. Their products include testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, methandrostenolone, oxandrolone, stanozolol (oral and injectable), boldenone undecylenate and oxymetholone. The box you sent me is real and can be identified next to any potential counterfeits by its hologram sticker. This sticker is a complicated one, and has the company logo imbedded in the holographic image. AP also uses etching on the glass of each bottle, which displays the company logo (part of it sticks out from under the label). These are expensive features to implement and make Animal Power a difficult company to knock off if you are a counterfeiter. Getting familiar with these features could save you a lot of money down the road, as we all know what happens when any popular new company hits the black market (fakes). I have not had the opportunity to lab test the line yet, so I can’t speak about the quality of their products other than to say that feedback has been good. I do plan on running some samples by the lab soon, however. With all the energy and money they are putting into protecting the reputation of their brand with security features, I will be fairly surprised if they test poorly. After all, why try so hard to protect your brand in the marketplace if it is all low-quality stuff to begin with?

Frequent Urination?

Question: I have noticed that when I switched from Anadrol to Winstrol last week, I started urinating more. I mean, a lot more. For three days I would wake up in the middle of the night to piss, and it was so much water that my urine was clear. I started to get nervous, but it went away four or five days ago. What is the deal with that? Is it a sign of kidney problems?

Answer: I am no doctor, but I tend to think that was just water retention working on you. Your body tends to hold a lot of extra water when you take a highly estrogenic steroid like Anadrol. It makes you look bigger and feel stronger, but this temporary water-retention is something you can’t hold onto when you stop taking the steroid. Once you switched over to Winstrol, which doesn’t covert to estrogen or have any notable estrogenic activity like Anadrol, your body started dropping the extra water retention very quickly. This can be a rapid process and will often cause the exact thing you noticed (frequent, clear urination). When I was using a lot of gear years ago, I would routinely find myself “pissing out the water again.” I got to the point where I could tell by my level of thirst, or how much I was going to the bathroom, what was going on with my estrogen levels. I knew if I started drinking a lot of water all of a sudden, it was time to take Nolvadex, and if I was pissing a lot, that last shot of test started wearing off a little earlier than I expected. I suspect it’s a skill we all develop once we’ve used gear for a while and have been through the various cycles of hormonal manipulation enough times.