AAS Lab Testing


Jan 5, 2013
We are in negotiations to begin an AAS Lab Testing Project If you are not a member of PM, you may not be familiar with the testing we have performed on HGH. We have decided to expand to oils and will be providing more information next week. Because the HGH testing will continue, we would like the AAS testing to be a product of Anasci. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, post away. I will be working with rAJJIN on the best way to achieve maximum results.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Glad you made it buddy. I appreciate your help and friendship over the years.
I look forward to working together with you and Bio on this.
It should help a lot of members


Jan 5, 2013
This was a post on PM, I thought it would give some insight on what our intent is here on Anasci:

How do we know you're not getting paid off by certain sponsor's to make their product look better than another sponsor's product?

I guess one would expect that the first instinct reading a post like this would be instantly becoming defensive. Actually, it is a very good question. How does anyone know if there is something shady going on here? I guess the simple answer is, you don't! Let me give a little background about how this came about:

rAJJIN contacted me and asked if I would be interested in helping out in this project. With the way the HGH Lab Testing Project went, he thought I could be of assistance in these AAS Tests. I, in turn, am very interested in looking at some viable Lab Testing on the AAS Sponsor's products. I do believe that, with the Serum Testing that I began a while back, we did eliminate a number of sponsors who were ready and able to market a bogus product. The HGH Lab Testing confirmed that fact. Our aim is to eliminate the Sponsors who are willing and able to market an under dosed or bogus AAS product.

Of course, there are some who think that the Owner and Mods of ProMuscle are "in the tank" for the Sponsors. To those who believe this, then there is nothing I can do or say to convince you otherwise.

What I can say is: There are people who trust us that our intentions are to protect the members pocketbook, while proving that the Sponsors products are worthy of your support.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Glad to see some testing done ...Even though I've hooked up with some good gear on these two boards I've also gotten some under dosed shit gear also ....with me I slowly tested my limits with cattle gear and trt test from the doc when I started and know I can handle alot and what good gear is...but you take the wrong middle aged father,husband ect trying to better himself with gear and he unknowingly gets some under dosed shit and thinks he's running a gram and a half because other guys are doing it and his gear says he's at that dose then he gets an honest source and tries running gram and half of a long ester tren or something and has a fucking stroke it's gonna fuck his family he was trying to be a.better man for....The general public already thinks steroids and those that use them are some kind of evil from being mislead let some shit like above happen to the wrong guy and it's gonna be a media shit storm that none of us need .....


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Glad to see some testing done ...Even though I've hooked up with some good gear on these two boards I've also gotten some under dosed shit gear also ....with me I slowly tested my limits with cattle gear and trt test from the doc when I started and know I can handle alot and what good gear is...but you take the wrong middle aged father,husband ect trying to better himself with gear and he unknowingly gets some under dosed shit and thinks he's running a gram and a half because other guys are doing it and his gear says he's at that dose then he gets an honest source and tries running gram and half of a long ester tren or something and has a fucking stroke it's gonna fuck his family he was trying to be a.better man for....The general public already thinks steroids and those that use them are some kind of evil from being mislead let some shit like above happen to the wrong guy and it's gonna be a media shit storm that none of us need .....

Even though the scenario you listed above is a little far fetched, unless someone isn't monitoring their health at all, the testing is going to show people where they should spend their hard earned money!

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
Glad to see some testing done ...Even though I've hooked up with some good gear on these two boards I've also gotten some under dosed shit gear also ....with me I slowly tested my limits with cattle gear and trt test from the doc when I started and know I can handle alot and what good gear is...but you take the wrong middle aged father,husband ect trying to better himself with gear and he unknowingly gets some under dosed shit and thinks he's running a gram and a half because other guys are doing it and his gear says he's at that dose then he gets an honest source and tries running gram and half of a long ester tren or something and has a fucking stroke it's gonna fuck his family he was trying to be a.better man for....The general public already thinks steroids and those that use them are some kind of evil from being mislead let some shit like above happen to the wrong guy and it's gonna be a media shit storm that none of us need .....

are you serious? how many times you think this has happened because of wrong dosing? probably never, nonsense. we all should know how a gram of anything feels when we put it in our body. I can tell if something is good in a few days


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
are you serious? how many times you think this has happened because of wrong dosing? probably never, nonsense. we all should know how a gram of anything feels when we put it in our body. I can tell if something is good in a few days

Ya fuckn whatever ....I guarantee there's guys get on here have no idea what gear is, read a guy running a gram and do the same and have no fucking idea how a gram should feel.....You fucking really think the guys spending thousands on these boards are all guys that worked out for years and have experience..... Get fuckn real ....And as far as how many times it's happen less seriously a bunch but it only takes one serious time is all I'm saying so go ahead and let sources sell shit gear and see where it ends up.....Gear isn't a priority at the moment but it wouldn't take much to change that .....Piss off a few busy body goody goodies....And just to say it again you really think the majority of the thousands on these boards should know what a gram feels like?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Even though the scenario you listed above is a little far fetched, unless someone isn't monitoring their health at all, the testing is going to show people where they should spend their hard earned money!

That was written in a little of a hurry ......It was supposed to be a little extreme of an example, my point was if we don't keep a handle on our sources it will get done for us and we won't like the results......It only takes one out of the normal scenario......and in America the extreme happens everyday

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
Ya fuckn whatever ....I guarantee there's guys get on here have no idea what gear is, read a guy running a gram and do the same and have no fucking idea how a gram should feel.....You fucking really think the guys spending thousands on these boards are all guys that worked out for years and have experience..... Get fuckn real ....And as far as how many times it's happen less seriously a bunch but it only takes one serious time is all I'm saying so go ahead and let sources sell shit gear and see where it ends up.....Gear isn't a priority at the moment but it wouldn't take much to change that .....Piss off a few busy body goody goodies....And just to say it again you really think the majority of the thousands on these boards should know what a gram feels like?

good story:action-smiley-033:


Jan 5, 2013
Although I am interested in what these tests will reveal about the content of the AAS being tested (how many mg.'s a vial contains), I am more interested in the purity of the product. How much contaminants or heavy metals are contained in the vial. Hopefully, Jano's tests will provide this type of comprehensive testing. It may be minimal, which would be great, but who knows until we put them to the test. I'm quite sure we will find sponsors underdosing their products, but again, we shall see!


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
Although I am interested in what these tests will reveal about the content of the AAS being tested (how many mg.'s a vial contains), I am more interested in the purity of the product. How much contaminants or heavy metals are contained in the vial. Hopefully, Jano's tests will provide this type of comprehensive testing. It may be minimal, which would be great, but who knows until we put them to the test. I'm quite sure we will find sponsors underdosing their products, but again, we shall see!

Currently mg/ml or mg/pill are the only services I can provide for finished products.

Microbiological and endotoxin testing would not be a problem, if enough interest was raised.

Regarding heavy metals, a few years ago when I had regular access to ICP-MS I used to test raw powders on it, to screen heavy metals. Never seen a dangerous level, so I stopped it with time - and I also lost access to the machine.

ICP-MS has benefit that we can see if there's any atom of heavy metal in there.

With the equipment I have at the moment there are only limited possibilities to detect heavy metals. ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10917442 )


Jan 5, 2013
I believe most members are quite interested in discovering whether a product contains the compound the sponsor claims, in addition, they are equally interested that the product is dosed accurately. With that being said, I believe we are dismissing what may be the most important factor to consider. Is the product safe to inject? Does it contain a heavy metal or any other substance that may be harmful? How can we determine this?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Yes what I am curious to see is this.
Are UGL OR even the China end selling us....
Winstrol as anavar... or test prop as masteron.

lets say its a tab of anavar that has been cut with winstrol.
Or say test prop sold as Masteron In a finished vial.
Would the test show both compounds? Would the equipment pick up on that?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
This testing is gonna be game changer for us all.

I think there will be some very surprised people.
It will be a game changer.
With no way of checking Its just to easy for them. We need to be checking it as raw Once it is Imported to the UGL guys....
And again as Finished product so the UGL guys stay honest.

With the Interest that is being shown to get it kicked off......
I see no reason Why we can not test everyone and Often.


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
I believe most members are quite interested in discovering whether a product contains the compound the sponsor claims, in addition, they are equally interested that the product is dosed accurately. With that being said, I believe we are dismissing what may be the most important factor to consider. Is the product safe to inject? Does it contain a heavy metal or any other substance that may be harmful? How can we determine this?

All the risks can never be eliminated, unfortunately.

Heavy metals can be determined by ICP-OES or ICP-MS, which are incredibly expensive pieces of instrumentation.
Atomic spectroscopy would work as well.

In US pharmacopoeia reagent tests are used as well, so those might be applicable, but are far less sensitive. These are rather cheap, but would point out only massive contamination - I do not recall the exact values now, but they were pretty high.

Bacteriological contamination can be determined more easily by filtering the unopened vial through a membrane with pores small enough to catch the bacteria and then staining the membrane with stains, that color the bacterial cell walls. There might be better, more suitable ways, but this is the one that had popped into my mind immediately.

Random harmful substances cannot be easily determined. A mass spectrometer with a NIST database could compare the findings in the samples with database of pesticides etc, but we'd be looking at 50 000$+ starting investment and massive maintenance costs.


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
Yes what I am curious to see is this.
Are UGL OR even the China end selling us....
Winstrol as anavar... or test prop as masteron.

lets say its a tab of anavar that has been cut with winstrol.
Or say test prop sold as Masteron In a finished vial.
Would the test show both compounds? Would the equipment pick up on that?


Tests would show both compounds and I would be able to provide that information easily.

For example I've been sent anavar pills in original blister 2 months ago, claimed to be 10mg of anavar, but turned out to contain nothing but turinabol.



Jan 5, 2013
All the risks can never be eliminated, unfortunately.

Heavy metals can be determined by ICP-OES or ICP-MS, which are incredibly expensive pieces of instrumentation.
Atomic spectroscopy would work as well.

In US pharmacopoeia reagent tests are used as well, so those might be applicable, but are far less sensitive. These are rather cheap, but would point out only massive contamination - I do not recall the exact values now, but they were pretty high.

Bacteriological contamination can be determined more easily by filtering the unopened vial through a membrane with pores small enough to catch the bacteria and then staining the membrane with stains, that color the bacterial cell walls. There might be better, more suitable ways, but this is the one that had popped into my mind immediately.

Random harmful substances cannot be easily determined. A mass spectrometer with a NIST database could compare the findings in the samples with database of pesticides etc, but we'd be looking at 50 000$+ starting investment and massive maintenance costs.

I know you had mentioned in the past that you did have access to other facilities that have the equipment for other tests that you cannot perform. Is this an option, or are we limited to only the tests that your equipment support?