AAS Donating Members - Expanding Tests


Jan 5, 2013
I've been in discussion with Jano about expanding our testing to include bacteria and heavy metal testing. I'm not optimistic about what I'm hearing. The expanded testing will be more expensive and possibly time consuming. It looks like it is definitely possible, but I have some concerns. My responsibility is to protect the member's donations. I want to be sure that what YOU are paying for is accurate and that your money is going to be spent on what YOU want. If the majority of donors say that they are comfortable with what is currently being performed, we will continue this way. If the majority of members say that they would like to expand the testing to include contaminants, then I will find a way to make it happen. It may not be Jano, but I will do all I can to find a source to fulfill our needs. Please give me your input....I want to hear from all donors. If you donated to this project, I will guarantee you will not be flamed for stating your opinion. I will make it my business to intervene in your favor. THAT IS FOR ANY WHO DONATED. If you did not donate, comment at your own risk!:D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
As with any human endeavor, what one wants and what one is willing to pay for are 2 entirely different issues. I want a Ferrari. I'm willing to pay for a Ford. Many here may SAY they expanded testing, but are they willing to PAY for it? Based on Jano's posts about the topic, I'm guessing not.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
As with any human endeavor, what one wants and what one is willing to pay for are 2 entirely different issues. I want a Ferrari. I'm willing to pay for a Ford. Many here may SAY they expanded testing, but are they willing to PAY for it? Based on Jano's posts about the topic, I'm guessing not.

That pretty much covers it


Jan 5, 2013
At what costs though? Double? Triple?

Yeah, I guess more info is necessary to formulate an opinion.

Option 1- Test for Compound Identification, Content in mg., Heavy metal and Bacteria.

Jano requested 10,000 euros up front to purchase the necessary equipment,

Option 2 - Test for Compound Identification, Content in mg., Bacteria.

Jano requestes 3,000 euros up front to purchase the necessary equipment, then include Heavy Metal Testing later when he could recoup his investment of equipment he has already purchased.

Option 3 - Test for Compound Identification and Content in mg.

Continue with our current process.


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
At this point, Option 1 will be well over our costs. Unless you get another few hundred people donating, I don't see how we can justify those costs. Option 2 needs about 100 people donating $30. It is doable, but people might not be willing to go that far.


Jan 5, 2013
At this point, Option 1 will be well over our costs. Unless you get another few hundred people donating, I don't see how we can justify those costs. Option 2 needs about 100 people donating $30. It is doable, but people might not be willing to go that far.

My thought exactly. I have already informed Jano that $10.000 euros is not at all possible. The $3,000 is certainly possible, but I'm not sure how practical or necessary bacteria testing is. I am certainly not a chemist but, I feel someone cooking in their garage or basement in less than sanitary conditions could introduce bacteria to the end product. Some may argue that the cooking process and the alcohol will eliminate that threat. If I can be convinced that my apprehension is not justified, I can live with staying with the status quo.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
How much of a concern is it? I mean, I always thought the heavy metals in UG gear was more folk lore than anything else?

Bacteria would be nice for peace of mind, but if it was that prevalent wouldn't we have threads about how it made them sick or how it gave them an infection?


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
As with any human endeavor, what one wants and what one is willing to pay for are 2 entirely different issues. I want a Ferrari. I'm willing to pay for a Ford. Many here may SAY they expanded testing, but are they willing to PAY for it? Based on Jano's posts about the topic, I'm guessing not.


Although I did drive a Ferrari the other day , that was fun and cool :D

Option 3 stay with what we have now
Unfortunately and sadly we can't get $10.00 - $25.00 from Each member on this board and Pro M


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
Unfortunately, unless I'd take a loan starting both heavy metal testing and microbiological testing in a reasonable amount of time is straight up impossible for me.

That's just financial limitation I got and I'm very unsure whether there is enough interest for me to get it paid off. Ever.
I'd love to do it for free, but as a small business I am I gotta make sensible decisions. Especially when I'm starting off my family, so I'm sure you all understand my position. I'm literally having 1/10th of a profit margin of laboratories like SIMEC, which were proven over and over again to half-ass their work (HGH and AAS as well). While this makes my services more available, it also decreases my financial freedom a lot.

Regarding the option two, I didn't request 3000 euros up front for equipment purchase. There might've been a slight misunderstanding.

I stated, that if I get money for the next batch of testing (3000 euros is about what is in the treasury right now) up front (and I always request money up front except when working with Mr. Buck or other people I trust) I'd be able to buy the equipment necessary. It wouldn't be a payment for microbiological testing. The payment for microbiological testing would be 70 euros, so the price would be 80 euros for current testing + 70 euros for microbiological tests: total of 150 euro per test.

For the heavy metal testing, I am even more unsure whether it's a good idea to get equip for it, for it's much more expensive and I am imagining the interest might fade very soon after first few initial tests. Not sure the bit more independence that it would gain us would be worth it.

Therefore I am continuing to contact laboratories which might be able to provide such a service that are already equipped for it. Got blown off by quite a few labs by now (hell, I'd be better of trying to test rocks for heavy metals, that's what most of them are doing and they won't accept other kind of samples as they are not equipped for those).
There's one lab that got back to me with a positiv-ish answer and I gave them more details today and asked them for a quote for a batch of about 20 samples. Hopefully it'll be acceptable.


Jan 5, 2013
option 2 - test for compound identification, content in mg., bacteria.

jano requestes 3,000 euros up front to purchase the necessary equipment, then include heavy metal testing later when he could recoup his investment of equipment he has already purchased

regarding the option two, i didn't request 3000 euros up front for equipment purchase. There might've been a slight misunderstanding.

I stated, that if i get money for the next batch of testing (3000 euros is about what is in the treasury right now) up front (and i always request money up front except when working with mr. Buck or other people i trust) i'd be able to buy the equipment necessary. It wouldn't be a payment for microbiological testing. The payment for microbiological testing would be 70 euros, so the price would be 80 euros for current testing + 70 euros for microbiological tests: Total of 150 euro per test.

Maybe I did misunderstand


Donating Member
Feb 3, 2013
Continue with our process. Although it would be nice to do option 1 and 2 ; how you gonna collect the funds? all us members are donating 20-50$ a piece. I doubt anyone wants to put more into it especially when donating members do not decide what sponsors are getting tested or compounds are getting tested.. we can vote but it doesn't mean it will happen.

I donated because I love what you guys do.. and I'm enjoy seeing tests; no matter what sponsor is; and helping our community.. that's about it


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I like how it is now. It's a major step up vs these labmax tests and the other current methods.
Now member can can know what they are using and the dosage of it.
Girls can know if there anavar is anavar.

For metals or bacteria Could we not outsource it or have a licensed company go to a university? Instead of buying equipment we may not even need or use often.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
I like how it is now. It's a major step up vs these labmax tests and the other current methods.
Now member can can know what they are using and the dosage of it.
Girls can know if there anavar is anavar.

For metals or bacteria Could we not outsource it or have a licensed company go to a university? Instead of buying equipment we may not even need or use often.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My thinking! Still messaging the labs regarding the heavy metal testing. However, most are testing a different matrix (diff. kind of samples) or are fully booked for their own purposes or internal (therefore unable to invoice their work) so far. Hopefully over the next week I'll hear back from one lab that looks good.

Regarding the microbio testing... I'm not sure anybody even offers this kind of services in my country, but I gotta admit, I haven't really looked.


Jan 5, 2013
Instead of buying equipment we may not even need or use often.

This is probably true. In my opinion, if we tested 20 samples in a random test for bacteria and heavy metal and found no problems, why continue with it. But....I still want to see that first round. Again, it is up to the rank and file, if everyone wants to continue the way we are right now, I'm good with that too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
This is probably true. In my opinion, if we tested 20 samples in a random test for bacteria and heavy metal and found no problems, why continue with it. But....I still want to see that first round. Again, it is up to the rank and file, if everyone wants to continue the way we are right now, I'm good with that too.

I've been checking the results at https://anaboliclab.com for a long time now, and I've yet to come across one that tested above acceptable range for heavy metals. While I think it would be great to do it, I honestly don't have any real evidence to show that it's actually necessary. Despite what the authorities and media report everything they make an AAS lab bust, I'm not terribly concerned about heavy metals in my gear. I'm actually much more concerned about Deca causing early heart disease/ heart attacks.


Jan 5, 2013
I've been checking the results at https://anaboliclab.com for a long time now, and I've yet to come across one that tested above acceptable range for heavy metals. While I think it would be great to do it, I honestly don't have any real evidence to show that it's actually necessary. Despite what the authorities and media report everything they make an AAS lab bust, I'm not terribly concerned about heavy metals in my gear. I'm actually much more concerned about Deca causing early heart disease/ heart attacks.

I agree, Brother. If you go by the results others have posted, it would be easy to conclude that all these AAS products have a very safe amount of heavy metals and no detectable bacteria. But, I am a cynic. That is why I say that if we test a handful of products, and they are free of potential risks, then why do more. Let me ask you, what happens if we find some serious problems? Someone posted that "Obviously, people are not dying, so it must be safe". Heavy metals will not have a sudden impact on your health, it will make you sick over time. How about the people who complain about swelling, pain, heat, etc. at the injection site? Could it be the result of bacteria in the product? I don't know, but let's find out. Again, if the donating members don't agree, I'm OK with that too.


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
Well, I got a positive response from a lab willing to test our samples for heavy metals.

Which specific ones (heavy metals) would you like to have tested and how many samples, so I can ask for a quote?

Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are a good base to start with.


Jan 5, 2013
Well, I got a positive response from a lab willing to test our samples for heavy metals.

Which specific ones (heavy metals) would you like to have tested and how many samples, so I can ask for a quote?

Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are a good base to start with.

Thanks Jano. Let's go with those 4. If it is cost prohibitive, maybe we can go with just microbiological testing.