6 weeks out depleted with strep lol


Oct 27, 2012
I don't know how fast you cut up or what exactly your diet is like, but I am going to be brutally honest with you....

I went into your log to look at pics and the fat loss does not seem to be noticeable over the past few weeks. I don't see much change at all...

You should honestly be much further along in your conditioning. You should have very defined abs and cuts in your legs, not necessarily striated yet, but there is hardly anything in the way of cuts.

Legs are lacking size. No sweep and no hamstring hang.

Lower back is holding a significant amount of fat and waist looks thick and there is no real taper.

Definition around shoulders, chest and tris is lacking this late in the game.

You aren't a mass monster, so you need the cuts, and this late in your prep it is going to be hard to bring them in in time.

There is no such thing as being ready too soon, you can always hold your conditioning with the right nutrition and diet, but you can definitely be ready to late....

Good luck


Jun 13, 2013
I don't know how fast you cut up or what exactly your diet is like, but I am going to be brutally honest with you....

I went into your log to look at pics and the fat loss does not seem to be noticeable over the past few weeks. I don't see much change at all...

You should honestly be much further along in your conditioning. You should have very defined abs and cuts in your legs, not necessarily striated yet, but there is hardly anything in the way of cuts.

Legs are lacking size. No sweep and no hamstring hang.

Lower back is holding a significant amount of fat and waist looks thick and there is no real taper.

Definition around shoulders, chest and tris is lacking this late in the game.

You aren't a mass monster, so you need the cuts, and this late in your prep it is going to be hard to bring them in in time.

There is no such thing as being ready too soon, you can always hold your conditioning with the right nutrition and diet, but you can definitely be ready to late....

Good luck

Thanks brother, appreciate the honesty! Everything you stated I already know thats why I am using this as a reset to pull down where I need to be and then develop my laggin parts in a leaner state. Been at the competition side of things for two years now so still learning what approach works best.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Time to take intensity and gym time up a few notches.
You know you are smooth and what you need to work on and a super shredded look with younger muscle as yours really needs strict attention to a training style that u fine tune every show you compete in ..Its real hard for us to say do this do that but as Atom knows is hes found his bad ass training method that i have seen him change himself to quite a fn animal. I can ramble on but my advice is take all info that people toss at you like you say you are..Really start hittin legs calves because legs define and grow the whole body into even thickness and power to be a winner.
Remember when u puke doing squats it means you are half way done on your squat sets..then hit deadlifts.ib..


Jun 13, 2013
Time to take intensity and gym time up a few notches.
You know you are smooth and what you need to work on and a super shredded look with younger muscle as yours really needs strict attention to a training style that u fine tune every show you compete in ..Its real hard for us to say do this do that but as Atom knows is hes found his bad ass training method that i have seen him change himself to quite a fn animal. I can ramble on but my advice is take all info that people toss at you like you say you are..Really start hittin legs calves because legs define and grow the whole body into even thickness and power to be a winner.
Remember when u puke doing squats it means you are half way done on your squat sets..then hit deadlifts.ib..

I will for sure introduce a little carbs this week and try to fill out just enough to give you guys a much better gauge of where I am at again these photos were taking in a depleted state haven't seen a carb in 3 weeks and I was running 103 fever at the time with tons of water retention from the infection/strep and a problem I had with some blue tops... but they were the latest photos I had already down 10 pounds from them (water).

I would like to say my training style is intense but right now even with hitting tren suspension and IM winstrol with the diet and cardio its super hard to last longer than 30 minutes in the gym so I have split it into two a days I WILL NOT GO THROUGH MOTIONS i cant stand that shit train with a purpose get in and out.

Definitely agree with the immature muscle and the development it still needs to get the striated grainy look (even if as lean as can be) I do tempo training and giant set training as well as a 10x10. I switch every 3 weeks but lately I have just been focusing on getting a good solid 20 quality working sets per body part. Legs are currently hit three times a week... I had the most mass in my legs up until three years ago when I was repping 795 on the squat with just wraps and a loose belt... that was fine but the cable rope crunches with the stack and two 45's pinned on was a mistake... put my back out but I have built it back up and thats why I wanted to do this show get as lean as possible without care to muscle or size or even symmetry... the whole point is so I can grow and develope my lower half into the dominate muscle group it once was...

You guys are awesome there is one thing I respect and thats honesty so I appreciate every input you guys have!!

Another day to do it to it. :sniper:


Feb 7, 2013
I will for sure introduce a little carbs this week and try to fill out just enough to give you guys a much better gauge of where I am at again these photos were taking in a depleted state haven't seen a carb in 3 weeks and I was running 103 fever at the time with tons of water retention from the infection/strep and a problem I had with some blue tops... but they were the latest photos I had already down 10 pounds from them (water).

I would like to say my training style is intense but right now even with hitting tren suspension and IM winstrol with the diet and cardio its super hard to last longer than 30 minutes in the gym so I have split it into two a days I WILL NOT GO THROUGH MOTIONS i cant stand that shit train with a purpose get in and out.

Definitely agree with the immature muscle and the development it still needs to get the striated grainy look (even if as lean as can be) I do tempo training and giant set training as well as a 10x10. I switch every 3 weeks but lately I have just been focusing on getting a good solid 20 quality working sets per body part. Legs are currently hit three times a week... I had the most mass in my legs up until three years ago when I was repping 795 on the squat with just wraps and a loose belt... that was fine but the cable rope crunches with the stack and two 45's pinned on was a mistake... put my back out but I have built it back up and thats why I wanted to do this show get as lean as possible without care to muscle or size or even symmetry... the whole point is so I can grow and develope my lower half into the dominate muscle group it once was...

You guys are awesome there is one thing I respect and thats honesty so I appreciate every input you guys have!!

Another day to do it to it. :sniper:

Seems as though you have a real clear concept of what you want to do and a time frame for it all. I'm sure it will work out some way or another. I know about sets backs- this game is all about consistency and when something random happens like an injury or a change in your personal life it seems like you suddenly loose so much that takes soo long to achieve.

Good to hear you're back on track! Good luck


Oct 27, 2012
So you change your training every 3 weeks as you prep for a show? That makes absolutely no sense to me...you find a method that works, and stick to it. You have already established what works in the off-season... No need to switch to super asinine volume "to bring in the cuts" because that is all about diet... You burn more kcals with heavy, intense training than cardio (EPOC). Fuck, I hardly did any cardio my last show and trained heavy, balls out DC training right up to the last week.

I was eating my ass off because I was training like a beast. I was ready for my show 3 weeks out so I could do a dry run of a contest day. And I pulled my right lat mid-prep...

Do not go saying you train like a beast, prove it with your transformation..and judging by the progress pics you posted in your log, I don't see it. Either your diet is way off or you aren't training like you say you are....the proof is in the pudding. You can't lie about the pictures, no progress = something not right.

IMO, I would not do this show in 6 weeks. I would plan something 12-14 weeks out...

You don't have to like what I am saying, and if you don't prove me wrong. Bring an A+ package to the stage and prove me wrong...

I'm not here to sugar coat shit, I'm telling you like it is


Feb 7, 2013
So you change your training every 3 weeks as you prep for a show? That makes absolutely no sense to me...you find a method that works, and stick to it. You have already established what works in the off-season... No need to switch to super asinine volume "to bring in the cuts" because that is all about diet... You burn more kcals with heavy, intense training than cardio (EPOC). Fuck, I hardly did any cardio my last show and trained heavy, balls out DC training right up to the last week.

I was eating my ass off because I was training like a beast. I was ready for my show 3 weeks out so I could do a dry run of a contest day.

Do go saying you train like a beast, prove it with your transformation..and judging by the progress pics you posted in your log, I don't see it. Either your diet is way off or you aren't training like you say you are....the proof is in the pudding. You can't lie about the pictures, no progress = something not right.

IMO, I would not do this show in 6 weeks. I would plan something 12-14 weeks out...

You don't have to like what I am saying, and if you don't prove me wrong. Bring an A+ package to the stage and prove me wrong...

You feisty lil fucker!!! LoL


Jun 13, 2013
I don't like to talk and there is no talking on that stage methodically the changing of my training is just more so in tempo/rest not intensity. this keeps me progressing the measurements I have been logging are proving this for me. This is something I recently changed and has helped me bring my legs up while dieting and yes they had less shape and density previously to the pictures you saw.

I will stick to this show I don't back out of commitment and if you read the PM I sent you Atom you will see why I am hell bent on finishing this out now after putting what I have into it.

I will definitely keep everything updated not to prove you wrong because I already agree with the physique critiques...but because I started it so I will finish it. Always learning and I appreciate your honesty because when I start hurting on the stair stepper or get light headed between meals I think of you opinion.

So thank you man! :sHa_thumbsup3:


Oct 27, 2012
I don't like to talk and there is no talking on that stage methodically the changing of my training is just more so in tempo/rest not intensity. this keeps me progressing the measurements I have been logging are proving this for me. This is something I recently changed and has helped me bring my legs up while dieting and yes they had less shape and density previously to the pictures you saw.

I will stick to this show I don't back out of commitment and if you read the PM I sent you Atom you will see why I am hell bent on finishing this out now after putting what I have into it.

I will definitely keep everything updated not to prove you wrong because I already agree with the physique critiques...but because I started it so I will finish it. Always learning and I appreciate your honesty because when I start hurting on the stair stepper or get light headed between meals I think of you opinion.

So thank you man! :sHa_thumbsup3:

Go fucking full steam ahead abs... I read the PM and I think you can bring in your definition in time cardio doubles. I'm not sure if you are still working with Shelby, but if you are I am sure he will get you in shape. Let him know your concerns and listen to him and only him if he is coaching you. IMO, it is disrespectful to coaches to not listen to them and take advice elsewhere. There have even been some top level guys who simply stopped talking to Shelby weeks out from their show and looked they were on point but once they started getting advice elsewhere, came in looking out of shape or spilled over.

So if you have a coach, bring you concerns to them...pester them until they feel your agony. Let them know this is your passion and you will do anything to reach your goals.

If you aren't, go fucking hog wild... Drop carbs to only around training (intra and maybe post). Sip BCAAs and EAAs during the day and between meals to ensure an anabolic, protein sparing environment.

Do cardio twice per day HIIT style and drink BCAAs during cardio.

Don't have carb load days and don't have fat load days... it is better to come into a show dry and shredded and a little flat than bloated and watery.

Scott Stevenson wrote a great article about drying out and loading for a show on John Meadows's website. I suggest you check it out as it is very comprehensive and will give you all you need to develop a strategy.


Jun 13, 2013
Go fucking full steam ahead abs... I read the PM and I think you can bring in your definition in time cardio doubles. I'm not sure if you are still working with Shelby, but if you are I am sure he will get you in shape. Let him know your concerns and listen to him and only him if he is coaching you. IMO, it is disrespectful to coaches to not listen to them and take advice elsewhere. There have even been some top level guys who simply stopped talking to Shelby weeks out from their show and looked they were on point but once they started getting advice elsewhere, came in looking out of shape or spilled over.

So if you have a coach, bring you concerns to them...pester them until they feel your agony. Let them know this is your passion and you will do anything to reach your goals.

If you aren't, go fucking hog wild... Drop carbs to only around training (intra and maybe post). Sip BCAAs and EAAs during the day and between meals to ensure an anabolic, protein sparing environment.

Do cardio twice per day HIIT style and drink BCAAs during cardio.

Don't have carb load days and don't have fat load days... it is better to come into a show dry and shredded and a little flat than bloated and watery.

Scott Stevenson wrote a great article about drying out and loading for a show on John Meadows's website. I suggest you check it out as it is very comprehensive and will give you all you need to develop a strategy.

Will definitely keep things updated with video/pictures nice to have a second support system especially one that isn't kissing my ass or telling me "its a local show you will win no worries blah blah blah" These are coming from national level competitors too so I am glad to have true opinions!!

I love the mountaindog express site so I will definitely check that article out, thanks Atom!


Oct 13, 2012
youre lookin alot better. keep it up.
i wld try to wrk on your glutes n legs. beef em up brotha.

keep burnin those cals and u will meet your goals


Jun 13, 2013
youre lookin alot better. keep it up.
i wld try to wrk on your glutes n legs. beef em up brotha.

keep burnin those cals and u will meet your goals

Thanks brother and I am not one to back out but if I am not stage ready 10 days out I have two shows after I could jump in one the following week and one 3 weeks later...

Still sticking to plan A no letting up.