3rd cycle suggestions


New member
Dec 22, 2005
hello. i'm 35 yr old, 5 9 , 190, and on second cycle ever. first was deca/ d
bol. presently im doing first Enanthate 250 mg.at week 5 of cycle,
20mg dbol on tapper to 10mg presently, and jumped to 300mg deca at
week 5. i was thinking of finishing up with Stanabol on after dbol
gone.is this safe? which is better Andropen 275 or Enanthate
250. which is better for only 3rd cycle? is Oxanabol better than
Stanabol ? i was thinking of running Enanthate or Andropen (what do
you suggest?), d bol, Decabol and Stanabol, with Noladex 10mg/day
to be safe. followed by Clomid. what do you suggest and what
amounts. trying to gain size and strength, then harden up. thanks
and happy new year.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Not sure if I interpreted this right, but sounds like you started with Deca / dbol and only added in test at week 5.....maybe because your willy stopped working ;) . I would start all cycles with test, either enanthate right from the start and maybe a week before the other oils, or prop. to jump-start the cycle. Anyways, deca and dbol for 5 weeks without test is not a great idea imho.

Also, as for changing to winny from dbol. It's not so much an issue of the dbol clearing before starting another oral, as it is letting your liver recover from the 17-aa orals. Thus, if you've done several weeks of dbol, you may want to limit it to 6 weeks or so and not use other orals for a while. Some tren or masteron may help lean you up in the latter part of the cycle. However, I think many people would opt to do a completely cutting cycle to follow instead of mixing bulking / cutting cycles and changing AAS much within a cycle, but I'd be interested to hear what some of the more experienced guys here think about that.


New member
Dec 22, 2005
stealth is correct i picked up in middle cycle of test. ran short of deca early so source didnt have anything but test e. then he got in deca week later. not real good source. was told deca /dbol was good first cycle that i should stay away from test. was told that cant go back after test.no erection problems before test either, but girlfriends bladder is sore since 2nd week of test. :) i was reading about over using causes less effectiveness over time. and difficulty with erections after cycles. what would be good PCT? whats pros and cons of viagra or cialis, and should i order for after cycle to be safe so not to get embarresed some time after? also i have been trouble sleeping since test , can't sleep more than 6 hrs. , even taking Benedryl.


New member
Dec 22, 2005
also do you have to do use 500 mg of test e being somewhat of a novice? didnt want to raise up too fast and shock body.


New member
Dec 22, 2005
forgive for being so unimformed. i have bumped to Test e to 250mg@2 wk and deca to 400mg week. i have been on for seven weeks and plan to finish for 5 wks more. then try 500 TE, 400 deca, and 25 dbol as suggested in spring. hope this raise for next five weeks will improve greatly. i'll let you know . thanks from a true novice.


New member
Dec 22, 2005
forgive for being so uninformed. i have bumped to Test e to 250mg@2 wk and deca to 400mg week. i have been on for seven weeks and plan to finish for 5 wks more. then try 500 TE, 400 deca, and 25 dbol as suggested in spring. hope this raise for next five weeks will improve greatly. i'll let you know . thanks from a true novice.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
jintenn said:
hello. i'm 35 yr old, 5 9 , 190, and on second cycle ever. first was deca/ d
bol. presently im doing first Enanthate 250 mg.at week 5 of cycle,
20mg dbol on tapper to 10mg presently, and jumped to 300mg deca at
week 5. i was thinking of finishing up with Stanabol on after dbol
gone.is this safe? which is better Andropen 275 or Enanthate
250. which is better for only 3rd cycle? is Oxanabol better than
Stanabol ? i was thinking of running Enanthate or Andropen (what do
you suggest?), d bol, Decabol and Stanabol, with Noladex 10mg/day
to be safe. followed by Clomid. what do you suggest and what
amounts. trying to gain size and strength, then harden up. thanks
and happy new year.

Sorry to drag your quote back to the top...but the damn things 20 questions and toooo much..First of all,i hope ypur not planning on using ALL of your goodies in some sort of regimen
Look jin,Focus on your bulking cycle first(if Im reading you right)
your Dbol intake is low-go 25-30 mg a day
Satrt w/ The testE or do 1 ml of that with the andropen-test is test the 250/275 will be plenty of that---staRT WITH Test-e AND eND W/ THE ANDROPEN. 6 to one 1/2 dozen to another.Gain your size and strength and then we'll talk about hardening up--Ive got a killer simple way of keeping gains(save some- 2 1mil inj of deca) for it (it's of course post cycle
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