3rd cycle Q's, hi-dose Test or stacking different AAS?


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I'm wanting to run a lengthy cycle in 2 or 3 months after I've fully recovered from my hernia repair and my goals are simple:
Gain as much lean muscle mass as possible
Gain as much strength (I powerlift) as possible

I know diet/training/rest are 90% of the equation.

My plan was to run the following:
Week 1 - 15: Test Enanthate 1g/wk
Weeks 1-4 DBOL 50mg ED to kickstart

Here's the question... I want to run Deca and/or EQ with this cycle. I love eq and got great results from it in my last cycle, but I would really like to run Deca for joints and additional strength gains.

The 3 options:
Week 1 - 12: EQ and Deca, both at mod doses of 300-450mg/wk
week 1 - 12: EQ high dose 600-800mg/wk
week 1 - 12: Deca high dose 600-800mg/wk

There's another problem though. I talked to a guy who's helped me with my training for the last year and I've made tremendous gains. He's an elite powerlifter in the 275lb class and went from being a 200lb average gym guy when we were in college 5 years ago to a huge, strong and pretty ripped out monster now.
Here's what he told me: "Dude, forget the deca, forget equipoise. Double up on the test dose--1 gram a week won't do shit. Even if you have your pussy steroids (assuming he meant deca/eq) stacked on top, 2 grams of test with some dbol will give you way better gains than a gram of test and some other bullshit."

Now, I know EQ works for me (unless all my gains from my last cycle were due to the 1g/wk of test) so he can't be completely correct. But I've recently read a lot from guys saying similar/making similar claims--that the "magic" starts to happen only after you begin using 2 or 3 (or more) grams of test per week and everything else (well, they seem to all like dbol or anadrol) is just icing on the cake (i.e. masteron+winny or halo for precontest, deca for healing injuries, EQ for vascularity/endurance, etc.). Basically they say for gains use as much test as you can tolerate/afford and THEN worry about the various other anabolics. I guess I could always do the 2g of test and top it off with some EQ/DECA, but that is just a huge jump from what I've done in the past.

Any comments, questions, advice, suggestions, etc. are much appreciated. I have quite a bit of time before starting the cycle, but I'd llike to plan it out well in advance. And the ultra-high dose test thing has me perplexed. Thanks.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
I've been waiting and hoping a vet would reply to this... I have no experience with such high doses of test.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
From what I've read on the boards and heard from guys personally, there seems to be 2 divided camps on this. One are the "use as much test as possible and forget about anything else" group. The other group advocate using just enough test to get good/quality gains so you don't have to up the dose to a high degree on subsequent cycles to make gains. They also advocate at least one or two additional anabolic androgenic steroids to synergize with testosterone.

What is interesting is that I've not found any guys who have tried megadosing test and didn't get great gains. They all seem to stick to megadosing test once they try it, or at least it seems that way. The main concerns/complaints I hear from them are that the side-effects from that much test can be tough to deal with.

I think I am going to stick with what's been working for me recently, i.e. test and 1 or 2 other AAS injectables and maybe an oral to kickstart and end the cycles. If that ever stops working I may try the 2-3 gram/wk of test approach.

Since I'll be taking awhile off, I'm going to try a lower dose approach and see how 400-500mg test enanthate and 300mg deca and/or EQ hits me.

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
wow I am don't have enough exp to comment ether, aside from gains you should also think about your health,
back in the day guys used to not come off gear ever and did not do PCT but we now know that this approach is not good for your health something to think about.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
max lift said:
wow I am don't have enough exp to comment ether, aside from gains you should also think about your health,
back in the day guys used to not come off gear ever and did not do PCT but we now know that this approach is not good for your health something to think about.

I realize that taking a massive dose of test or any other drug for significant periods of time isn't healthy. In fact, I don't think taking any anti-estrogen (used for PCT) like nolva/clomid, any aromatase inhibitors, or taking any AAS (aside from maybe a replacemnt dose of test) is healthy for us. That isn't the point though. And before anybody comes on here and gets shitty by saying "why don't you just take 500mg of anadrol and 100dbol per day if you aren't worried about health", etc., I'm not saying health isn't a concern--just am interested in high dose Test vs. test+other aas.


AnaSCI's Ivan Drago
Apr 3, 2005
I've used 1g a week of test e my last 2 cycles. I don't seem to respond to anything under 750mgs. I'm also running test prop on and off. And obviously a high dose of injectable test is way safer than a ton of Abombs...


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
I agree with Deisel, injecting high dose test would be much safer than high levels of orals but 3 grams a week! WOW! If you don't gain from that then you will not gain from anything! I would be interested to see the side effects though, cholesteral levels would be very high! Nuts would dissappear altogether. One of the advantages of stacking is that you can lower the dosages of all the steroids you take with largly the same or better results. I always stick to the idea, if it is not broken don't fix it. If you are getting great gains from the previous dosages you have taken then why shake it up so much? I would start to look at alternatives after I saw that the previous dosages were ineffective. How long were these guy taking 3 g on for?


Registered User
Mar 9, 2005
Power I Would Email Pin And See What He Thinks, But 3g's In My Opinion Is Way Too Much Especially Since You've Said That This Only Your Third Cycle. 3g's Is More For Someone With Years Of Experience. And Even Then It's Alot. That Kind Of Dosage Is The Kind That You Will Get Perminante Damage From


Registered User
Jul 26, 2005
I agree with these guys if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. Pin would be a good guy to ask though I think a stack would be better for your health.

Big Danny

Sep 21, 2006
As you say, you came from an injury. My advice would be, go on a classic 8 weeks of test 500mg/week and 4 week dianabol at 25mg day.