2nd Cycle


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
Getting started a little sooner than I thought. Got some reports back from the Doc and Test levels are normal. Just got through dropping some BF and feeling really good. Got all my supplies in. I love saying this:

180 tabs 10mg D-Bol
4 - 10ml 250mg Test E
3 - 10ml 300mg Deca
4 - 10ml 50mg Winny
Nova and clomid

With the help of some veterens here I am running this longer than normal.

week 1-6 / 40mg D-Bol ed
week 1-20 / 250mg test e twice a week
week 1-18 / 200mg deca twice a week
week 18-23 / 50mg winny ed

I have been reading many posts on diet. I am going for some bulk here so I have accepted the fact that I need to eat big and I may put on more fat than I hoped. But fat can be lost. But, I have invested close to $800, damnit I am going to get my moneys worth.

Here I go!


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
recess said:
week 1-6 / 40mg D-Bol ed
week 1-20 / 250mg test e twice a week
week 1-18 / 200mg deca twice a week
week 18-23 / 50mg winny ed

The only thing i would change is the winny. personally i would start at week 17 so that i can run it for 6 weeks instead of 5. Other than that you should be able to get pretty good gains on a solid diet.


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
You'll definetly get big. Watch the water retention with the dbol and deca -- drink a gallon of water a day while on cycle if you can.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
daver003 said:
You'll definetly get big. Watch the water retention with the dbol and deca -- drink a gallon of water a day while on cycle if you can.

I keep water at my desk all day. I also have plenty of nova on hand if it (or gyno) get out of hand. I do hope I have everything covered!


Mar 31, 2004
Nolva won't work on gyno induced by deca - but you shouldn't have to worry about it at that dose. I wouldn't run out of test before running out of winny and I wouldn't run deca for that long either. I personally don't go over 12 weeks with deca. Deca is expensive - dont waste it. Everybodys gonna jump down my throat for this but this is what I would do. Take it for what its worth. First - get more test. Then do this:

wks 1 - 18 test e 750mg
wks 1 - 6 dbol 40mg ED
wks 1 - 12 deca 600mg
wks 12 - 17 winny 50mg ED


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
imdaman1 said:
Nolva won't work on gyno induced by deca - but you shouldn't have to worry about it at that dose. I wouldn't run out of test before running out of winny and I wouldn't run deca for that long either. I personally don't go over 12 weeks with deca. Deca is expensive - dont waste it. Everybodys gonna jump down my throat for this but this is what I would do. Take it for what its worth. First - get more test. Then do this:

wks 1 - 18 test e 750mg
wks 1 - 6 dbol 40mg ED
wks 1 - 12 deca 600mg
wks 12 - 17 winny 50mg ED

I am anxious to hear what other think of this.


Mar 31, 2004
daver003 said:
Daman, does Nolva work on gyno-induced by test enan?>

Yes. And I suggest using bromocriptine ED while running deca at any dosage over 400mg / wk - to prevent gyno.

If you don't want to run the higher dosages, then you would be better off dropping the deca after week 12 and then saving what you have left for a later cycle.


recess said:
Getting started a little sooner than I thought. Got some reports back from the Doc and Test levels are normal. Just got through dropping some BF and feeling really good. Got all my supplies in. I love saying this:

180 tabs 10mg D-Bol
4 - 10ml 250mg Test E
3 - 10ml 300mg Deca
4 - 10ml 50mg Winny
Nova and clomid

With the help of some veterens here I am running this longer than normal.

week 1-6 / 40mg D-Bol ed
week 1-20 / 250mg test e twice a week
week 1-18 / 200mg deca twice a week
week 18-23 / 50mg winny ed

I have been reading many posts on diet. I am going for some bulk here so I have accepted the fact that I need to eat big and I may put on more fat than I hoped. But fat can be lost. But, I have invested close to $800, damnit I am going to get my moneys worth.

Here I go!

your cycle will work the way you have it planned but im curious as to why you put the winny in at the end? you might be better off using a 2nd run of dbol the last 5-6 weeks instead of the winny.
here is my suggestion for any future long cycles you may want to plan out. divide the cycle into 2 parts, first 1/2 & 2nd half. run some different products in eact 1/2 of the cycle to prevent oversaturation of one individual product. when i run my long cycles i tend to run 10-12 weeks of test cyp, deca or eq with a drol kicker, thenswitch to 6-8 weeks of prop, tren, winny to finish off the cycle. this will reshock your system to encourage new growth instead of running the same 2 products for the entire 16-18 week timeframe.
from what i have learned from guys i know personally who compete and run very long cycles, they do it very similar to the way i just described.

as a general rule for myself, i try not to run any 1 product for more than 12 weeks at a time before i take a break from using it. i just dont see results after that timeperiod and feel it is then a waste of product to run it to long at a time.


Sep 19, 2004
imdaman1 said:
Yes. And I suggest using bromocriptine ED while running deca at any dosage over 400mg / wk - to prevent gyno.

] I was planning on Test E 1-12 500mg ew
Deca 1-10 400mg ew
Dbol 1-6 50mg ed
I am gyno prone will nolva be effective at these doses? I stocked up for this cylce. I wasn't aware of bromocriptine.


bromocriptine works on progesterone induced gyno where nolva will only work on estrogen induced gyno. at 400mg per week, you probably will not need to worry about progesterone conversion from the deca. you are more likely to get progesterone conversion from tren and it would be best to have bromo at that time.
there are a rare few people though who do experience progesterone induced gyno from deac but it is not very common.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
pincrusher said:
your cycle will work the way you have it planned but im curious as to why you put the winny in at the end? you might be better off using a 2nd run of dbol the last 5-6 weeks instead of the winny.
here is my suggestion for any future long cycles you may want to plan out. divide the cycle into 2 parts, first 1/2 & 2nd half. run some different products in eact 1/2 of the cycle to prevent oversaturation of one individual product. when i run my long cycles i tend to run 10-12 weeks of test cyp, deca or eq with a drol kicker, thenswitch to 6-8 weeks of prop, tren, winny to finish off the cycle. this will reshock your system to encourage new growth instead of running the same 2 products for the entire 16-18 week timeframe.
from what i have learned from guys i know personally who compete and run very long cycles, they do it very similar to the way i just described.

as a general rule for myself, i try not to run any 1 product for more than 12 weeks at a time before i take a break from using it. i just dont see results after that timeperiod and feel it is then a waste of product to run it to long at a time.

Thanks for the split advice. The reason for the winny at the end is that I read injectable winny is superior. Also, it will give solid gains. Less water retention, but good solid muscle. I had hoped that through the cycle I will have made some significant gains. The winny at the end will help to solidify those.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
imdaman1 said:
Yes. And I suggest using bromocriptine ED while running deca at any dosage over 400mg / wk - to prevent gyno.

Wolfy has been running some articles by Pheedno that seem to dispell some of these beliefs. Bromo really makes you feel sick. I wouldn't run it unless there were no other alternatives and there are.

I'm running Deca at 600mg per week right now and EQ and test at 900 without any anti-e's. So far, no problems.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2003
Here and there
Cycle looks good but I agree with running winny for 6 wks. Also, run the deca an extra week so it ends one week before the test e.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2004
The Classroom
jsjs24 said:
Cycle looks good but I agree with running winny for 6 wks. Also, run the deca an extra week so it ends one week before the test e.

I have 40ml of winny. When would you start? Would you go up on test to 750mg/week or leave it alone?