2nd cycle


New member
Aug 18, 2007
28 yrs. old. 5'8 213 lbs 12% bf

My first cycle was test E and d-bolon. It went great, I put on 23 lbs. 20 lbs of that was lean mass.

I'm going to start my next cycle in April. I'm thinking about going with test P this time and useing EQ or tren not sure yet. My goal will be to pack on another 20 lbs. or more of lean mass. So here is what I'm thinking.

Week 1-12 test P 100mg EOD
Week 1-10 tren 75mg EOD or EQ 400mg a week (undecided)
Week 1-4 d-bolon 30mg ED

I'm going to use a-dex .25mg ED for AI and HCG 500IU every 5 days. Noladex and clomid for PCT.

I will need to use proviron as well I belive if using tren or EQ but not sure at what dose? I am all so thinking about adding proviron to my PCT to help with the lowered sex drive, again not sure what dose?

Good, bad tell me what you think. I have a few months to go before my next cycle so any feedback you have for me would be great.



New member
Dec 11, 2007
Vay said:
28 yrs. old. 5'8 213 lbs 12% bf

My first cycle was test E and d-bolon. It went great, I put on 23 lbs. 20 lbs of that was lean mass.

I'm going to start my next cycle in April. I'm thinking about going with test P this time and useing EQ or tren not sure yet. My goal will be to pack on another 20 lbs. or more of lean mass. So here is what I'm thinking.

Week 1-12 test P 100mg EOD
Week 1-10 tren 75mg EOD or EQ 400mg a week (undecided)
Week 1-4 d-bolon 30mg ED

I'm going to use a-dex .25mg ED for AI and HCG 500IU every 5 days. Noladex and clomid for PCT.

I will need to use proviron as well I belive if using tren or EQ but not sure at what dose? I am all so thinking about adding proviron to my PCT to help with the lowered sex drive, again not sure what dose?

Good, bad tell me what you think. I have a few months to go before my next cycle so any feedback you have for me would be great.


Cycle looks great, and for the second cycle, for safety concerns and experience, just hit the EQ, not the TREN. I have done 400mg EQ a week for 12 weeks and bro, success screamed my way. Great cycle with EQ. Deca is next on my list.


Nov 13, 2005
Vay said:
28 yrs. old. 5'8 213 lbs 12% bf

My first cycle was test E and d-bolon. It went great, I put on 23 lbs. 20 lbs of that was lean mass.

I'm going to start my next cycle in April. I'm thinking about going with test P this time and useing EQ or tren not sure yet. My goal will be to pack on another 20 lbs. or more of lean mass. So here is what I'm thinking.

Week 1-12 test P 100mg EOD
Week 1-10 tren 75mg EOD or EQ 400mg a week (undecided)
Week 1-4 d-bolon 30mg ED

12 weeks of test P EOD is ALOT of pokes. Unless you developed alternate inject sites (not just glutes) on your last cycle then your going to feel those sticks bro. Also if you had great results last cycle then keep the same test ester and add another compound.

I prefer deca over EQ, for me the EQ shot my bp to high and it took forever to kick. my stats: 44 yo, 220 lbs, three cycles, (no AAS until 42 yo), 12% bf.

Here is an easier 2nd cycle and would give solid results:

wk 1-14 test E 600 mg / wk
wk 1-12 deca 450 mg wk
wk 1-4 dbol 40 mg ed (get some sythergine to protect the liver)
wk -2 -14 adex .25 mg ed (start 10-14 days before your cycle)
wk 1-14 HCG 500 iu's E7D

wk 15-16 nothing

wk 17 clomid 100 mg ed/nolva 40 mg ed (clomid 300 mg day 1 only)
wk 18 clomid 50 mg ed/nolva 30 mg ed
wk 19 clomid 50 mg ed/nolva 20 mg ed

I'm going to use a-dex .25mg ED for AI and HCG 500IU every 5 days. Noladex and clomid for PCT.

I will need to use proviron as well I belive if using tren or EQ but not sure at what dose? I am all so thinking about adding proviron to my PCT to help with the lowered sex drive, again not sure what dose?

Good, bad tell me what you think. I have a few months to go before my next cycle so any feedback you have for me would be great.


Comments in red.

IMO too many people jump from one thing to another to soon. If you had good success with the test E stick with it (or use cyp). The test prop is typically more painful and EOD gets old quick.

another good board is alinboard.com. Alot of good bros over there, check it out.



New member
Aug 18, 2007
Sound advice, thanks a lot for the feedback. What are your thoughts on using proviron along with adex durring cycle? All so adding proviron to the PCT?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Vay said:
Sound advice, thanks a lot for the feedback. What are your thoughts on using proviron along with adex durring cycle? All so adding proviron to the PCT?

Armidex pretty much does all you need. But proviron is a great addition to any cycle. In addition to the weekly 500IU shot of HCG. 25mg proviron (per day) would be fine just to give you that extra boost. You get it in 25mg and 50mg tabs. So if you get the 50's just snap in half. Proviron is great to be taken during PCT too. Add it with the clomid for that additional kick. When I do PCT for my current cycle I will be doing clomid with 20mg of Nolvadex. Then 10mg of Nolva in the final week.

I assume you take some time off in between cycles. If so something like Tribulus is other great addition to help enhance test production. Tribulus Terrestris causes your body to release luteinizing hormone, which in turn then signals your testicles to naturally produce more testosterone. But Tribulus also prevents your body from recognizing that is producing high levels of testosterone, so your body will not try to then lower it luteinizing hormone levels. So your testosterone level stays high.

I have written about Proviron in other thread this week. The thread is called proviron. So check other peoples comments on that thread too. Hope it goes well.