2nd cycle:EQ+Test. Help requested (Long)


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
2nd cycle:EQ+Test. Help requested

*Edited to take out unneccessary details that made it too long*

2nd cycle of EQ/Test

Here are my 3 main concerns/questions:
1- Should I frontload? SPecifically wondering about the EQ, about 1/2 have told me to frontload or double the dose for first two weeks and the others said don't bother with that. I've read/heard the same about the test cyp/enanthate.

2- Is my dosage scheme good? I am looking for the best results without too many sides. It is my second cycle and I am sensitive to estrogenic sides/water retention, and insomnia (as well as some high blood pressure, I have catapres for that though I'd rather not use it), all of which the aforementioned sustanon 250/week cycle led to. Now, the cyp wasn't from a "reliable" guy so some of the sides may have been caused by impurities, but I plan on being safe for now.

3- Sides of EQ- I've heard anxiety can be a problem at higher dosages and it can aggravate hypoglycemia. I suffer from both anxiety and hypoglycemia, although diet and meds keep them in check most of the time. Test has no effect on this, which is why I am not worried about that but chose to start with a conservative EQ dose.

Here is what I plan:

Weeks 1-16 test cyp or test E 500mg/wk
Weeks 1-2 EQ 600mg/wk
Weeks 3-16 EQ 300mg/wk


B (no frontload)
Wks 1-16 Test cyp/E: 500mg/wk
Wks 1-16 EQ: 300mg/wk

I only questoin my doses because I've read a lot of guys on the boards who are recreational bbers using twice the amounts of EQ and Test (sometimes with other things) I am proposing, this is what has me confused. THey are using 1g+ of test and 500-600mg of EQ or Deca along with Dbol, tren or other stuff despite weighing much less than I. Also, depending on how the test treats me I can always and am willing to up the dose throughout as long as the sides don't kill me (J/K).

Basically, I am trying to run a well balanced conservative cycle that will help me progress without being overkill or making my life miserable due to negative side-effects. I feel that anabolics are just a part of the equation, genetics, training and diet are much more important and I honestly think many guys use too much. This is yet another reason why I am choosing low doses for now (I'm know some don't use enough either, I known 2 people who split a 10wk sust cycle and each did 125mg/wk, LOL).

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
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would you sum it up for us bro....i personally don't feel like reading something for 10 minutes and giving you an answer that takes 20 seconds to write.....


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005

Planning on running 500mg test and 300mg EQ per week. Second cycle, I weigh 220 something and powerlift.

Would frontloading the EQ be a good idea or a waste? What would frontloading do? Does this dose sound sufficient?

Those are my main Q's.


powermad said:

Planning on running 500mg test and 300mg EQ per week. Second cycle, I weigh 220 something and powerlift.

Would frontloading the EQ be a good idea or a waste? What would frontloading do? Does this dose sound sufficient?

Those are my main Q's.

at your size, i'd probably run 600mg/week of test w/ 400mg/eq......at least run the eq at 400 as its a mild drug anyways.........

frontloading is worthless IMO...just stick w/ the normal routine....

run the test till week 12 and the eq till week 11...

and i hope you wont be drug tested in this competition


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I would never cheat by lifting in a tested meet. It is not only unethical but it'd be stupid as I've always one of the handful to get tested when competing in drug-free comps.

Thanks for the advice--so in your opinion running the EQ at 400mg/wk for 11 weeks is better than 16 weeks at 300mg/week?
And I have more than enough test to continue through week 16 (meet week) so I will want to be taking it in the final/most important 4 weeks.

Again, much thanks.


powermad said:
I would never cheat by lifting in a tested meet. It is not only unethical but it'd be stupid as I've always one of the handful to get tested when competing in drug-free comps.

Thanks for the advice--so in your opinion running the EQ at 400mg/wk for 11 weeks is better than 16 weeks at 300mg/week?
And I have more than enough test to continue through week 16 (meet week) so I will want to be taking it in the final/most important 4 weeks.

Again, much thanks.

i'd rather run 400mg of eq as long as you can....300mg hardly gives gains to people a lot smaller than you....and then you can run your test up to about 15 weeks....any longer and you may want to think about getting some HCG.