If you use 100%eo as a carrier, do you even need bb? Ml for ml which is the better solvent?
N nuclear2@12 Registered User Mar 5, 2013 490 0 0 Jun 12, 2013 #1 If you use 100%eo as a carrier, do you even need bb? Ml for ml which is the better solvent?
B bigtiny8859 New member Sep 12, 2013 5 0 0 Dec 18, 2013 #2 EO gets expensive. if youre not doing an especially high mg/ml then why use it?
I Ironbuilt Banned Nov 11, 2012 7,976 0 0 Mûnich , Germany Dec 23, 2013 #3 For chrimey sakes nuclear haven't we been through this in 2012? Its 2014 soon so take notes old man.. Bb is safer and cheaper .oh u should know that also .note it.. Lol Happy Holidays .."throw my hands up!" ..lol
For chrimey sakes nuclear haven't we been through this in 2012? Its 2014 soon so take notes old man.. Bb is safer and cheaper .oh u should know that also .note it.. Lol Happy Holidays .."throw my hands up!" ..lol