TESTESTOSTERONE HEPTYLATE Testosterone heptylate is another
injectable testosterone ester. The French pharmaceutical Company
Laboratoire Theramex is the only firm worldwide which
manufactures this compound and has been selling it under the
drug name Testosterone Heptylate Theramex since 1955.
Testosterone Heptylate Theramex rates high among French,
Belgian, and Dutch athletes since it is readily available,
extremely economical, and very effective - The compound
Testosterone heptylate, like every injectable testosterone, has
a strong androgenic effect which goes hand in hand with a
distinct anabolic component. Testosterone heptylate is excellent
for the rapid buildup of strength and muscle mass. When looking
at the gain rates of bodybuilders who use Tes-tosterone
Heptylate Theramex this steroid, milligram for milligram, seems
to have a stronger effect than enanthate, cypionate, and
Testosterone Heptylate Theramex leads to a strong protein
synthe-sis in the muscle cell and promotes recovery to a high
degree. Ath-letes report an enormous pump effect during the
workout and a noticeable appetite increase after only days of
intake. The gains usu-ally consist of solid muscle since the
water retention that occurs during intake is usually lower than
with enantathe and cypionate. Competing bodybuilders and
athletes normally become puffy be-cause of the testosterone
injections should give Testosterone Heptylate Theramex a try.
Testosterone Heptylate Theramex has a du-ration of effect of 20
days. Although this theoretically allows long injection
intervals athletes usually inject it at least once a week. Men
usually prefer the 250 mg strength while women use the more
conservative 50 mg or 100 mg version. With 250-750 mg/week most
male bodybuilders get on well and make great progress. An
effective combination in the buildup phase, for example, would
be 500 mg Testosterone Heptylate Theramex/week, 200 mg
Deca-Durabolin/week, and 30 mg Dianabol/day. Female
bodybuilders, by taking 50 mg Testosterone Heptylate
Theramex/week, 50 mg Deca-Durabolin, and 15 mg Oxandrolone/day
can obtain good strength and muscle gains without fear of
virilization symptoms.
The potential side effects of Testosterone heptylate are
comparable to those of enantathe and cypionate. Since, when
taking Testoster-one Heptylate Termex, a certain percentage of
the substance con-verts into estrogens in the body, athletes
will also have to take antiestrogens. The administration of
testosterone-stimulating sub-stances such as HCG, Clornifen
citrate or Cyclofenil could be indi-cated since the endogenous
testosterone production is considerably reduced by Testosterone
heptylate. Young bodybuilders should keep in mind that
Testosterone heptylate could lead to an early stunting of growth
since it prematurely closes the epiphysial growth plates.
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