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  1. J

    first cycle input or advice please.

    Hey everyone, i am interested in starting my first cycle. i am thinking of doing a test cyp/winny cycle. i am 175 lbs, 23 yrs old, been working out for approx. 2.5 yrs steady. i would like to slowly throw weight on so that i don't attract more attentiion than necessary, but would like to be at...
  2. J

    GPI Steroids in Canada????

    Hey i have a buddy who bought some gear labeled "GPI" and i was wondering if anyone has heard of it. It has a cheap looking white label with expiry date and some other writing on it and the vial has a green lid. sorry i can't give you anymore info.
  3. J


    Hey i was wondering about using Nolvadex as a supplement to enhance my test production along with kre-akalyne. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any advice is much appreciated
  4. J

    avoid stretch marks?

    Hey, just wondering if stretch marks are a common factor in steroid use, and if they can be avoided. How would someone avoid stretch marks and does it have to do with type of gear or just the fact that you threw on too much weight in a short period of time?
  5. J

    questions about cycles

    im a beginner, never done a cycle....what would someone suggest for a good cycle that wouldn't throw on huge mass, but still increase strength and size a fair amount. im 180 lbs, and i want to increase to maybe 195 or 200 lbs. i can eat everything in sight, and have been working out and eating...
  6. J

    Hey Everyone, NeWB here.

    Hey AnaSci! Awesome to find a site like this, im still in the research stages of my relationship with the gear, and haven't done any cycles yet, so sites like this are great for me to meet folks and ask tons of questions. Anyways, im sure ill be harassing you for information in the near...