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  1. Elvia1023

    Celebrity Bodyguard Reveals Dark Truth About Diddy, J.Lo, Jamie Foxx & More

    OT but this is a really interesting interview I think many will enjoy...
  2. Elvia1023

    Mike Thurston trains with Kevin Levrone

    Mike Thurston trains with Kevin Levrone - YouTube This is something very different that I think many will enjoy. I think even the biggest freaks would massively benefit from adding in an odd session like this from time to time (not often). A massive hit on the CNS but something that definitely...
  3. Elvia1023

    You want to be 300 pounds?

    Another day in my 300lb life! Another day in my 300lb life! - YouTube
  4. Elvia1023

    Great video for guys who struggle to activate their lats

  5. Elvia1023

    A tip when dieting...

    This is far from ground breaking and has been known for many years. I first tried konjac products a few years ago and they tasted horrible but I recently had them again and they were great. Well the noodles were far better than the rice and can be a great addition when you want to bulk on some...
  6. Elvia1023

    Some recent meals whilst I cut

    I am cutting now and mainly having meat with a side salad every meal. Meals are very basic and easy to do but loaded with nutrients. Carbs are low (very low for me) but all are nutrient dense. It looks like I am eating loads of fruit (and I am) but most are low carb and picked for a reason...
  7. Elvia1023

    The Good & Bad Bodybuilding Coach List Continues || Bostin Loyd + Bleu Taylor Discus

    The Good & Bad Bodybuilding Coach List Continues || Bostin Loyd + Bleu Taylor Discus The Good & Bad Bodybuilding Coach List Continues! || Bostin Loyd + Bleu Taylor Discuss Coaches - YouTube
  8. Elvia1023

    Training- Best movements for every bodypart

    Training is a passion of mine and I have pretty much tried everything over the years. The basic movements are generally the best but over the years I have learnt that for me (and others) every muscle can respond differently. I figured I would write this brief thread and others could write what...
  9. Elvia1023

    Diet, Anabolics, Insulin & HGH | Broderick Chavez | Fouad Abiad's Real Bodybuilding P

    Diet, Anabolics, Insulin & HGH | Broderick Chavez | Fouad Abiad's Real Bodybuilding P Diet, Anabolics, Insulin & HGH | Broderick Chavez | Fouad Abiad's Real Bodybuilding Podcast Ep.96 - YouTube Very entertaining and informative.
  10. Elvia1023

    BUILDING BIG PHYSIQUES | Matt Jansen | Fouad Abiad's Real Bodybuilding Podcast Ep.91

    BUILDING BIG PHYSIQUES | Matt Jansen | Fouad Abiad's Real Bodybuilding Podcast Ep.91 - YouTube Really good interview.
  11. Elvia1023

    Great video on inflammation

    How to Manage Inflammation + Site Enhancement in the 90's (Biohacking & Bodybuilding #13) - YouTube
  12. Elvia1023

    The Lowdown on SSRIs: History, Side Effects, and Genetics

    The Lowdown on SSRIs: History, Side Effects, and Genetics - YouTube
  13. Elvia1023

    Ronnie Coleman 2003 Mr. Olympia Training

    I have seen others post RC's training vids before but I don't think this one has been posted. It popped up on you-tube and he really does look ridiculous in them. Just insanely huge with veins popping out everywhere. There won't be another Ronnie for awhile that's for certain... YouTube YouTube
  14. Elvia1023


  15. Elvia1023

    Greatest Promoter of Bodybuilding Opens Up - Wayne DeMilia

    Great interview... Greatest Promoter of Bodybuilding Opens Up - Wayne DeMilia - YouTube
  16. Elvia1023


    I kept forgetting to post these from last year but here are some pics from Galicia in Spain. I had a great trip and seen some amazing sights.
  17. Elvia1023

    CoronaVirus Updates

    I figure this forum should have a thread just about new info anyone reads about or experiences for themselves. Has anyone been tested positive on here yet? I realize it's all over the place and many are probably annoyed with it all. But most of us are stuck at home and this stuff does interest...
  18. Elvia1023


    ARNE LIST: WHY CRAIG TITUS PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE! - YouTube I put this on whilst on the forums thinking it would be boring but this is really good. This guy is really interesting and has been through a lot. Definitely worth listening to.
  19. Elvia1023

    Bostin Loyd and Bleu Taylor first video (insulin, seo, nutrition)

    Bostin Loyd and Bleu Taylor first video - YouTube They talk about the bullshit in the industry. Lot's of talk on nutrition, insulin and seo. How so many competitors lie about usage. They talk about lantus and how he would run it in an off season. Bleu mentions synthetek's syntherol is cream of...
  20. Elvia1023

    REAL BODYBUILDING PODCAST Ep.24 Stan Efferding | The Vertical Diet

    REAL BODYBUILDING PODCAST Ep.24 Stan Efferding | The Vertical Diet - YouTube If you have the time this is a good video. All common sense but I think "The Vertical Diet" would work great for the majority of people. Stan explains things very well as always. There are some very good tips in this...