Search results

  1. squatster

    crazy stuff farmers use legally

    Monsanto Chemical Shown to Cause Infertility and Super Weeds Roundup - there are some cool ass articles on round up and how people and live stock are becoming infertile and cancer Profit driven greed
  2. squatster


    Fun place Put some shit on there this week Have so many people get a hold of you. You give them your info - the call 50 thousand times and never show up. I have one guy - he sent me his number so I kept my email Short with him and gave him my email address - He got back to me -What are you...
  3. squatster

    David Bowey died

    Died of cancer Sorry - didn't know he was still alive One crazy dude
  4. squatster

    Dream home give away

    HGTV is doing there dream home give away on there wen site - once you regester you can enter 2 times per day The give away 1 or 2 homes per year with cash and a brand new SUV Think this one is over $1 million in cash and prizes Check it out and start entering to win
  5. squatster


    $800 million dollars and counting WTF Think I would treat every one to a cycle or 3 in a Mexican resort on the beach for a few months
  6. squatster

    surgery this week

    My bicep is 98% torn off On by a hair Top of for arm has 3 big tears The looked at MRI today and said I need surgery this week at the latest??? I have pic of MRI but don'tdon't know how to post it. Doesn't hurt Just feels like an ok workout. I will need a recovery cycle with what ever is needed...
  7. squatster

    E mail back

    It's great to have email back again. I thought I lost my safe-mail addresses. 15 + years of info
  8. squatster

    cancer causing agents in juice

    What was the ingredient that some steroids have in them That can cause cancer? The old Chinese IP used to advertise that his injectable didn't have any of the cancer causing agents in it
  9. squatster

    sponsored specials

    Is there a certain location that the sponsors can put there special advertisements? You can find them one moment and then they can't be found again and by then they are to late If this post broke any rules- so sorry - just trying to help our sponsors and interested followers If braking rules...
  10. squatster

    Empty Bottles

    What do you guys do with your empty bottles? I always get nervous every time I need to get rid of all the bottles. The syringes are bad enough getting rid of. -After a cycle I have a few hundred used pins. Just want to stay safe
  11. squatster

    thimucus? thymucus

    Does any body remember the tube of thimucus- not sure how it was spelt at all It used to be one of the only creams or ointments that you could rub on areas of fat and the stuff would melt fat quickly. Back in the late 80's and eirly 90's it was on the market and then the company discontinued it...
  12. squatster

    very best abb work out

    What is the very best abb work out for big thick abbs I have always had little baby abs all my life and I'm ready for the big thick ones
  13. squatster

    why is tv and cable so expesive

    Why is it so much money for cable TV $100 to $300 a month for some Is there any cheeper way at all yet or alternatives Phones are out of this world also there must be some thing by now? We used to be able to buy boxes and get all the channels The cable company's went to Congress and made it so...
  14. squatster

    Rowdy' roddy piper dies at 61

    Roddy Pipper (Roderick Toombs) died at age 61 on Friday
  15. squatster

    kayaking F NO

    I got stuck up side down under the water the other day- I couldn't do any thing- just suck water My buddy couldn't flip me back up so he went under and grabbed me out Must have looked funny as all hell. I asked him what took him so long- he said he was laughing so hard at me he kept suckling...
  16. squatster

    Atom Ant

    We're is ? how is he? Any word?
  17. squatster

    more pics of some IP stuff that expired in 2006

    Trying to post the pics but keep getting a upload error This sucks
  18. squatster

    any one remember IP from china colors?

    I found 2 bottles I had One had white pills and light blue pills - think the light blue are clomids?? Another bottle with yellows and pinks Also found the clen mixture that he used to sell before he went out
  19. squatster

    juice and deodorant

    Every time I get to about the 3rd week my deodorant stops working and I have to change out and get a different brand Why? Is it PH? Tell ya the truth-when on juice I have to switch to a woman's deodorant- the men's stuff just doesn't work for me while on
  20. squatster

    what does what

    Is there a way or would it make sense for some one to make a post on- what does what in peptides? And is there a way it could stay up top where we all could use it real easy instead of doing time consuming searches every time? On my phone it is tough to do searches - for me it doesn't work...