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    PIP on first test e injection?

    It seems some people have issues with test E from my reading. Can't say i have. Try it in your glute next time.
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    unflavored protein

    I have often ordered unflavored powder. So i could avoid all the extra chemicals that do nothing for my health or growing more muscle. The 30 seconds it takes to down a drink really is not a problem for me even if it is unflavored. I have chewed and swallowed lots of crap that i didn't care for...
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    Did you contact the individuals who are in charge to find out?
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    Decriminalizing Testosterone

    Same thing can be said about fast food and big trucks.
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    Decriminalizing Testosterone

    I think it should be regulated the same as estrogen is for women. Seems fair to me.
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    Expired gear

    Some studies have shown drugs can still be potent many years after their expiration dates. I use them all the time past that date. https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2012/10/08/study-expiration-dates-have-nothing-to-do-with-shelf-life-of-drugs/...
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    Powder texture

    It has a lower melting point then some powders. So it can be sticky or gummy.
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    Protein powder vs Creatine

    Those 2 things really aren't comparable. Keep reading and learning.
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    Can I get some insight as someone whos about to do HGH for the first time?

    I have been using it at replacement dose for years but did not get any real dramatic change. I started using it to recover from some surgeries 10 years ago and lost 10 pounds but i was also watching what i ate as i knew i was going to be less active during recovery. Some of the loss was muscle...
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    Before and After Muscle!

    I already know what the before and after look like from that!
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    New Testing Round

    I did. Hence my quote on the low number of donors in previous months. Especially those wanting to pay for testing.
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    New Testing Round

    I am sure that Bio is aware. And 2 donations in the last 3 months really doesn't sound like much to me.
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    Test cyp powder appearance

    As long as the powder stays away from the melting point it should remain in powder form. I have tesy cyp powder that is a few years old and still in it's powder form.
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    Does gear last longer as powder or as oil?

    Freezers can be susceptible to condensation. Labs usually don't store their powders in them or refrigerators. Cooler and dark is fine. I have mine in an ice chest in my closet to avoid light, temp and humidity changes. Powders have lasted for years doing that.
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    Does gear last longer as powder or as oil?

    Well research labs leave their powders as is when storing them for a long time. Coming in contact with oils(which can go rancid) or solvents would seem to be more likely to me to possibly cause degradation to some degree. Everything else being equal. But i have used both that have been stored...
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    good compounds for BJJ

    Sounds like low dose T will get you what you want.
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    You want to be 300 pounds?

    At 5'7" 300 pounds is never attractive.
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    Any HRT users say fuck the insurance and stockpile homebrew?

    I go through my Dr. to get my script and blood work. And do my own shots. $40 for a 10ml vial. Then supplement with what ever home brew i want. Mostly Primo E these days.
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    damn tren kicking my ass

    How many forums do you plan to spam with that question.