Dianabol Dianabol
(17-alpha-methyl-17beta-hydroxil-androsta-l.4dien-3-on) is a
new, orally applicable steroid with a great effect on the
protein metabolism. The effect of Dianabol promotes the protein
synthesis, thus it supports the buildup of protein. This effect
mianifests itself in a positive nitrogen balance and an improved
well-being. The calcium balance is positively influenced as
well: Dianabol promotes the calcium deposits in the bones.
Dianabol is indicated in the treatment of all diseases and
conditions in which an anabolic(protein-buildup promoting)
effect and a generally roborizing (entire organism
strengthening) effect can be obtained.
Dianabol is similar to the chemical structure of 17-alpha
methytestosterone. Dianabol, therefore, has a very strong
anabolic and androgenic effect which manifests itself in an
enormous buildup of strength and muscle mass in its users.
Dianabol is simply a "mass steroid" which works quickly and
reliably. A weight gain of 2 – 4 pounds per week in the first
six weeks is normal with Dianabol. The additional body weight
consists of a true increase in tissue (hyper-trophy of muscle
fibers) and, in particular, in a noticeable retention of fluids.
Dianabol aromatizes easily so that it is not a very good drug
when one works out for a competition. Excessive water retention
and aromatizing can be avoided in most cases by simultaneously
taking Nolvadex and Proviron so that some athletes are able to
use Dianabol until three to four days before a competition. The
dosage spectrum, in particular for bodybuilders, weightlifters
and powerlifters is very wide. It ranges from two tablets per
day up to twenty or more tablets per day. Accordingly, an
effective daily dose for athletes is around 15-40 mg/day. The
dosage of Dianabol taken by the athlete should always be
coordinated with his individual goals. Steroid novices do not
need more than 15-20 mg of Dianabol per day since this dose is
sufficient to achieve exceptional results over a period of 8-10
weeks. When the effect begins to slow down in this group after
about eight weeks and the athlete wants to continue his
treatment, the dosage of Dianabol should not be increased but an
injectable steroid such as Deca Durabolin in a dosage of 200
mg/week or Primobolan in a dosage of 200 mg/week should be used
in addition to the Dianabol dose; or he may switch to one of the
two above mentianed compounds. The use of testosterone is not
recommended at this stage as the athlete should leave some free
play for later. For those either impatient or more advanced, a
stack of Dianabol 20-30mg/day and Deca Durabolin 200-400 mg/day
achieves miracles.
In fact, athletes who are not ambitious to compete will make
highly satisfying progress with Dianabol. Competing athletes,
more advanced athletes, and athletes weighing more than 220
pounds do not need more than 40 mg/day and in very rare cases 50
mg/day. It does not make sense to inerease the number of
Dianabol tablets immeasurably since fifteen tablets do not
double the effect of seven or eight. Daily dosages of 60 mg+
usually are the result of the athlete's ignorance or his plain
despair, since in some athletes, due to the continued improper
intake of steroids, nothing seems to be effective any longer.
The simultaneous intake of Dianabol and Anadrol is not a good
idea since these two compounds have similar effects. The
situation can be compared to the intake of ten or more tablets
of one of these drugs per day. Those who are more interested in
Strength and less in body mass can combine Dianabol with either
Anavar or Winstrol tablets. The additional intake of an
injectable steroid does, however, clearly show the best results.
To build up mass and strength, Sustanon or Testoviron Depot at
250 mg+/week and/or Deca Durabolin 200 at mg+/week are suitable.
To prepare for a competition, Dianabol has only limited use
since it causes distinct water retention in many athletes and
due to its high conversion rate into estrogen it complicates the
athlete's fat breakdown. Those of you without this problem or
who are able to control it by taking Nolvadex or Proviron, in
this phase should use Dianabol together with the proven
Parabolan, Winstrol Depot, Masteron, Anavar, etc.
Since Dianabol's half life time is only 3.2-4.5 hours 1
application at least twice a day is necessary to achieve a
somewhat even concentration of the substance in the blood.
Scientific tests continue to show that on days of intense
workout compared to rest days, the half-life time of Dianabol is
reduced even further so that an application three times daily
appears sensible. Since Dianabol is also 17-alpha alkylated and
thus largely protected against a loss in effect, it is
recommended that the tablets be taken during meals so that
possible gastrointestinal pains can be avoided. On the third day
after discontinuing the intake of Dianabol, proof of the
substance methandrostenolone (methandienone) in the blood is
negative. This means that the tablets are no longer effective.
The athlete, however, should not proceed under the assumption
that a urine test will be negative since the elimination of the
metabolites of the substance methandrostenolone through the
urine continues much longer. The maximum substance concentration
of Dianabol reaches the blood after 1-3 hours. A simple
application of only 10 mg results in a 5-fold inerease in the
average testosterone concentration in the male (2). An important
reason why Dianabol works well in all athletes is that the
endogenous cortisone production is reduced by 50-70%. Thus,
Dianabol considerably slows down the rate at which protein is
broken down in the muscle cell.
Women should not use Dianabol because, due to its distinet
androgenic component, considerable virilization symptoms can
occur. There'are, however, several female bodybuilders and, in
particular female powerlifters who use Dianabol and obtain
enormous progress with 10-20 mg/day. Women who do not show a
sensitive reaction to the additional intake of androgens or who
are not afraid of possible masculinization symptoms get on well
with 2-4 tablets over a period not to exceed 4-6 weeks. Higher
dosages and a longer time of intake bring better results;
however the androgens begin to be noticeable in the female
organism. No woman who continues to care about her femininity
should take more than l0 mg/day and 50-100 mg of Deca
Durabolin/week over 4-6 weeks.
Although Dianabol has many potential side effects, they are rare
with a dosage of up to 20 mg/day. Since Dianabol is 17-alpha
alkylated it causes a considerable strain on the liver. In high
dosages and over a longer period of time, Dianabol is
liver-toxic. Even a dosage of only 10 mg/day can inerease the
liver values; after discontinuance of the drug, however, the
values return to normal. Since Dianabol quickly inereases the
body weight due to high water retention, a high blood pressure
and a faster heartbeat can occur, sometimes requiring the intake
of an antihypertensive drug such as Catapresan. Additive intake
of Nolvadex and Proviron might be necessary as well, since
Dianabol strongly converts into estrogens and in some athletes
causes gynecomastia ("bitch tits") or worsens an already
existing condition. Because of the strongly androgenic component
and the conversion into dihydrotestosterone. Dianabol has
significant influence on the endogenous testosterone level.
Studies have shown that the intake of 20 mg Dianabol/day over 10
days reduces the testosterone level by 30-40% (3). This can be
explained by Dianabol's distinct antigonadotropic effect,
meaning that it inhibits the release of the gonadotropic FSH
(follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) by
the hypophysis. Another disadvantage is that,after
discontinuance of the compound, a considerable loss of strength
and mass often occurs since the water stored during the intake
is again exereted by the body. In high dosages of 5O mg+/ day
aggressive behavior in the user can occasionally be ebserved
which, if it only refers to his workout, can be an advantage. In
order to avoid uncontrolled actions, those who have a tendency
to easily lose their temper should be aware of this
characteristic when taking a high D-bol dosage. Despite all of
these possible symptoms Dianabol instills in most athletes a
"sense of well-being anabolic" which improves the mood and
appetite and in many users, together wilh the obtained results,
leads to an improved level of consciousness and a higher self
For years, the steroid black market has been the only supply
source for athletes to get Dianabol where, proverbially, D-bol
is available in all colors, forms, sizes, and under any
imaginable name. Those, however, who are only interested in
original compounds,should make sure that the selected compound
is part of the list with common trade marks for
methan-drostenolone (methandienone) or that the compound looks
like the one in the photos following this description. According
to our experience the Thailandian Anabol tablets and the Indian
Pronabol-5 are the best compounds. The "Thai-landians," as they
are often called by their users, can be easily identified. They
are pentagonally shaped, of pink color and indented. One
thousand tablets are packaged in a plastic bag which is
contained in a labelled plastic box the size of a drinking
glass. Note that the manufacturing date and not the expiration
date is printed on the label. The plastic box is usually also
shrink-wrapped. The price for a 1000-package lies around $500-$
1000 on the black market. The Indian Pronabol-5, simply called
"Pronas," is enclosed in an oblong box with ten strips of 10
tablets each. These tablets are round, white, and indented on
one side. The original Pronas can be easily recognized since
they come in a silver aluminum strip with a double bottom, and
have a purple irnprint so that the tablets are invisible. Since
the fake Pronabols are indented as well one must make certain
not to purchase tablets in bulk or tablets contained in a normal
push-through strip. Original Pronas, cost approximately $ 100
per package on the black market. Other easily available original
compounds are the Polish Metanabol and the Czech Stenoion.
For a long time the Polish Metanabol was packaged in a small
brown glass vial of 20 tablets each. Unfortunately, the tablets
are not indented or marked so the contents of the vials can be
easily substituted. Since 1994, Metanabol has only been
available in blister strips of 10 tablets each, of orange color,
and with their own packaging. The Czech Stenolon tablets have
two indents on one side and Come in push-through strips of 20
tablets. Each push-through strip is included in a yellow-grey
package. Note that there is no package insert since the entire
user information is printed on the back of the small carton. On
the black market usually only individual strips without
packaging can be found since the packaging takes up too much
room when smuggled. Because of the interesting price of these
two compounds it is not unusual to find athletes who take
tmentyor more tablets daily. The Rumanian Naposim contains 20
tablets in 2 blisters.
The Russian Dianabol is packaged in push-through strips of ten
tablets each. Ten push-through strips are contained in a green
box or are held together by a black rubber band and a rag
similar to toilet paper. The imprint on the push-through strips
is either blue or black. The tablets are not indented and it is
of note that the substance amount is given in grams
(0.005g/tabl.) Since the price is low the Russian Dianabol is
often taken in two-digit quantities. Although the tablets cost
only 2-4 cents in Russia, a price ef $0.50 is quite acceptable
on the black market. The situation with the Russian compound is
a little different since, in the meantime, numerous athlets have
experienced unusual side erfects with these tablets. They range
from nausea, vomiting, and elevated liver values to real cases
of illness which have forced one or more athletes to stay in bed
for several days. These tablets, however, have one thing in
common: there is no doubt that they work powerfully. Due to the
unusual number of side effects and simultaneously the positive
effect, there is speculation that the Russian Dianabol is a
simple 17-alpha methyltestosterone. Since Dianabol as already
mentioned, a derivative of it, the two substances have similar
effects. The fine difference, however is that oral 17-alpha
methyltestosterone is clearly more androgenic and therefore
causes more strain on the liver. Our opinion is that processing
of the 17-alpha methyltestosterone in methandrostenolone was
probably not carried out completely in the Russian Dianabol;
consequently, several tablets contain a mix. It is also possible
that during manufacturing of the Russian Dianabol old, expired,
tablets were mixed with the produced substance and made into new
tablets. We want to explicitly emphasize, however, that these
are only speculations. Unfortunately, there are Already fakes of
the Russian tablets available. They are only recognized as such
after l-2 weeks of their intake when "nothing happens." As said
before, in our experience the best results can be obtained with
the Thailandian Anabol tablets and the Indian Pronabol
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